Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Don't say anything, kneel to the Great Immortal!" "

The world will help the Lord: "Don't say anything, kneel to the great immortal!" "

The world will help the Lord: "I regret it so much!" Why are you in such a hurry to use points to improve your strength! Cry·JPG"

Xiongba couldn't wait to slap himself a few times.

Every time he gets points, he immediately upgrades three points to return to vitality, and now he has no points.

If he can also come up with 1,000 points now, or even more, he can ask Daxian to help him continue to deduce the fate of the heavenly machine.

"The Tianxia Association and Wushuang City are already opposed, even if I don't find trouble with Wushuang City, Wushuang City will find trouble with me."

"Will the Sword Saint attack me in the future?"

Xiongba's heart is extremely worried.

Master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "+1." Howl ·JPG"

Yueyue's delicate and flawless face was filled with regret, and her cold and high-flying temperament became messy.

Because, she is the same as the hero, and the points are also immediately used to improve the realm of strength.

Otherwise, she would also be able to use her points to trade with Daxian to get more future heavenly machines.

Who is the man she will meet in the future?

Who was the one who sucked her power dry?

She wants to know the identities of these two people and eradicate the crisis in advance!

Great Qin Zulong: "Silent tears!" My heart hurts! "

Ying Zheng covered his chest and looked at the sky with blank eyes.

After Xiongba and Yueyue gained points, the first time they were to find a way to improve their strength, and he used all of them to learn alchemy.

Anyway, with points, he can easily learn the alchemy of the Daqin world, and even become the top alchemist in the Daqin world.

At that time, he can refine the pill for himself to eat.

Huan Zheng didn't expect that an immortal cultivator would come in the martial arts chat group, and he was still an extremely powerful and generous immortal.

He felt like he was missing out on a hundred million!

[Xiao Li Feidao sent an exclusive red envelope to the immortal cultivator. 】

Xiao Li Feidao: "The kindness of the Great Immortal is unrewarded, I hope these points will help the Great Immortal." "

Li Xunhuan, who was busy preparing for marriage, did not hesitate and directly sent all his points to Ye Hao.

He hasn't used them since he earned them.

[The immortal cultivator received the red envelope of Xiao Li Feidao. 】

"5830 points?"

Ye Hao was a little incredulous, he didn't expect that Li Xunhuan still had so many points, and then he was ecstatic.

"These points are enough for me to upgrade to the Foundation Building Realm!"

Ye Hao's face turned red, and he only felt his blood rushing.

Xiao Li Feidao: "These points are a little bit of my intention to repay Daxian for telling me my future destiny, and the next time, I will trade with Daxian." "

Li Xunhuan is a person who knows how to get a picture.

When he thought of Lin Shiyin marrying Long Xiaoyun, and Long Xiaoyun still wanted to kill him by any means, his heart ached.

Although his marriage to Lin Shiyin will definitely make Long Xiaoyun hate, he will change at least part of his fate.

Heaven and Earth Association Chief Helmsman Chen: "The points needed to trade the treasure of Luding Mountain, I will return them later, and the previous points are my repayment to the Great Immortal." "

Chen Jinnan also recovered from the surprise, extremely annoyed, his emotional intelligence was not comparable to Li Xunhuan, it was really a failure.

Immortal cultivator: "@小李飞刀, in that case, when you become a couple, I will give you a congratulatory gift." "

In order to let the other group members get points, they immediately thought of trading with him, and Ye Hao decided to buy a gift for Li Xunhuan in the fairy world.

Therefore, after seeing Li Xunhuan's news, Ye Hao agreed to come down.

He needs some time to prepare, improve his strength, earn a certain amount of spirit stones, and then buy a gift.

Otherwise, with the three layers of Qi refining before him, the total net worth would probably be less than a hundred spirit stones, and he would not be able to buy a congratulatory gift that made the chatting masses salivate.

"A gift prepared by Daisen?"

Everyone was extremely curious and envious.

Although Li Xunhuan only gave the Great Immortal more than five thousand points, with the compassion of the Great Immortal, he might be able to prepare the treasures of the Immortal Cultivation Realm for Li Xunhuan.

Immortal cultivator: "@天地会陈总舵主, you don't need to do this, accept it with confidence, otherwise, don't trade with me in the future." "

[Immortal Cultivator].

[Points: 6839.] 】

[Realm: The fourth layer of the Qi Refining Realm. 】

[Exercise: The fourth layer of the Water Yuan Meridian (0/500). 】

[Spells: Spring Wind and Rain (366/1000), Gengjin Sword Technique (335/1000), Fire Control Technique (422/1000). 】

[Alchemist: Not in the product (122/1000). 】

After Ye Hao finished speaking, he turned his gaze to his personal page and was in a good mood.

"I wonder if I break through to the Foundation Building Realm, will the powerhouse of the Linghe Sect detect it?"

Ye Hao suddenly looked grim and a little worried.

The Linghe Sect had at least five elders in the Jiedan Period, and there were more than a hundred cultivators in the Foundation Building Realm.

He was still a small character in the third layer of Qi cultivation before, and he broke through to the Foundation Building Realm in a blink of an eye, which completely violated the common sense of the Immortal Cultivation World.

Once known by others, it will definitely lead to boundless disaster.

"Chat groups have the ability to mask their breath."

At this moment, the prompt of the group system sounded.


When Ye Hao heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

With the cover of the chat group, he does not have to worry about the exposure of his strength.

Otherwise, in order to keep his secret, he could only leave the Linghe Sect and become a scattered cultivator.

"Use points to improve the Water Yuan Sutra!"

Ye Hao couldn't wait and said.

Today, he wants to break through directly to the Foundation Building Realm!

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