"Ding-dong! Congratulations on comprehending the Law of Chaos Destiny! "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on comprehending the Law of Chaotic Time! "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on understanding the law of chaos cause and effect! "


Almost at the same moment, the prompt tone of the swarm system kept ringing.

The Chaos Avenue Law of the Flood Barren Chaos Universe controlled by Ye Hao instantly reached twenty Chaos Avenue Laws.

This is just the beginning!

Thirty Chaos Avenue Rules!

Forty Chaos Avenue Rules!

Fifty Chaos Avenue Laws!


A hundred laws of Chaos Avenue!

Two hundred Chaos Avenue Laws!

Three hundred Chaos Avenue Laws!


The Chaos Avenue Law of the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe, Ye Hao could control one of them with almost every breath.

Even the avatars of other chaotic "seven two seven" universes are quickly controlling the chaotic avenue laws of these chaotic universes.

After his understanding was greatly improved again, Ye Hao's understanding had broken through the imagination of ordinary people and reached an incredible height.

For other Chaos Great Sages, it would take hundreds of millions of years to control a Chaos Dao Law.

And Ye Hao only needed one breath.

"I now want to become the master of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe and explore things."

The easier it was to become the controller of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, the calmer Ye Hao became.

Becoming the master of the Chaos Universe can mobilize the Chaos Universe Origin and can easily obliterate the Chaos Great Sage.

However, even the Chaos Universe Master did not control all the Chaos Avenue Laws.

Ye Hao wanted to see his Origin Will forcibly refining the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe and becoming the master of the Chaos Universe.

Is there any difference between other Chaos Universe Masters?

Master a thousand Chaos Avenue Laws!

Master the 2,000 Chaos Avenue Laws!

Master the 3,000 Chaos Avenue Laws!

Controlling the Three Thousand Chaos Avenue Law was much faster than Ye Hao expected.

As he controlled more and more Chaos Avenue Laws, the speed of control became faster and faster.

Because there are also the same places between different Chaos Avenue laws.

"At this moment, the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe no longer has any secrets for me."

Ye Hao ran the Three Thousand Chaos Avenue Law of the Flood Barren Chaos Universe, and the supreme divine light flow had the same characteristics as the Origin of the Flood Barren Chaos Universe.

Ye Hao didn't say that becoming the controller of the Flood Barren Chaos Universe was an easy task to create a chaotic universe that was the same as the Flood Barren Chaos Universe.


Ye Hao directly shot and forcibly refined the Flood Barren Chaos Universe Origin.


The Origin Will of the Flood Barren Chaos Universe would not be so yielding, and mobilized his Origin Will to prevent Ye Hao from refining the Flood Barren Chaos Universe.

The entire Flood Desolation Chaos Universe is trembling, the river of time is churning, and the ocean of destiny is rolling backwards, like a demon god in the world is recovering, exuding terrifying power, making endless living beings tremble.

Even the powerhouses of the Chaos Great Sage level were like mangs on their backs, trembling.

"How can the Origin Will of the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe tremble?"

Yuan Shi Tian Demon looked puzzled.

Although he came from the Great Immortal World and entered the Flood Barren Chaos Universe not long ago, after he became the Chaos Great Saint of the Flood Barren Chaos Universe, he had insight into almost all the heavenly machines of the Flood Barren Chaos Universe.

The Origin Will of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe is the supreme existence of the entire Chaos Universe, and even if the Heaven and Earth Tribulation breaks out, the Origin Will will not react at all.

According to the ancient history he had gained insight into from the river of time, the Origin Will of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe had never had such a huge turmoil.

"Could it be that someone is attacking the Chaos Universe Master?"

The figure of the mythical old man appeared silently beside the Yuan Shi Heavenly Demon, his expression was shocked.

Regardless of the relationship between the two of them in the Immortal World, after they came to the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe, the two of them subconsciously formed an alliance of advance and retreat.

Hongjun, Demon Ancestor, and Yang Mei, the Chaos Great Sages of the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe, naturally had a heartfelt fear of these cultivators from other worlds.

"Is this the movement that strikes the Chaos Master?"

Hongjun, Demon Ancestor, Yang Mei, and other Chaos Great Sages of the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe were puzzled.

Although they did not encounter the masters of the Chaos Universe in the Endless Space, they still collected some relevant information from other Chaotic Universes and some relics of the Endless Space.

In a chaotic universe, if a chaotic universe controller is born, the chaotic universe origin will is cheerful0.....

Every supreme being who can become a Chaos Controller is recognized by the Chaos Universe Origin Will before they can become a Chaos Master.

All the Chaos Great Sages who forcibly attacked the masters of the Chaos Universe, as a result, there was only one, and they were wiped out.


The Flood Desolation Chaos Universe Origin Will only trembled for a few breaths before it paused.

After Ye Hao became the existence that controlled the Three Thousand Chaos Avenue Law, he was already able to suppress the Chaos Universe Origin Will, and it was not too difficult to refine it.

"Is this the power of the Master of the Chaos Universe?"

When Ye Hao refined the Origin Will of the Chaos Universe, his gaze could penetrate the obstacles of time and space, clearly seeing all the creatures in the past in the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, and they could all be resurrected.

Even if he has completely fallen, like Pangu with broken true spirits, he can create from nothingness and recreate the originally broken true spirits.

One look of his can obliterate the Chaos Great Sage of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, and with a movement of his mind, he can destroy all the living beings of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe and destroy an era.

"No wonder it is difficult for the Chaos Great Sage to meet the Chaos Universe Master, because the difference in strength between the two is too large, and the Chaos Universe Controller only has a strong person of the same level in the eyes."

"Moreover, the Chaos Universe Master can use the power of the Chaos Universe in order not to damage his 1.5 Chaos Universe."

"These chaotic universe masters will hide the chaotic universe they control in the first place."

Ye Hao did not choose to hide the Flood Barren Chaos Universe.

Because, he doesn't care at all.

"Next, it's time to refine other chaotic universes."

The incarnations of chaotic universes such as the innate chaotic universe, the tai void chaotic universe, and the Laibo chaotic universe are also the chaotic avenue laws that begin to control these chaotic universes.

Almost every moment, there was a chaotic universe of three thousand chaotic avenue laws completely controlled by Ye Hao.




After becoming the master of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, Ye Hao began to rapidly refine other Chaos Universes. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He wants to become the master of thousands of chaotic universes!

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