"bell~", "bell~", "bell~"

Three ancient and melodious bells sounded in the sky above the Linghe Sect.

Nine Xuan Bell!

The magic weapon of the Linghe Sect's Jiedan Realm level generally only rings when something important happens in the Linghe Sect.

The more bells ring, the more urgent the matter.

"Today is the day of the departure of the trial in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, I don't know which senior brothers and sisters at the peak of refining qi will participate?"

"Those peak cultivators of the Qi Refining Realm who cannot be assigned to Zhujidan in a short period of time, I am afraid that many people will go to fight, Senior Brother Sun Yuande, Senior Sister Cao Xiuxiu, Senior Brother Lu Han, they all took the initiative to sign up. "

"I don't know how many people will get the opportunity to break through to the Foundation Building Realm in this Spirit Medicine Mountain Range Trial?"

"I don't know how many people have broken through to the Foundation Building Realm, but at least half of them will probably not return." "

"If you can't speak, don't say it, sixty years ago in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range trial, our Spirit River Sect had more than a dozen disciples who broke through to the Foundation Building Realm, and even brought back a few ancient medicines. "

Thousands of Linghe Sect disciples all looked up at a huge black flying boat above the Linghe Sect with different expressions.

Dangers and opportunities coexist.

Although every Spirit Medicine Mountain Range trial was killed and injured, none of the selected Spirit River Sect disciples refused.

Even many disciples at the peak of the Qi Refining Realm, the ninth layer of Qi refining, and the eighth layer of Qi refining took the initiative to sign up.

Especially those elderly disciples who were older and felt that they might not be able to cultivate to the peak of the Qi Refining Realm in their lifetimes, were more enthusiastic about participating in the trials of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

The Elixir Mountain Range can be said to be one of the most famous places of chance in the territory of the Zhao Kingdom, and there are too many legends.

Many originally ordinary immortal cultivators were because they had obtained amazing opportunities in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, and then soared into the sky and became powerful cultivators in the Foundation Building Realm and even the Jiedan Realm.

"Junior Brother Ye, don't look at it, except for the hundred alchemy apprentices of our Dan Hall, the other disciples who participated in the trial of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range have no strength lower than the fifth layer of refining qi. "

On the black flying boat, Wang Hai, Senior Brother Wang Hai, who had notified Ye Hao to participate in the trial of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range last time, looked even weaker than the last time, his face was pale, and his dark circles were a little richer.

Obviously, Wang Hai was mentally prepared to die in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, and in the past few days, he had been in several double cultivation workshops.

"Yes, the strength is so strong. "

Ye Hao nodded repeatedly, his face shocked.

"There are three Jiedan Realm elders leading the team, and the strongest is Elder Liu Chuan of the fifth layer of the Jiedan Realm. "

"The other two are Elder Situ Hao from the third layer of the Jiedan Realm and Elder Xu Jing from the second layer of the Jiedan Realm, and I can kill all three of them in one move. "

Ye Hao secretly looked at the combat power on the black flying boat.

"Twenty Foundation Building Territory disciples, there is no hidden strength. "

"The nine hundred and ninety-nine disciples who participated in the trial of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range all had normal mana in their bodies, and they should not have the life of the protagonist. "

After making sure that there was no accident in the black flying boat for the time being, Ye Hao also withdrew his gaze.

"Junior Brother Ye, don't look at those gray-haired senior brothers, they look like they may sleep at any time, in fact, they are the most terrifying existence in the trials of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range. "

Seeing that Ye Hao was so obedient, Wang Hai couldn't help but reveal some more information about the trial of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range to Ye Hao.

"Each of these senior brothers may be over ninety years old, I don't know how many battles they have experienced, and their combat experience is extremely rich. "

"After so many years of wealth accumulation, their net worth is also extremely amazing, maybe everyone has foundation-building level hole cards, talismans, magic weapons, and poisons. "

After Wang Hai finished speaking, he glanced at Ye Hao with some pity.

Because, Ye Hao only had four layers of refining qi, and among all the immortal cultivators who participated in the trial of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, I am afraid that he was the lowest existence.

And such immortal cultivators generally have an identity, that is, alchemy apprentices, who are easily robbed.

The bigger ones are likely to be killed directly, and then the storage bags are also taken away.

"Once you encounter this white-haired existence in the Elixir Mountain Range, you must run away at the first time"

Before Wang Hai finished speaking, he stopped in a daunting manner.

With Ye Hao's strength in the fourth layer of refining qi, everyone who encounters him has to run.

"Senior brother, rest assured, I will be careful. "

Ye Hao nodded solemnly.

Wherever there is danger, no matter how great the opportunity, he will not go.

"This time, the disciples of our Linghe Sect participating in the trial were divided into ten teams, and the leader was Senior Sister Cao Xiuxiu. "

"Senior Sister Cao Xiuxiu is not only an existence at the peak of the Qi Refining Realm, it is rumored that she is also the granddaughter of Elder Cao, and there must be a lot of life preservation cards. "

"The reason why she participated in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range Trial was not because she could not obtain the Tsuki Dan, but because she was planning a greater opportunity. "

"When we were in the outer area of the Elixir Mountain Range, we followed her closely. "

Wang Hai was beside Ye Hao, recounting his experience.

However, when it comes to the topic of Cao Xiuxiu, the voice is smaller than that of mosquitoes.

"When those disciples of the late stage of the Qi Refining Realm enter the inner area of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range to look for opportunities, we will honestly find a safe place to hide in the periphery. "

"Wait until the trial in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range is over and when you see the large army of the Spirit River Sect, you will come out and join the troops. "

Wang Hai gave Ye Hao a meaningful look.

