"Great Immortal, I don't know what level the Immortal Cultivation World that communicated with us this time has reached?"

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but ask.

Under the leadership of Ye Hao, the chatting masses also entered the world of the Immortals.

Except for Yue Buqun who entered the Shushan Transmission World to carry out group tasks, all the other group members decided to participate in this civilizational exchange.

This is a new feature opened by chat groups, and it is represented by Daxian as a representative, which may hide huge benefits.

If you don't participate, you may indeed gain a few more days of cultivation time.

However, if you have great benefits but do not participate, I am afraid that you will regret your death.

Even Zheng Zhao, who was in the space of the main god, used the doppelganger technique that was not yet proficient, leaving a doppelganger to fool the main god, and the body participated in this civilizational exchange.

"If the world level of civilizational exchanges is too high, I am afraid that we will not have the opportunity to perform."

Chen Jinnan and Bai Xiaofei were both worried.

Although they all participated in this civilizational exchange with the intention of playing soy sauce.

However, at least make a trick and say two words.

If the world level of civilization communication reaches the level of the perfect big world, or the level of the star world, the strong people who represent the world exchange are probably all sacrificial level powerhouses, or Hongmeng controllers.

In the face of the supreme powerhouse at this level, they didn't even know how to speak.

"This time the world of civilization exchange, Zheng Zhao should understand, can be called the world of immortals."

Ye Hao directly handed over the introduction to Zheng Zhao.

"O Immortal World! This is a world of cultivation, the world level is not high, and it is not as good as the world where His Majesty 04 and Zhang Zhenren performed group missions before. "

When Zheng Zhao heard this, he looked excited and said.

"If the plot has just begun, the number one strong person in the world should be Dao Xuanzhen, the cultivation of the Taiqing Realm."

"If you count the sealed beast god, the beast god is the strongest in the world."

"However, their combat effectiveness, I can't say what realm they have reached, only one thing can be confirmed, it is definitely not very strong."

"Qingyunmen, as the first sect in the world, except for the Dao Xuanzhen people of the Taiqing Realm, there are only a dozen cultivators of the Upper Qing Realm."

"The age of these cultivators is only more than three hundred years old, the most heaven-defying ancestor of Qingyunmen, and the Qingye Daoist has only lived for more than seven hundred years."

Although Zheng Zhao could not determine whether the cultivators of the Taiqing Realm and the Shangqing Realm corresponded to the Jindan Realm, the Yuan Infant Realm, or the Transformation God Realm of the Immortal Realm.

However, he was sure that cultivators who had only cultivated for more than three hundred years, or could only live for more than seven hundred years, would definitely not be strong.

[Great Qin Zulong sent a red envelope to the reincarnation. 】

"10,000 spirit stones, can you send me the Immortal Novel?"

Huan Zhengqiang endured the excitement in his heart, his face was as usual, and while sending a red envelope to Zheng Zheng, his voice was calm and said.

In the world of immortal cultivation exchanged this time, the strongest Terran cultivator, Dao Xuanzhen, was only more than three hundred years old.

Even if his talent is against the sky, I am afraid that his strength is at the level of the Yuan Infant Realm and the Transformation God Realm, and his strength is comparable to him.

To communicate with the world at the level of the Immortal World, it is impossible for the Great Immortals to go out directly, naturally they go first.

He may be able to hang the Immortal World.

"Your Majesty, I will send it to you."

Zheng Zhao's mouth almost smiled crookedly, and he looked excited.

Another 10,000 spirit stones were credited.

These bigwigs in the chat group are really too rich.

In the future, he may be able to rise in chat groups by selling novels, movies, and comics.

[Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist priest sent a red envelope to the reincarnation. 】

[The graphic designer sent a red envelope to the reincarnation. 】

[Master Wing Chun Yip sent a red envelope to the reincarnation. 】

Seeing this, the chattering masses also sent a red envelope of 10,000 spirit stones to Zheng Zhao.

For the old people in the chat group, 10,000 spirit stones are insignificant.

They used to buy task cards, and when they swiped tasks, the value of each task card was 10,000 points, and they bought more than a dozen mission cards or even dozens of mission cards every day.

Now that they know that the level of the Immortal World is not high, they have a chance to perform in this civilization exchange, and they spend 10,000 spirit stones to buy the novel of the Immortal World, and they don't have any hesitation.

[Huashan sent the head of Yue to send a red envelope to the reincarnation. 】

Even Yue Buqun, who was on a group mission in the Shushan Legend World, bought the novel in advance.

Ninth Uncle: "".

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: ".

There were only two newcomers in the chat group, Ninth Uncle and Mr. Tang Men Da with bitter faces.

10,000 spirit stones is not a small amount for two newcomers.

[The Great Elder of the Tang Gate sent a red envelope to the reincarnation. 】

Mr. Tang Da gritted his teeth, but still purchased 10,000 spirit stones and sent them to Zheng Zhao.

The novel corresponding to the Immortal must record a lot of information in the world of the Immortal, and if it is obtained in advance, it will help the next civilizational exchange.

If you can perform well in the process of civilization exchange, the reward will definitely exceed the value of 10,000 spirit stones.

