"Chat group, we provide a plan to execute the Second Elder Xuanxi, is it a plan that we are capable of doing now, a plan that we know, or a plan that we can conceive?"

Ye Hao secretly asked the chat group while listening to the discussion of the chatting masses.

"The scheme you know."

"For example, you know some kind of poison, some kind of punishment, some kind of martial arts, some kind of secret art and so on, not a scheme that is imaginary."

The voice of the swarm system sounded.

"In that case, I'm going to have to think about it."

Ye Hao was also lost in thought.

The fairy world is famous for soul burning techniques, curse techniques, soul splitting techniques, god devouring pills, enslavement pills and so on.

The life and death talisman of the Heavenly Dragon World, the Bone Transformation Palm of the Luding Ji World, the Three Corpse Brain God Pill of the Smiling Jianghu World, and so on.

"It's that I think it's complicated, since it is a plan to make the Second Elder Xuanxi feel fear and die, then use the Avenue of Fear to execute the Second Elder Xuanxi."

The corner of Ye Hao's mouth couldn't help but outline a smile.

There are three thousand avenues in the world of immortal cultivation, and naturally there are also avenues of fear.

All the fears of the fairy world are contained in the Avenue of Fear.

"The death of the Second Elder Xuanlu under the Avenue of Fear is also a high-end death method."

Ye Hao had an idea in his heart, so he quietly watched the performance of the chatting masses.

"Let me start first."

At this moment, Ye Man spoke.

"I know that the most terrifying punishment is Ling Chi's execution of 3,600 knives, so let's use this punishment of 570 to execute the Second Elder Xuanxi."

He couldn't think of a more horrific punishment either.

Ye Man's words fell, and two small knives condensed in front of the second elder of Xuanxian out of thin air.

In a sound of bitter screams and wails of pain, the Second Elder Xuanlu died.

As for the martial arts people lying on the ground, they were all pale and terrified at this time.

At least half of the people, because of their trembling hearts, were too frightened and passed out.

These people are not mortals at all, they simply follow their words.

Just said that Ling Chi was executed, and two knives condensed in the void, really putting the Second Elder Xuan Chen to death for Ling Chi.

The scene is too weird and terrifying.

"Ding-dong! Master Wing Chun Yip offers a death penalty of 1,000 points. "

At the same time, everyone also received notifications from the chat group.

"Finally dead!"

The group of martial arts people who were lying on the ground and still retained consciousness all breathed a sigh of relief.

What they experienced today was so subversive, how they wanted it to be a dream, and when they woke up, everything was back to the way it was.

Now they just want to go back early, leave the Wudang Sect early, and return to their once ordinary world.

In this life, in the next life, they will not come to Wudang Mountain again.

"Ah~", "Ah~"

At this moment, two familiar screams sounded.

Zheng (abde) is the second elder of Xuanxian who has died a long time ago, and at this time, their bodies and spirits have returned to normal, but their memories are still immersed in the pain of Ling Chi just now.

"Alive again?"

The pupils of the abbot, the extermination master, and the others shrank sharply, and they only felt that their heads were dizzy and trembled.


Definitely a fairy!

Able to come back to life!

No wonder they couldn't beat Zhang Sanfeng, it turned out that Zhang Sanfeng was an immortal cultivator.

It's just that these immortals are also too ferocious!

After being executed with punishment once, after being resurrected, he continued to use other punishments!

"Directly feed them with the Three Corpse Brain God Pill, and then let the poison erupt."

Yue Buqun said his method of executing the Second Elder Xuanxi.

Abbot Kongwen, Extermination Master Tai and others:".

Before they heard the chattering masses discuss the Three Corpse Brain God Pill, there is a corpse worm in it, once out of trouble, it will drill into people's brains.

And Yue Buqun let the Second Elder Xuanlun eat the Three Corpse Brain God Pill to eat, how many do you have to eat?


A hundred?

How many corpse worms will there be?

"First give the second elder Xuanlu a leopard fetus easy tendon pill, and then put on the bone transformation palm."

"Execute the Second Elder Xuanlu with the Bliss Worm."

"Execute the Second Elder Xuanxian with the Yang Vein Eight Curses and Yin Vein Eight Curses of the Yin-Yang Family."