This old brother Ye in front of him is still too immature to know that people's hearts are sinister.

Not only would the disciples of the other Immortal Cultivation Sect attack them, but some disciples of the Linghe Sect might also attack the same sect.


Ye Hao nodded repeatedly.

The method Wang Hai said must be used by many disciples.

He could use this reason to say that he was hiding alone, and he didn't come out until the trial in the Elixir Mountain Range was over.

Then, he secretly acted alone.

The reasons are perfectly reasonable.

Who is so kind to doubt that a fourth-layer cultivator of the Qi Refining Realm of the Linghe Sect can do something earth-shattering? (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"As long as you follow my method, you have a fifty percent chance of survival, and the remaining five achievements depend on your luck." "

After Wang Hai finished speaking, he sat down and swallowed a Yuanyang Pill to restore his vitality.

The consumption is indeed a bit large these days.


With the sound of the horn on the black flying boat, the black flying boat quickly disappeared into the sky under the eyes of thousands of Linghe Sect disciples.


Ye Hao stood on the deck of the black flying boat, sighed deeply, and looked at it.

More than twenty years after coming to the fairy world, it was the first time he went far away.

Along the way, the other disciples had no interest in the scenery below the black flying boat, but Ye Hao was interested in watching it.

Of course, it is also because this position is the easiest to find danger, and can use the instant killing method to escape at the first time.

"It's arrived!"

After flying for about two hours, the black flying boat safely landed in the inner city of Elixir City, eight thousand miles away.

Spirit Medicine City is a city jointly built by the five major cultivation immortal sects, not large, only ten miles long and wide, used to guard the entrance of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range to prevent other scattered cultivators from entering.

At the same time, it was also the place where the Five Great Sects and a group of elixir dealers bought and sold elixirs.

However, except for the Five Great Sects, all the other cultivators were forbidden to enter the inner city of Elixir City.

"Junior Brother Ye, over there is the Jade Valley, one of the five great cultivation sects of the Zhao Kingdom, over there is the Lingyun Sect, over there is the Star Sect, and over there is the Jin Ding Sect. "

"Jade Valley is good at refining, Lingyun Sect is good at flying swords, Star Sect is good at Heavenly Machine, Jin Ding Sect is good at refining pills, Lingyun Sect's disciples are the most domineering, and Star Sect's disciples are the most gloomy


Wang Hai came to Ye Hao's side again and introduced.

Every time he explained the knowledge of the Immortal Cultivation World to Junior Brother Ye, Junior Brother Ye listened carefully, which gave him a sense of accomplishment.

"'The strongest led by the Jade Valley is the fifth layer of the Jiedan Realm, the strongest led by the Lingyun Sect is also the fifth layer of the Jiedan Realm, and the other two factions are also the fifth layer of the Jiedan Realm, it seems that the agreement reached by the five factions. "

"The five Jiedan Realm elders sitting in Spirit Medicine City are all on the fourth layer of Jiedan Realm. "

Ye Hao followed Wang Hai's introduction and cast his gaze one by one.

"The five great cultivation immortal sects have no hidden Jiedan Realm cultivators except for the Jiedan Realm elders on the bright side, which is good. "

"Among the cultivators of the Foundation Building Realm and the Qi Refining Realm, I haven't found any cultivators that I can't see through for the time being. "

Confirming that no one could threaten him on the surface, Ye Hao did not relax his vigilance in the slightest.

"Maybe there is a grandfather in the Yuan Infant Realm, or even in the Transformation God Realm, hidden in a certain cultivator, I can't find out at all. "

After probing the surrounding situation, Ye Hao walked with Wang Hai to the team behind Cao Xiuxiu.

"Let's go down. "

After about a quarter of an hour, all the disciples of the Linghe Sect flew down from the black flying boat.

For a while, the disciples of the major Immortal Cultivation Sects who participated in the trial all turned their attention to the team of the Linghe Sect.

The disciples of the Linghe Sect also looked at the disciples of other sects participating in the trial.

They all knew very well that their next opponent would be among them.

This state continued until the next day, early in the morning.


Along with the void (Li Li's) rippled, and then quickly expanded, revealing a huge stone gate that was a hundred feet long and wide.

The stone gate is opened, and you can faintly see the huge peaks that reach the sky, majestic and vast, stretching across the sky, without knowing the end.

Some peaks are covered with all kinds of exotic flowers and plants, some peaks are shrouded in black mist, some peaks are covered with various spirit trees, and some peaks are like jade dragons rushing like waterfalls.

At the core of the mountain peaks, there is a core area with a radius of hundreds of miles, composed of truncated mountain peaks with a radius of kilometers, pouring out a huge amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy, sun and moon essence.

The Elixir Mountain Range was a huge mountain range completely hidden in the void by the formation.

"Lingyun Sect disciples go in, once they are rejected by the formation, they will come out immediately. "

The leading elder of the Lingyun Sect was a burly man with a burly figure and a grim face on his back with a black giant sword, and said coldly.

"The disciples of the Emerald Valley go in and copy!"

"The disciples of the Jin Ding Sect go in!"

One by one, the disciples of the sects harnessed the flying swords and quickly flew towards the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

"You guys go inside!"

Elder Li Chuan, who led the team of the Linghe Sect, also waved his hand and ordered.

"It's finally about to start!"

Ye Hao followed Cao Xiuxiu's team, like a small transparent, silently harnessing the flying sword, flying towards the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

The Elixir Mountain Range Trial has officially begun!.

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