The world will help the master: "Hahaha group task, trigger a group task, or everyone can participate." "

Xiongba smiled, but the smile was extremely weird and cold.

The more terrifying the way to execute the Second Elder Xuanxi, the more terrifying and miserable they are, and the richer the reward.

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "As a reward for the Second Elder Xuanlu, I will definitely give the Second Elder Xuanlu an incomparably terrifying and miserable death." "

A thick smile also appeared on Yue Buqun's face, and his gaze towards the Second Elder Xuanxian was full of nuclear goodness.

Before the second elder Xuanlu died, he finally became a good person and contributed a group task to them.

"However, be a good person in the future!"

The chat group was a little hairy in his heart for the punishment of the Second Elder Xuanxi, and secretly reminded himself.

Daxian has deduced him, and he will completely burst out the hypocrite's nature in the future, that is to say, although he is not a decent gentleman now, he has not done too many bad things.

As long as it is maintained, the comprehensive evaluation should also be considered a decent person.

Da Qin Zulong: "You have to think about it, who has any amazing execution plan, and introduce it to everyone." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "It seems that the chat group is biased towards decency, and some of the Destiny villains in the chat group should pay attention, hoping not to become the target of punishment in the chat group in the future." Funny JPG"

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Heaven and Earth Association Chief Helmsman Chen: "Zhang Sanfeng deserves to be the number one in the world, come to one of your birthday banquets, unexpectedly trigger two group tasks, give you a double click 666." "

The bad mood of the chatting masses suddenly became good.

"What do you want to do?"

The Second Elder Xuanxi, who wanted to harden his breath, said in a trembling voice.

After Hebiweng and Deer Cane found that they no longer begged for mercy and preferred to die, the group of mysterious people in front of them actually smiled one by one.

It's just that the smile is too weird, too cold.

Not to mention that the second elder Xuanlu who faced the smile was lying on the ground, silently healing his injuries, while silently observing the situation, the empty abbot, the extermination master and others also felt cold behind their backs and their scalps numb.

It was a perversion that could not be described in words.

These mysterious people just looked at each other, did not even communicate, and then the smile on their faces was richer than the other, and the information contained was too rich, making people look too scared, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

Even more frustrating than when they slaughtered the Yuan Court masters before, making people dare not look at them directly.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Great Immortal, what do we do next?" "

Immortal cultivator: "You can play freely." "

For group tasks that can earn points, Ye Hao is not refused.

"Since you have made a request, then we will satisfy you."

After getting Ye Hao's approval, Zhang Sanfeng walked in front of the second elder Xuanxian and directly sealed the internal force of the two.

Second Elder Xuanlu: "??? "。

Why is the script completely different from what they think?

Didn't these righteous people directly give them a happy death after they showed their unyielding momentum?

What does it mean to meet our requirements now?

Did he really use all means to torture them both?

"Yuanqiao, you all think about it, what horrific death method can make the more frightened and miserable the deceased, the better."

Zhang Sanfeng turned to Song Yuanqiao, Zhang Cuishan and the others and asked.

It's about points rewards, and of course it's brainstorming.

Second Elder Xuanlu: "??? "。


Do you have a special meeting?

"Zhang Zhenren, you are a martial arts senior, highly respected, how can you do this?"

The second elder Xuanxi, who finally got angry, turned pale, only felt creepy, almost scared, and both of them collapsed to the ground, and their words were straight.

They were loyal to the Ruyang Royal Mansion, and when they saw the Ruyang Royal Mansion torturing the prisoners, they knew how frightening those punishments were.


The abbot of Kongwen, the extermination master, the fifth elder of Kuangzheng and the others also instantly appeared dense cold sweat on their foreheads, swallowing spit one after another, and they seemed to have said similar words.

Zhang Sanfeng shouldn't have executed them in this way, right?

"You all listen to me, now you all give me me, each of you to think of a way to make these two people feel fear, die miserable."

"Whoever can't say it, I'll let these two come up with a way to execute you."

After seeing Zhang Sanfeng's operation, Xiongba pointed at the Second Elder Xuanxi, and shouted a threat to the martial arts people who had not yet passed out.

This time, he must come up with a very terrifying, extremely miserable way to let the second elder of Xuanxian die.

A group of martial arts people: "??? "。

Second Elder Xuanlu: "??? "。 (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"It starts with you!"

Xiongba said as he walked towards the extermination master on the ground, and said coldly.

"Rip them off with cramps!"

The extermination master wanted to get tough and stand up directly to fight with Xiongba, but when the words came to his lips, he changed his words in an instant.

If she dares to be tough, not only will her death be very miserable, but if the other disciples of the Emei Sect follow suit, none of the Emei Sect disciples of the Wudang Sect today will want to go down the mountain alive.

The disciples of the Emei Sect who climbed Wudang Mountain this time were all elites of the Emei Sect.

If all of them are damaged in Wudang Mountain, the Emei faction will completely decline, or even become a thing of the past.

"'.put the two of them to death!'

Xiongba walked to the next person, and Ji Xiaofu, who was lying on the ground, did not resist when he saw the extermination master, and also quickly said a way to execute the second elder of Xuanlu.

"Throw them into the pan."

"Put it directly in the cage and steam it."

"The way you cook the frogs in warm water, cook the two of them little by little."

"Divide them into five horses."

"Let them ride on wooden donkeys."

The Second Elder Xuanlu had never felt such regret, and he couldn't wait to fan himself to death, only feeling that he was afraid to fly.

Before letting that great immortal bury them, they would be dead.

Why force that?

It's good now.

They don't know what horrific means they will use to die a miserable death.

As for the group of martial arts people lying on the ground, they trembled, and if Xiongba did not ask, no one even dared to take a big breath.

For fear of causing some misunderstanding, these horrific punishments will be applied to them. Some martial arts people with fragile psychological endurance were directly frightened to death.

"I feel that ordinary punishment, or poison, can only be regarded as a general method of execution, like the Three Corpse Brain God Pill, the Leopard Fetus Easy Tendon Pill, this execution method is one point stronger."

"Is there a martial art like splitting bones, this martial art should be more terrifying than many punishments."

"Physical execution should not be comparable to spiritual execution, is there any poison or martial arts for the spirit?"

The people in the chat group couldn't help but communicate, as if discussing a topic, extremely focused and serious.

Second Elder Xuanlu: ".

Don't you know that they are already suffering the most horrific punishment at this time?

In front of them, discuss how to make their deaths more terrifying, more miserable, and what could be more terrifying than this?

If they were given another chance, they would kill themselves immediately.

What kind of existence have they provoked!?

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