Under the numb and trembling gazes of the abbot of Kongwen, the extermination master, the fifth elder of Kuangzheng, and others, the second elder of Xuanxian died again and again, and resurrected again and again.

Every time the tragic situation of death, even these bystanders were cold all over their bodies, and they were terrified.

At this moment, they just want to end early.

Whether it was to end their lives or throw them under Wudang Mountain, they were extremely happy.

They were too afraid, trembling every moment, for fear that they would become the second elder of Xuanxian Nether.

Because, even if they commit suicide, this group of terrifying immortals will resurrect them again, and there are countless horrific methods that they can hardly imagine to execute them.


After the death of the Second Elder Xuanxi, whose whole body was covered with Yin and Yang spell marks such as the Six Souls Fear Curse, the Sleeping Spell Seal, and the Hollow Spell Seal, the chattering crowd turned their attention to Ye Hao.

The methods they used to execute the Second Elder Xuanlu were varied, but they still did not go beyond the boundaries of mortals.

They very much wanted to see how terrifying the punishment methods of the fairy world were.

"Use the Avenue of Fear to execute the Second Elder Xuanxi."

Ye Hao glanced at the extremely painful, but very sober Second Elder Xuanxian and ordered.


Ye Hao's words fell, and the endless Avenue of Fear instantly descended on the Heavenly World, time, space, fate, and everything else lost its meaning, and everything was shrouded in the Avenue of Fear.

All the fears in the world turned into the reality of the two elders of the Xuanlu, and even if the huge fear made the souls and will of the two elders of the Xuanlu two could not bear it, they could not die.

Because, here, fear reigns supreme.

Master death!

In the gaze of the chatting masses, the second elder Xuanxi seemed to be thrown into countless worlds, countless time and space, and endless lives.

They were the Duke of Qi Huan who was locked up in the palace during the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, and was suffering from hunger and could starve to death at any time.

They were Lady Qi during the Western Han Dynasty, who was being planned by Lü Hei to become an adult.

They were Yuan Chonghuan, who was being executed by order of Ling Chi by the Chongzhen Emperor.

In addition to these familiar scenes of the chatting masses, there is also fear from the fairy world.

The Second Elder Xuanlu was fed the elixir of immortality, and then imprisoned in a black secret room without any sound and no light, enduring the eternal endless loneliness and darkness.

The Second Elder Xuanxi became the most evil ghost in hell, experienced the torture of eighteen layers of hell, and could never live beyond life.

The Second Elder Xuanlu became a high-ranking immortal, and then was suppressed by a supreme demon head, and his body was planted with various demon strains, and the roots and vines were inserted all over the body, devouring their flesh and blood, soul, and Dao fruit growth.


In just a split second, the soul of the second elder of Xuanxian flew away, and there was no trace of residue.

However, all those who watched the execution of the Second Elder Xuanlu knew that the Second Elder Xuanlu had experienced tens of thousands, hundreds of millions of infinite years, and experienced the fear of all existence.

"Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators provide the Avenue of Fear to execute the Second Elder Xuanxian and reward 100,000 points. "

The prompt of the group system sounds.

"Zhang Sanfeng, isn't it time for the birthday banquet to begin?"

Ye Hao met a pair of awe-inspiring, trembling, and frightened eyes, his face was calm, and said.

He was also shocked by the power of the Avenue of Fear, but with the golden finger of the chat group, Ye Hao was confident that he would reach the level of mastering the Avenue of Fear.

So, I can still maintain a superficial calm.

"For the Skywalk mission, I get 100,000 points rewarded, and the others add up to 16,000 points."

"Plus Zhang Sanfeng's 100th birthday banquet mission with 30,000 points reward."

"As long as all of them are acquired, the points can be upgraded to the two layers of the Jiedan Realm again, and upgraded to the seventh layer of the Jiedan Realm, that is, the late stage of the Jiedan Realm."

Ye Hao silently estimated, and his mood became happy.

Two layers of the Jiedan Realm had just been upgraded two days ago, and now after two days, it has been able to upgrade two layers.

The feeling of opening and hanging is really unpretentious!.

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