"Brother Gao, you don't actually have to be sad. "

"The matter of the eunuch is very easy to solve, as long as you have enough points, you can completely trade elixirs with the Great Immortal at that time, and the regeneration of severed limbs is a very simple matter. "

Xiongba's hologram smiled kindly, walked up to Gao Yao, and said with relief.

"Eunuchs are only temporary. "

"Moreover, eunuchs are not without benefits. "

"You know what?"

"Yue Buqun Yue in our chat group is in charge, but in the future, he will directly come from the palace in order to cultivate martial arts secrets. "

"If you really have an accident, you can ask Boss Yue to teach you to cultivate the Evil Sword Spectrum, and you will definitely be invincible in the world. "

Xiongba talked eloquently and said.

Yue Buqun: ".

This dog bull is waiting!

Just put up with him again!

When he becomes stronger, let this dog bully know how powerful.

Gao Yao: "???"

Listening to Xiongba's words, Gao Yao directly stopped crying.

It seems that eunuchs are really not a big deal.

After all, there is a great immortal in the chat group who can trade immortal cultivation resources.

Solving the problem of amputated limb regeneration seems to be a very easy task.

As for the sword spectrum to ward off evil, it is better not to consider it first.

If he can not be a eunuch, he still does not want to be a eunuch.

"Your crossing opportunity is coming!"

Ye Hao suddenly spoke up and said.

"Jingle bells!"

At this moment, the voice of Gao 04's mobile phone sounded.

"Brother, Yi Xiaochuan, he bullied me again, now he escaped into the site of the archaeological team, I was stopped and couldn't enter, you help me catch Yi Xiaochuan." "

Gao Yao quickly connected the mobile phone, and heard the angry voice of his sister Gao Yue.

"Is it really amazing?"

The chatting masses listened to Gao Yao and Gao Yue's mobile phone chat group, and they were a little surprised.

The man-made mobile phones of the new era are too similar to the thousands of miles of sound transmission in myths and legends.

"Daxian, I crossed over, what about my sister?"

Gao Yao looked angry, and hurriedly took two large spoons of stir-frying, and was about to teach Yi Xiaochuan a lesson, but suddenly stopped again.

He really couldn't worry about leaving his sister alone in the new era.

"Don't worry, your sister will find a new boyfriend. "

Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Who? What does he do? Where does he work? How old is it? What is the salary?"

Gao Yao asked a series of questions in an instant.

"This person is familiar to you, Yi Xiaochuan's eldest brother, Yi Dachuan. "

Ye Hao replied.

Gao Yao:"".

His sister is now Yi Xiaochuan's girlfriend.

"Will Yi Xiaochuan travel to the Qin Dynasty with me?"

Gao Yao wanted to stop talking, and rushed out with two large spoons.

If his sister's boyfriend is Yi Dachuan, he is still very satisfied.

He was naturally very familiar with Yi Dachuan, not only because Yi Dachuan was Yi Xiaochuan's eldest brother.

It is also because Yi Dachuan is a member of the archaeological team, an archaeological expert, and is studying for a doctorate.

He is also very stable and kind, much better than Yi Xiaochuan.

"Keep up!"

Huan Zheng, Xiongba, Zhang Sanfeng and the others moved, and the holographic projection flew over with Gao Yao.

They also want to experience what it's like to travel through time.

Ye Hao also followed.

Traveling through time and space involves time and space, and if he can sense that some time rules are added to his instantaneous killing method, his power will be increased by another level.

Even if you don't understand anything, it's a great experience to participate in a journey through time.

What happens after that is like the plot.

Gao Yao went to teach Yi Xiaochuan a lesson and ran directly to the roof of Yi Xiaochuan's car.

As a result, a group of robbers broke into the site of the archaeological team and snatched a treasure box of artifacts from the archaeological site.

Yi Xiaochuan chased after him by car, Gao Yao shivered on the roof of the car, and Yi Xiaochuan raced fast.

However, this time, although Gao Yao was afraid, he honestly grabbed the car and did not shout.

Because, he knew that he was live streaming and was watched by many bigwigs.

If you shout, it's too shameful.

"The tiger-shaped pendant on Yi Xiaochuan's body is really not simple. "

Ye Hao and his group seemed to be in the scene, watching everything that happened in front of them, Yue Buqun doubted and said.

The tiger-shaped pendant hanging around Yi Xiaochuan's neck seemed to be conscious, and when he encountered a robber on the road, the tiger-shaped pendant burst out with energy, helping Yi Xiaochuan defeat the robber.

