"Here it comes! There were only twenty-two figures in total, so few people. "

"Have you figured it out? Wait a minute, where to start communicating? "

"Hahaha, I already have a brilliant idea, I want to compare the art of flying in the air with the people of the martial arts chat group."

"You are also too shameless, how can a martial arts master fly? Too bullying, you have this idea to mine. "

"Can anyone sense their breath? I don't know if the strength of these people in the martial arts chat group is as strong as my Qingyunmen Yuqing Realm disciples? "

As the figures of Ye Hao and his party appeared on the high platform on the other side, the eyes of all the forces in the Immortal World swept their eyes to the huge high platform.

Even on the land of Shenzhou, the eyes of ordinary people looked at Ye Hao and his group in unison, looking shocked.

What is the origin of these people in martial arts chat groups?

How dare they communicate civilized with the immortals and demons of their world, are they not afraid of losing incomparably miserable?


At this moment, a simple, thick, melodious bell sounded on the huge high platform, echoing in every corner of the land of Shenzhou.

"The Civilization Exchange Conference has officially begun!"

The voice of the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal World sounded, majestic and indifferent, supreme and mysterious.

"Welcome all the Daoists of the martial arts chat group, Yu Yangzi, the master of the Lower Immortal Hall."

A figure with eyebrows in sideburns, handsome appearance, looking about thirty years old, dressed in black costumes, flew directly to the center of the high platform, looking extremely calm and confident, and his eyes flashed with a thick ambition.

The Immortal Hall is one of the four major sects of the Demon Sect, and Yuyangzi is a demon leader who has been cultivating for hundreds of years, and he is also a top master in the Shangqing Realm.

"This is my chance!"

Yu Yangzi looked down at the figure of the chatting masses, and her heart was fiery.

He always wanted to make the Eternal Life Hall the number one sect of the Demon Sect, but unfortunately, the Eternal Life Hall did not accept it, and there was no successor.

He alone had no strength to compete with any of the Ghost King Sect, Hehuan Sect, or Ten Thousand Poison Sect.

Now it is an opportunity, if he alone can crush the martial arts chat group and break the Dao heart of the martial arts chat masses, he will definitely get the reward of the heavenly way.

At that time, the Immortal Hall will definitely be able to become the first sect of the Demon Sect, and it will even be possible to dominate the Demon Sect.

Even under his leadership, it is possible for the Demon Sect to destroy the right path and occupy the land of the Central Plains.


The head of Qingyun Gate, Dao Xuanzhen, the abbot of Tianyin Temple, and the ghost king sect master Wan Xiang and others all looked cold and very dissatisfied.

Yu Yangzi was so shameless that he directly took action personally.

With Yuyangzi's strength, I am afraid that no one in the chat group is Yuyangzi's opponent, and Yuyangzi is the first to communicate and is the easiest to win.

"Don't say I bully you, you can compete with me in any way"

Yu Yangzi directly ignored the hostility of Dao Xuanzhen, Abbot Puhong, Wan Xiang and others, and looked at the chatting masses with playful eyes.

Dao Xuan Zhenren actually wanted to be the first to appear in their hearts, but they were just good face, so they were reserved and did not make a move.

He Yuyangzi did not have such scruples.

"Yu Yangzi, the master of the gate of the Changsheng Hall, the magic weapon Yin Yang Mirror, the strength is weaker than the lord of the peak of the Qingyun Gate, relatively arrogant, quite scheming, unfathomable in the Tao, hating the righteous path sect, bent on developing the Changsheng Hall and dominating the rivers and lakes"

The chatting crowd watched the imperial sword flying, and the extremely confident Yuyangzi couldn't help but think of the information about Yuyangzi obtained from the novel.

"Since the Great Immortal first let us communicate with the forces of the Martial Arts Civilization and the Immortal World, then we can't use the resources of any other cultivation system."

Although the chatting masses can't say that everyone can see through Yuyangzi's strength, at least half of them can still roughly judge Yuyangzi's strength through Yuyangzi's breath.

Upper and lower in the middle of the Jiedan Realm.

"Gao Yao, the head of the country in Lower Kyushu, has seen Yuyangzi Daoyou, and is willing to exchange cooking skills with Taoists."

Gao Yao did not hesitate and walked out quickly.

If he didn't use the Immortal Cultivation Realm, he was now just a martial arts master of the Grandmaster Realm, and he couldn't beat Yuyangzi at all.

However, the think tank had previously drawn up a plan for him.

Since there is no restriction on the exchange of any civilization, cooking also belongs to the part of communication.

Before he joined the chat group, he was a canteen chef, and after joining the chat group, he even raised his cooking skills to the level of a god-level chef in the martial arts world.

Later, after cultivating immortals, cooking also became his hobby.

Therefore, even if the scope of communication is limited to martial arts civilization, he can make extremely delicious dishes, and even make people wash their muscles and improve their skills.

Yuyoko: "??? "。

Dao Xuan Zhenren, Abbot Puhong, Wan Xiang and others: "??? "。


The people in this martial arts chat group do not play cards according to the routine.

