"Buzz~", "Buzz~", "Buzz~"

Ye Hao ran supreme divine powers, incarnating himself one by one into the chaotic universe in the endless space.

"The Hongmeng Chaos Universe is somewhat similar to the Flood Barren Chaos Universe, and it has become a Chaos Great Sage who controls the Chaotic Yin and Yang Law."

"The Qingtian Chaos Universe is somewhat special, and the cultivation system is to open up the world, then I will use Hongmeng Avenue ~ to open up the Hongmeng Great World."

"The cultivation system of the innate chaotic universe turned out to be a devouring system, devouring the origin of all things in heaven and earth, and the weak cultivators in the entire world are the food of powerful cultivators, and the incarnation of entering this chaotic universe can simulate the laws of the chaos demon path."

After Ye Hao's doppelganger entered these chaotic universes, according to the situation of these chaotic universes, he placed a suitable doppelganger for his doppelganger.

Then he displayed a Heavenly Mechanic technique beyond the imagination of these Chaos Universe cultivators.

Since the Chaos Great Sages of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe want to enter other Chaos Universes, then the Chaos Great Sages of other Chaos Universes definitely want to enter other Chaos Universes as well.

With this bait hanging, it was very easy to let these Chaos Great Sages in the Chaos Universe enter the Chaos World he opened.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great World Art Advanced! "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Devouring Technique Advanced! "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Five Elements Technique Advanced! "

After refining the Chaos Universe one after another, the Dao Fruit of the Chaos Great Sage, Ye Hao's foundation and magical powers were also rapidly improving.

Each of these Chaos Great Sages has existed for hundreds of millions of years, and after becoming a Chaos Great Sage, they are desperately perfecting the Chaos Law Avenue they control.

After Ye Hao fused and refined these Chaos Great Sage's Dao fruits, coupled with his heaven-defying understanding, all of these Dao fruits were quickly absorbed by him.

"The endless space is really big!"

After Ye Hao fused and refined into hundreds of Dao Fruits of the Chaos Great Sage, he couldn't help but sigh.

On the Endless Space Territory Map he now possessed, the Chaotic Universe recorded had exceeded 10,000.

"Master of the Chaos Universe!"

At the same time, Ye Hao also obtained some information about the controller of the Chaos Universe.

In the endless space, although many Chaos Great Sages have never seen the Chaos Universe Master.

However, all the Chaos Great Sages knew very well that there was indeed a Chaos Universe Master in Endless Space, and even more than one.

Among the many ruins in the endless space, there were forces and supreme laws that far exceeded the Chaos Great Sage.

"You still need to be careful."

Ye Hao said darkly.

After obtaining the Dao Fruit of a Chaos Great Sage in the Chaos Universe, Ye Hao left at the first time.

"When I refine the Origin Will of the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe, I will know what level of powerhouse the Chaos Universe Master is."

With the continuous refining of the Dao Fruit of the Chaos Great Sage, Ye Hao's doppelganger power in the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe became stronger and stronger, and his perception of the Origin Will of the Chaos Universe became clearer and clearer.

Replaced by other Chaos Great Sages, they may have tried to attack the Chaos Universe Master.

Ye Hao was not in a hurry.

When he controls the Three Thousand Chaos Laws, he can directly refine the Chaos Universe Origin Will.

Moreover, this time will be fast.

"Becoming the master of the Flood Chaos Universe is just the beginning."

Ye Hao's eyes looked into the depths of the endless space, and the stars in his eyes were brilliant.

After he was able to forcibly refine the Origin Will of the Flood Chaos Universe, he was naturally also able to forcibly refine the Origin Will of the Heber Chaos Universe, the Black Fool Chaos Universe, and the Innate Chaos Universe.

"The mission in the Great World of Immortal Life can also be over."

Ye Hao communication chat group.

This time, he used a god-level mission card, and the task was to obtain a complete heavenly artifact.

With his current strength, not to mention the heavenly artifacts, it is the creation artifact above the heavenly artifacts, and how much he wants to create is just a matter of moving his mind.

It can even refine a supreme artifact comparable to the Gate of Eternal Life.

However, the requirement of the task was to hand over the heavenly artifacts, and he handed over the higher-level creation artifacts, and the supreme artifacts were useless.

"Manbao River~"

Ye Hao's heart moved, and he refined a similar heavenly artifact after the magic weapon of the Treasure Heavenly Monarch of the Immortal Great World.

The Wanbao River of the Heavenly Monarch is a Heavenly River forged with all his life, containing many holy immortal weapons, as well as the Heavenly Artifacts, each of which can almost compete with the Heavenly Monarch, and the powerful magic weapon can even kill the Heavenly Monarch. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The only difference between Ye Hao's Wanbao River and the Wanbao River of the Treasure Heavenly Monarch is that all the Heavenly Rivers are heavenly artifacts.

"Ding-dong! Mission completed, reward 500 billion points. "

The prompt of the group system sounds.

"Ding-dong! The god-level mission card has a 10,000-fold point bonus, and congratulations to the immortal cultivator for obtaining 5,000 trillion points. "

Listening to the prompt tone of the group system, Ye Hao couldn't help but show a thick smile on his face.

The price of a god-level mission card is 1 trillion points.

Moreover, he is also a chat group administrator and can be purchased at half price, that is, 500 billion points.

He now has 5,000 trillion points and is fully capable of purchasing 10,000 god-level cards.

If he used all his points to buy god-level understanding cards, he would be able to buy 10,000 god-level understanding cards, and his understanding would definitely reach a more heaven-defying and terrifying level.

If it is used to buy god-level crossing cards, it is also possible to buy 10,000 god-level crossing cards, which can travel through 10,000 different high-level worlds.

If it is used to purchase god-level mission cards, god-level deduction cards all have similar anti-heavenly effects.

"Buy 10 god-level mission cards."

"All the remaining points are used to purchase god-level enlightenment cards, and they are used immediately."

Ye Hao quickly made a decision.

God-level mission cards can be rewarded with 10,000 points.

As long as he has 10 god-level mission cards in hand, he can continuously earn massive points.

As for the god-level traversal card and the god-level deduction card, they may be purchased at any time.

"Now that the Dao Fruit of the Chaos Great Sage level is constantly fusing, it is about to refine the Origin Will of the Chaos Universe, and it is precisely the time to improve the understanding."

Ye Hao was looking forward to how far his understanding would go against the sky after using more than nine thousand god-level comprehension cards.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on purchasing 9990 God-level Enlightenment Cards. "

"Ding-dong! You have used 9990 god-level enlightenment cards. "


Ye Hao only felt that his soul exploded, and the whole person turned into a chaotic universe, looking down at the three thousand chaotic laws, the endless creatures of the chaotic universe, beyond all B.

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