After the robbers ran away, Yi Xiaochuan also stopped the car.

"Are you going to start?"

Gao Yao got down from the roof of Yi Xiaochuan's car, and when he saw Yi Xiaochuan put the tiger-shaped pendant into a dent that matched the tiger-shaped pendant in the treasure box, his heart couldn't help but thump.

Yi Xiaochuan didn't know what would happen next, but he knew what would happen.

Suddenly, the lid of the treasure box floated into the air, and the treasure box bloomed with light.


Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao's bodies were wrapped in a mysterious force and disappeared directly in place.

[Hint: Do you experience this time travel journey from the first point of view? )】

At this moment, the prompt of the chat group sounded.


Without any hesitation, the chat masses all chose the first perspective.

"It's really a magical feeling~"

In an instant, the feeling of the chatters in the live broadcast room was the same as that of Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao, only feeling that the sky was spinning and his consciousness was a little blurry.

When everyone returned to their senses, they found that they were as tall as they were, directly appearing in midair.

"I can actually break free from the shackles of time and space in the mythical world?"

Ye Hao stood in the air, staring in all directions.

Others were uncomfortable, but Ye Hao was very awake, and even able to easily get out of time and space by relying on his own strength.

"In the future, find a way to let Gao open the permission to let me freely enter the mythical world. "

Ye Hao was extremely moved. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Traveling through time and space a few more times, he should be able to comprehend the rules of time and space in a certain mythical world.

You can then upgrade with points.

Although the rules of time and space in the mythical world are very weak and fragile, they are also the rules of time and space.

Other than that, after comprehension, the ability to save life is absolutely first-class.


At this moment, there was a thunder in the clear sky, and Gao Yao fell from mid-air, making everyone come back to their senses.

"Guys, what should I do now?"

Gao Yao looked around at the unfamiliar environment for a week, panicked, and couldn't help but ask the chattering masses for help.

"Is there a way?"

Huan Zheng, Xiongba, Li Xunhuan and the others looked at each other, and they all understood the meaning from each other's eyes.

How to operate so that Gao Yao can also trigger the group task?

For how to let Gao Yao trigger the group task for the chat masses, Ye Hao did not pay attention, he had already experienced it through time and space, and he directly exited the live broadcast room.

"Participating in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range Trial, the strongest of the trialists is the peak of refining qi, and after entering the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, some people should have the opportunity to break through to the Foundation Building Realm. "

Ye Hao wanted to concentrate on preparing for his first trial since cultivating immortals.

【Immortal Cultivator】

[Points: 16774.] 】

[Realm: Nine layers of Jiedan Realm (0/100,000). 】

[Exercises: Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique. 】

[Divine power: Instant killing of the Great 787 Law (0/100,000). ] 】

[Alchemist: Yipin (0/10,000.] 】

[Danfang: Condensing Qi Pill (Perfection), Essence Cleansing Pill (Perfection), Zhuling Pill (Perfection). 】

【Sky Pilot: One product (0/10,000)】

Ye Hao turned his gaze to his personal page again.

"I am now ostensibly an alchemy apprentice of the fourth layer of the Spirit River Sect's refining qi. "

"It actually has the realm of the ninth layer of the Jiedan Realm, and there is also a divine instantaneous killing method. "

"The Jiedan Realm magic weapon Golden Gang Sword, used with the Instant Killing Dafa, is even more powerful, enough to sweep any powerhouse in the Jiedan Realm. "

Ye Hao began to calculate his strength.

"The chat group can cover my talent and breath, as long as I change my appearance and shoot, I don't have to worry about being discovered. "

"Even for the sake of reasonableness, it can turn into a spirit beast in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range to strike. "

"The Spirit River Sect will definitely let the disciples act together, even if after entering the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, the team is scattered, there should be some disciples with me. "

"I can't stay with them all the time, so, in order not to be detected by them, the Ecstasy that can make the monk lose his memory, I should spend 1,000 points to upgrade it to the full level. "

It was impossible for Ye Hao to kill all the Linghe Sect disciples who were with him, but this was abnormal.

With the system upgraded to the complete level, there is no need to worry about discovering flaws at all.

"This time, I bought a high-grade storage bag in the Vientiane Tower, which can hold a mountain, which should be enough to hold the harvest of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range. "

"I may also fight side by side with the disciples of the Spirit River Sect with the cultivation of the fourth layer of refining qi, so I should prepare the equipment used by the disciples of the fourth layer of refining qi. "


He wants to be steady a little bit!.

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