For Mr. Tang Da, who had previously earned more than one million points by selling the Douluo World Gate to enter the permission, spending 10,000 points to buy spirit stones for Zheng Zheng was a little heartache, but he was still able to accept it.

"Earn points, I must earn points."

The Ninth Uncle's face turned blue for a while and white for a while, and in the end he still did not buy the Immortal Novel.

After joining the chat group, he has not performed group tasks, and the points he has obtained are all obtained by checking in on the check-in page.

Although he was able to advance 100,000 points of immortal cultivation resources from the Great Immortal in advance, he was completely able to take out 10,000 spirit stones.

However, he had already advanced tens of thousands of points to purchase immortal cultivation exercises, spells, and magic weapons. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He can only withdraw more than 30,000 points of immortal cultivation resources now.

If you spend almost a third of the purchase of the Immortal Novel, the price is too great.

He is only refining Qi Realm now, and the gap between his strength and the rest of the chat group is too big.

Even if you know the plot of the Immortal World, in the world where civilized communication with the forces of the Immortal is carried out, I am afraid that it is far inferior to the rest of the chat group.

"Look at how others in the chat group are communicating and look for opportunities."

Ninth Uncle was helpless.

The poor can only do the poor way.

Communicate with the masses and the world of the Immortals to get information from them.

"The strength of the cultivators of the Shangqing Realm should be equivalent to the cultivators of the Jiedan Realm, the Taiqing Realm should be equivalent to the Yuan Infant Realm, and the power of the Immortal Sword Array may reach the level of the Transformation God Realm."

Chen Jinnan voiced his guess.

The novel is only more than a million words, and with the strength of the chat masses today, it only takes a few breaths to watch it.

Through the text description in it, the chat masses can still approximate the strength level of the Immortal World.

"The Qingyun Gate, which has the longest inheritance in the Immortal World, has been passed down for more than 2,000 years, and its foundation is still very weak."

"Whether it is alchemy, the auxiliary cultivation system such as alchemist or formation is not mature, and there is not even a special professional division such as alchemist, alchemist, formation mage, etc."

Ye Man nodded gently, agreeing with Chen Jinnan's speculation, and at the same time, he also said his own analysis.

"The Immortal World is a simple world of immortal cultivation systems, with no fighting qi system, no martial arts system, and no magical energy system."

"In the Immortal World, although there are divine beasts, spirit beasts, and fierce beasts, the number is too small to form the kind of thousands of races."

Bai Xiaofei added.

"If nothing else, anyone in the chat group who stands up and communicates in some aspects may be able to defeat the Immortal World."

Gao Yao smiled.

Their vision is not comparable to that of the Immortal World at all.

They have seen the Great Immortal Hanging and beating the ruthless Emperor, the Great Immortal suppressing the Dark Immortal King, and the Great Immortal sealing the Ten Great Yan Luo.

"So where should we start communicating?"

Guo Jing also looked relaxed.

Not to mention the others, just the immortal cultivation exercises he practiced, the spell completely crushed the three top cultivation 997 exercises in the world of immortals, namely Taiji Xuanqing Dao, Dafa Panruo, and Burning Incense Jade Book.

"Exercises, spells, magic weapons, formations, elixirs, spirit beasts, talismans, etc., we all seem to be much stronger than the Immortal World."

Xia Houwei looked happily annoyed.

Except for the three newcomers in the chat group, they didn't have enough foundation to come up with top-notch immortal cultivation resources.

The old man in the chat group has all kinds of resources that far exceed the level of the Immortal World.

The nine-turn golden crow technique cultivated by Liu Peiqiang is the Immortal Dao Exercise.

The Great Qin Tianxi, the magic weapon of the Zheng Zheng, is a quasi-emperor-level magic weapon.

Zhaoyue has the fruit of the Heavenly Immortal Tree, which is a top immortal fruit in the perfect world.

All this is without considering the Great Immortal.

"Otherwise, let the forces of the Immortal World first raise the topic of communication, and then we will crush it."


This time the civilization exchange, he must fight against the cultivators of the Immortal World who doubt life.

"In order to prevent the cultivators of the Immortal World from collapsing, we can give some benefits to the cultivators of the Immortal World when communicating, so that they can keep going."

Ying Zheng smiled, and his voice was extremely gentle.

The more ruthless the forces that crush the Immortal World, the better, and the more generous the rewards of the chat group.

However, there is a premise to this.

It can make the cultivators of the Immortal World collapse, and they must not be allowed to give up communication.

Therefore, there must be a bait hanging in front of the eyes of the cultivators of the Immortal World, so that even if they break their teeth and collapse, they must continue to communicate.

"Don't forget, we are a martial arts chat group, and you first use the crystallization of martial arts civilization that you have mastered to communicate with the cultivators of the Immortal World."

"Then we will exchange exchanges in scientific and technological civilization, fighting qi civilization, magic civilization, etc., and finally exchange immortal cultivation civilization."

Ye Hao reminded and said.

The collapse of directly using the Immortal Cultivation Civilization to crush the cultivators of the Immortal World greatly affected the degree of communication.

Give them some hope of winning first, and then they hang them up and crush them.

Chat masses: ""...

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