Cooking skills exchanged.

How can they cultivate immortals?

"Gao Yao Daoist, cooking is a mundane thing, the cultivation realm of the master of this sect has already reached the realm of opening valleys, and cooking has long been of no use to me and the others."

Yuyangzi looked disdainful.

Sure enough, a martial arts person who can't get on the countertop actually compares cooking skills with him, why not compare farming with him?

"In the world where Yuyangzi Daoyou is located, is the level of culinary civilization so low? It turned out to be in the barbaric era. "

"I will make a dish for everyone, Bodhi Transformation Liquid, this dish uses blood Bodhi, thousand-year-old ginseng, and blood Ganoderma lucidum as ingredients, which is not only delicious, but also able to cut off limbs and remnants, cleanse the body and soul, strengthen qi and blood, and also have a certain effect on the cultivators of the Shangqing Realm."

Gao said and began to cook.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Gao Yao finished cooking.

The dishes are fragrant, bright red and crystal clear, as transparent as agate, and it makes people mouth-watering just looking at it.

"Yuyangzi Daoyou, it's your turn!"

Gao Yao smiled lightly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Yuyoko: ".

The aroma that permeated the dishes gave him a feeling of discovering the treasures of heaven and earth, even if the Bodhi Transformation Liquid was not as heaven-defying as Gao Yao said, it was absolutely true that it would be helpful to the cultivators of the Shangqing Realm.

He doesn't want to say that making such a delicious and effective dish, even ordinary dishes, he can't make it.

"Yuyangzi Daoyou, please say the name of the dish you are going to make, otherwise, I will think you have lost."

Gao Yao didn't seem to see Yu Yangzi's ugly face, and urged.

"I'm going to trade cultivation with you, let's speak with strength."

Yuyoko was embarrassed.

"Just now it was the Taoist friend who said that it is okay to communicate with any aspect, and now the Taoist friend wants to communicate with us about the lower moral limit, see who is shameless enough?"

Gao Yao's face remains unchanged and his language is sharp.

After the continuous cultivation of the think tank of the Kyushu State of the mythical world, the overall quality of Gao Yao has been significantly improved.


The magic weapon in Yu Yangzi's hand, the yin-yang mirror spewed out a ten-zhang-long black light, and his eyes narrowed slightly, exuding a cold killing intent.


At this moment, a purple heavenly thunder condensed in the sky, directly penetrating Yu Yangzi.

Yu Yangzi, the master of the Immortal Hall, one of the top cultivators of the Divine Land, directly fell, and his soul flew away.

"Yuyangzi Daoist friend was wiped out by the Heavenly Dao of your world because of the violation."

"Fellow Taoists, who can beat Gao Mou in cooking, please stand up and communicate."

"If no one comes forward, it means that your world's civilization in terms of cooking is not as good as the martial arts chat group."

Gao Yao's clarity was not affected in any way by the fall of Yuyangzi, and his eyes turned to the various forces of the Immortal World.

How much does it take to defeat a Yuyangzi?

In terms of culinary skills, crushing the world of the Immortals of Speech is a real big contribution.

"Stupid Yuyoko!"

"This idiot dies well."

"Yuyangzi, this idiot still has a little contribution, at least his death tells us not to act recklessly in the process of communicating with the martial arts chat group."

"No wonder the Immortal Hall has declined, with such a door master, I am afraid that the Immortal Hall has not collapsed because of the thick foundation."

The faces of Qingyunmen, Tianyin Temple, Ghost King Sect, Demon Beasts and other forces were very ugly, and they constantly cursed Yuyangzi.

Who did Yu Yangzi think he was, and he actually said wild words so that the people in the martial arts chat group could communicate with him about any aspect of civilization.

It's good now!

When Yuyoko dies, she dies.

Yuyangzi died, and the long (of) Shengtang no longer had a strong man who could handle it, and it completely turned into a piece of fat meat, which was suitable for them to divide.

What really annoyed them, Yuyoko was too embarrassed by their world.

The first communication with the martial arts chat group, because of arrogance, lost too miserably and miserably.

It even touched the whole world.

"In terms of culinary civilization exchanges, the Shenzhou Continent is defeated."

After about thirty breaths, no one from all the forces of the Immortal World responded, and the voice of the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal World sounded.

"The old man Ghost King Sect Master is eager to exchange strength with all Daoists."

Ten thousand people did not talk nonsense, stepped on an ancient blue, four-legged and two-eared big ding, and flew to the center of the high platform.

He wouldn't make a foolish mistake like Yuyoko.

His strength is comparable to the peak of the Shangqing Realm, except for the Qingyunmen's Dao Xuanzhen who makes him fearful.

There is also the Qingyunmen's Immortal Sword Array, in addition, there is no one in the right path who deserves his attention.

"When the old man defeats everyone in the martial arts chat group, and then the old man teaches the exercises of the Ghost King Sect to these people in the martial arts chat group, then this exchange will be over."

Thousands of people are incredibly confident.

He wants to let the exchange end here, he wants to win and not give others a chance.

He will be the terminator of the exchange conference!.

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