【Ding-dong! Deduct 500 points, water element through the fifth layer (0/600). 】

A crisp system prompt sounds.

In an instant, Ye Hao's strength rose to the fifth layer of refining qi.

【Ding-dong! Deduct 600 points, water element through the sixth layer (0/700). 】

Six layers of gas refining!


【Ding-dong! Deduct 1000 points, the water element passes through the tenth layer (0/1000). 】

Ten layers of gas refining!

【Ding-dong! Deducting 1000 points, the water yuan meridian is complete. 】

Build the first floor of the foundation!

"I broke through to the Foundation Building Realm?"

Almost instantly, Ye Hao was promoted from the fourth layer of refining qi to the first layer of the foundation building realm, and his strength underwent earth-shaking changes, and he seemed to have the mana of turning clouds and the sea.

His whole body was like falling into the clouds, and his expression was intoxicated, as if he had fallen into a beautiful dream.

Build a foundation!

This was the realm he had dreamed of before.

Once you set foot in the foundation building realm, not only will your strength change drastically, but your lifespan will directly reach two hundred years.

[Immortal Cultivator].

[Points: 1339.] 】

[Realm: The first floor of the Foundation Building Realm. 】

[Exercise: Shui Yuan Sutra is complete. 】

[Spells: Spring Wind and Rain (366/1000), Gengjin Sword Technique (335/1000), Fire Control Technique (422/1000). 】

[Alchemist: Not in the product (122/1000). 】

Before joining the martial arts chat group, he was just a low-level cultivator of the third layer of refining qi, and in less than a day, he directly broke through to the Foundation Building Realm.

"I need to change to a higher-level exercise!"

Ye Hao fell into the distress of happiness.

The Water Yuan Sutra can only be cultivated to the first level of the Foundation Building Realm, and it is impossible to continue to use points to improve the realm.

"You have to find a way to get the exercises from other sources."

Ye Hao thought secretly.

He was just a small cultivator of the third layer of refining qi before, and he reached the foundation building realm in a blink of an eye, and if he received the exercises from the Linghe Sect, he couldn't explain it at all.

"Raise the alchemy realm to the first product."

Ye Hao ordered, said.

"Ding-dong! Deducting 878 points, congratulations on becoming a first-class alchemist. "

[Alchemist: Yipin (0/10,000.] 】


Ye Hao instantly entered a wonderful situation, studying alchemy without distraction, ignoring the passage of time, and constantly absorbing knowledge and experience about alchemy.

When Ye Hao's field of alchemy had all reached the level of a first-grade alchemist, he withdrew from this state.

"Not only have I reached the Foundation Building Realm now, but I have also become a first-class alchemist?"

Ye Hao's eyes were confused, feeling too unreal, too dreamy.

"It's time to earn spirit stones next!"

I don't know how long it took, Ye Hao gradually calmed down, removed the defensive formation of the bamboo house and walked out of it.

Alchemist can be said to be the most profitable profession in the Immortal World, and it is enough for him to earn a large number of spirit stones in a very short period of time.

In this way, he would not only be able to buy a good gift for Li Xunhuan, but also have spirit stones to purchase higher-level exercises.

Xiao Li Feidao: "@修仙者, thank you Daxian, will you come to my world to participate in the wedding banquet?" "

Li Xunhuan hesitated for a long time, whether Daxian would send him a gift in person, and couldn't help but ask cautiously.

If Daisen attended his wedding, it would be an immense honor for him.

Ye Hao: "No problem. "

He now has the strength to build a foundation realm, and the martial arts people in the Xiao Li Flying Dao World are no threat to him.

The rest of the chat group is no longer his opponent either.

"If there is any danger next, I will have an absolutely safe way out."

Ye Hao next planned to go to Linghe City, a trading workshop controlled by the Linghe Sect, to refine pills and earn spirit stones.

Once he expressed his willingness to participate in Li Xunhuan's wedding, Li Xunhuan would definitely give him the permission to enter the world of Xiao Li's flying knife, and he could enter it at any time.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Thank you Daxian!" Kneel to the Great Immortal! "

Receiving Ye Hao's affirmative answer, Li Xunhuan was flattered.

"Daxian really went to Li Xunhuan's wedding?"

The rest of the chat group was also extremely surprised and envious.

Daxian not only prepared a congratulatory gift for Li Xunhuan, but also personally participated in Li Xunhuan's wedding banquet, how can Li Xunhuan?

At this moment, Xiongba and Chen Jinnan, both singles, had an urge to get married.

The world will help the Lord: "@小李飞刀, the old man also happens to want to participate in Brother Li's wedding banquet, I wonder if Brother Li welcomes it?" "

Great Qin Zulong: "+1." "

Master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "+1." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "+1." "

Everyone in the chat group asked Li Xunhuan one after another.

"This is an opportunity to witness and contact the immortals with your own eyes!"

How many people are willing to miss it.

"Dingdong, trigger the group task to ensure the normal progress of Li Xunhuan's wedding, and the task reward: 10,000 points."

"This mission allows two group members to complete the task together, and the task reward is distributed according to each person's contribution."

The swarm system's beep rings in everyone's ears.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Is there really power to stop me from changing my destiny?" "

Li Xunhuan's face was shocked and his expression was panicked.

The hearts of others also jumped.

"A mission of 10,000 points?"

However, everyone quickly came back to their senses and entered the chat group task page at the first time to grab the task.

This is a group mission of 10,000 points.

Because of Ye Hao's joining, the value of points in the chat group has skyrocketed.

If they can get this 10,000 point reward, they may be able to trade with the Great Immortal to the Immortal Cultivation Method.

"Ding-dong! The group member 'Master of the Flower Shifting Palace' took over this task. "

As the group prompt sounded, those who did not grab the task were extremely disappointed.

The world will help the lord: "@移花宫主, the palace master invited me to complete the task together, and the strength of my grandmaster Seventh Heaven is enough to suppress everything." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "The palace master has great skills and suppresses the great enemy, I can help you clean up the miscellaneous soldiers." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Palace master, there is an army of one million, which can be sent to other worlds in the form of red envelopes, which is enough to sweep away all enemies." "

People are seeking to join the group mission.

You can invite two group members to participate in group missions together, as long as they make more contributions than Invitation Moon, they will get more points.

If they can get a few thousand points reward, and then trade with Daxian, they will definitely have a huge harvest that far exceeds their expectations.

The master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "@修仙者, I grabbed a group task, and the concubine wanted to team up with the Great Immortal." "

Yueyue directly ignored everyone's request.

With Daxian together, Daxian can definitely guarantee her safety, and she will not strike at will.

If she can complete group tasks alone, she will be able to earn most of the points rewarded.

If she can't complete the group mission alone, there is also a great immortal sitting in the town, which is enough to suppress everything and ensure the completion of the group mission, she can still get a small part of the reward points.

Is there a better teammate than this?

"10,000 points?"

Ye Hao's eyes lit up instantly.

2000 points broke through the second floor of foundation building.

3,000 points break through the three layers of foundation building.

4,000 points break through the four layers of foundation building.

When he obtains higher-level exercises, with these 10,000 points, he can directly ascend to the fourth layer of foundation building and reach the middle stage of foundation building realm.

"This is to get me to take off in place!"

Ye Hao felt that his soul was trembling with excitement.

This TM had just broken through from the third layer of refining gas to the foundation building realm, and in the blink of an eye, he had the opportunity to get points to break through several small realms again.

Suddenly it felt like cultivating immortals had become easy!

Immortal Cultivator: "Of course. "

Ye Hao agreed without hesitation, he would definitely not allow the group mission to fail.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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