Master of the Flood Chaos Universe!

Innate Chaos Universe Master!

Too Void Chaos Universe Master!

Ye Hao didn't know if there was an existence similar to him in the endless void, becoming the controller of more than one chaotic universe.

However, one thing he could be sure of was that absolutely no one could quickly become a multi-party chaotic universe controller after becoming a chaotic universe controller on one side.

Even the chaotic universe controlled may be thousands.

"Although there are many similarities in the Chaos Avenue Law in each chaotic universe, there are still many differences."

"Every time I control the Three Thousand Chaos Avenue Law of a Chaotic Universe, the Three Thousand Avenue I control will become more and more perfect and powerful."

Every time he controls a chaotic universe, Ye Hao's strength has improved to a certain extent.

At the same time, Ye Hao's heritage has also improved a lot.

Like in the Flood Barren Chaos Universe, the Immortal Cultivation System is the mainstream cultivation system, which is spread all over the three thousand worlds of the Flood Barren Chaos Universe, and the endless plane world.

In some other chaotic universes, the cultivation system is not the only one, and there are even multiple cultivation systems that can cultivate to the realm of the Heavenly Saint or even the realm of the Chaos Great Sage.

These cultivation systems are the crystallization of the wisdom of countless sages, and 05 Ye Hao's control of these chaotic universes is also the essence of these cultivation systems in an instant.

"This avatar will continue to control more chaotic universes."

"Next, it's time to use the ten god-level mission cards purchased."

Ye Hao opened the god-level mission card, in addition to wanting to open more advanced worlds and get more channels to become stronger.

At the same time, he also hopes to get more points that can be used to buy god-level savvy cards to improve his own understanding.

Of course, the higher the understanding, the better.

"Ding-dong! You get a ten-star group quest. "

[Ten Star Group Mission: Get a Hongmeng Spirit Treasure, time period: one month. ] 】

"Coiled Dragon World?"

"The world level is too low!"

Ye Hao instantly saw the situation in the mission world and couldn't help but shake his head.

The Panzhilong World is a world of the same level as the Star World, and this level of world is no longer of any help to Ye Hao.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao first established an underground mansion in the Panzhilong World, leaving an endless void positioning, and then refined a combined first-class Hongmeng Spirit Treasure by himself, and then directly applied for the end of the mission.

"Ding-dong! Mission completed and 500 billion points earned. "

"Ding-dong! God-level mission cards have a 10,000-fold reward bonus and earn 5,000 trillion points. "

The prompt of the group system sounds.

"All of them are used to purchase god-level enlightenment cards, and use them immediately."

"Ding-dong! You buy 10,000 God-level Enlightenment Cards. "

"Ding-dong! 10,000 god-level savvy cards to use. "

Ye Hao only felt that ten thousand ways flowed in his heart, the endless rules were clearly visible, and at a glance, all the mysteries of heaven and earth that he saw could be instantly comprehended and understood in his chest.

At the same time, Ye Hao's exercises for his next realm were also successfully comprehended, and the gray orb in the dantian was about to move, and it could open up into a Qiankun world at any time.

"Continue to use the god-level mission card."

"Ding-dong! You get a ten-star mission. "

[Ten-star mission: Obtain an innate treasure with a time period of 100 years. ] 】

"It's a pity, it's just an ordinary flood world."

Ye Hao used the Great Heavenly Mechanic Technique and realized that the highest level realm of the Flood Barren World was only the Great Dao Realm, which was equivalent to the Chaos Great Sage level of the Flood Barren Chaos Universe.

"Ding-dong! Mission completed, get 1 trillion points. "

"Ding-dong! God-level mission cards have a 10,000-fold point reward bonus and earn 1 trillion points. "

Ye Hao did not have any hesitation, according to the pattern of the Pan Dragon World, he also created a prefecture now to mark the location of the Flood Desolation World in the Endless Void, and then applied for the task to be completed.

"All used to purchase god-level understanding cards."

"Continue to use the god-level mission card."

Except for the points obtained by the last god-level mission card, Ye Hao planned to leave a small part to buy god-level mission cards, and all the rest to buy god-level understanding cards.

The points obtained by the first nine god-level mission cards were all used by Ye Hao to purchase god-level savvy cards to improve his understanding.

"Ding-dong! You get an eleven asterism quest. "

After Ye Hao used multiple god-level mission cards in a row, his group level was increased again.

[Eleven Star Group Mission: Obtain a Chaos Treasure. 】

"Ding-dong! You get an eleven asterism quest. "

[Eleven Star Group Mission: Suppress a Supreme. 】

"Finally opening up a world of superiority."

Not knowing how many god-level mission cards to use, Ye Hao couldn't help but show a smile on his face.

This time, the god-level mission card opened the world where the mission was located, and the world level of the reckless world was not as good as the fairy world that Ye Hao crossed.

However, there are also strong beings who are comparable to the masters of the Chaos Universe, and there are even more powerful beings than the controllers of the Chaos Universe.

"The vast world of recklessness is intertwined with countless time and space, and there are countless celestial bodies, among which the largest and most powerful are the nine chaotic universes, of which eight chaotic universes have no controllers, and only the Sith Chaos universe has a chaotic universe controller."

Ye Hao was not interested in becoming the master of the Chaos Universe in the Great World of Recklessness.

The thing that interests him is the last era of the reckless world. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the last era, there were not nine chaotic universes in the Great World of Recklessness, but an incomparably vast and majestic continent.

Even because the Origin is too strong, it forms a life of will.

The controller of the Sith Chaos Universe is the Primordial Supreme who survived from the previous era, and by chance, he became the only controller of the Chaos Universe in the Reckless Great World.

In the beginning, the Supreme discovered that a universe in the position of the continent in the previous era was still slowly absorbing the surrounding matter, and in the process of formation, it was not really perfected.

Once truly perfected, it can be combined with the Delimitation Monument Stone to reproduce the vast continent of the previous era.

If he can control this continent, he will definitely become an existence that is more powerful than the controller of the Chaos Universe.

Ye Hao intends to recreate the continent of the previous era, understand the structure and composition of this continent, and create a similar continent, or even a higher level and a more vast huge celestial body.

460 "Big Time Technique! "

"Great World Art!"

"Large Space Technique!"

Ye Hao operated hundreds of supreme divine powers to accelerate the formation of a special universe.

Moreover, quietly obtained the boundary monument of the primordial controller.


In the outside world, only a few breaths may have passed, and the time flow rate in the region where the special universe is located has passed hundreds of millions of chaotic epochs, and it has been completely perfected.

"Delimitation Monument!"

Ye Hao merged the boundary monument and the special universe into one, and the special universe was rapidly changing, frantically absorbing the surrounding matter.

In the entire Great Desolate World, except for Ye Hao, no one could interfere with the formation of the Endless Continent.

Even the only master of the Chaos Universe in the Great World of Recklessness couldn't do it.

"Time acceleration!"

Under Ye Hao's intervention, the speed of the formation of the endless continent was hundreds of millions of times faster, and without the other Chaos Universe cultivators noticing, a continent much wider than the Chaos Universe formed.


At the same time, in the Immortal World, all the chaotic universes controlled by Ye Hao are also changing, devouring the surrounding special substances, becoming more vast and vast.

The stronger the Chaos Universe Origin controlled by the Chaos Universe Master, the stronger the power of the Chaos Universe Controller.

"Go on!"

After having the harvest of the Reckless Great World, Ye Hao also continued to speed up the opening of the god-level mission card.

He had a feeling that as his gains continued to increase, it was not far before he broke through to the realm of Qiankun.

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