The world will help the Lord: "Your Majesty, I kneel for you, kneel for you, and you will spare me." "

The male bully's scalp was numb and his heart was panicked.

In order not to lead out the Sword Saint, the World Society had already stopped expanding, and he was waiting to die of the Sword Saint.

In order not to lead out Emperor Shitian, even if he had 100,000 Tianxia Association disciples, every time he was in a group mission, he only dared to bring three apprentices to participate in the group mission.

Every time he watched Ying Zheng get a lot of points by relying on the army, his heart was angry with jealousy.

Obviously, he also has a large army!

However, for the sake of his own little life, he still resisted the idea of using the disciples of the Tianxia Society to participate in group missions.

The world will help the Lord: "Don't bring such fun!"

The world will help the master: "In the past, "two, four, three" participated in group tasks, and we all honestly completed group tasks. "

The world will help the lord: "Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist, Zhang Zhenren stood up and said a fair word." "

The world will help the master: "Xiao Li Feidao, you are a sincere person in the chat group, can you talk about it, is there such a trouble?

The world will help the Lord: "Heaven and earth will make trouble in my world today, and tomorrow we will also make trouble in your world, if we don't stop it, we will be played to death by him." "

At this time, Xiongba no longer had the confidence to master the two children of destiny, and the whole person was like an ant on a hot pot, anxious to turn around.

There are not only elite armies under Ying Zheng, but also dozens of masters at the level of grandmasters, and there are even more masters of the Innate Realm and Grandmaster Realm.

If you allow the government to act in the stormy world, it will definitely turn the whole world upside down.

There are so many masters and so many elite armies out of thin air, which will definitely attract the eyes of Emperor Shitian and even smile.

When the task of Ying Zheng and the others is over, patting his ass and leaving, it will definitely leave him a mess.

Especially Di Shitian was originally a neuropathy.

If something so bizarre happens, I will definitely be very curious.

If Emperor Shitian wanted to investigate Ying Zheng and the others, or give rise to the idea of playing sentient beings.

The World Society, as the overlord of the Central Plains martial arts, is definitely a big goal.

And he, the gang master of the World Society, may become a toy for Emperor Shitian after the group mission is over.

Great Qin Zulong: "I haven't said anything yet, why are you excited like this?"

Ying Zheng first teleported the subordinates of Luo Net, Shadow Secret Guard, and Hundred Battles Armor-piercing Soldiers into the Fengyun World, and then set his sights on the bodies of Donghuang Taiyi, Bei Hazi, Ghost Guzi and others.

"This time we entered the mission world for treasure hunting. "

"Enter a place called Lingyun Cave and look for the chance inside. "

"There are all kinds of materials that can refine magic weapons, spirit fruits to improve skills, dragon veins to assist cultivation, and martial arts of the Heavenly and Human Realm. "

Huan Zheng first gave everyone a general introduction to the situation of Lingyun Cave.

"So many treasures?"

Donghuang Taiyi, Oniyako and the others were shocked.

In particular, the tomb of the Yellow Emperor in the era of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors was actually in the Lingyun Grotto, which was beyond his imagination.

Anyway, in the Daqin world, you can no longer find such a place against the sky.

"However, I don't want you to participate in exploring the Lingyun Cave. "

Ying Zheng shook his head and said.

"Your Majesty, do you have any other ideas?"

Oniyako said curiously.

There are not only various treasures in the Lingyun Cave, but also related to point rewards, is there anything more important than this?

"I want you guys to catch someone for me. "

Ying Zheng explained.

"Catch someone?"

Donghuang Taiyi, Gai Nie, Bei Yuzi and the others were all stunned, and their expressions became more and more confused.

They have dozens of Great Grandmaster-level powerhouses here, and even several powerhouses at the peak of the Great Grandmaster.

In addition, they all have the strength of at least one level of the Qi Refining Realm, and their strength has increased a lot.

This lineup is enough to easily crush the 100,000 army 0...

"Is Your Majesty planning for us to capture a powerhouse of the Heavenly Human Realm?"

Gai Nie guessed, said. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Does this Heavenly Human Realm powerhouse have any special value?"

Donghuang Taichi couldn't help but ask.

If it was before there was no immortal cultivation, the Heavenly and Human Realm powerhouses would naturally be extremely valuable to them.

If they can catch a living Tianren Realm powerhouse, they may be able to make it easier for themselves to break through the Tianren Realm powerhouse by studying the life state of the Tianren Realm powerhouse.

However, now they have cultivated immortals!

Especially after obtaining the flying sword and experiencing the feeling of flying the imperial sword, he fell in love with Xiu Immortal.

"This Heavenly Human Realm powerhouse is Emperor Shitian, he can live forever, catch him, maybe be able to study a way to live forever. "

Ying Zheng's voice was extremely hot, and he said.


Donghuangtai's eyes also flashed a trace of essence, and his heart was fiery.

He finally understood why Ying Zheng had arranged for them to capture Emperor Shitian instead of participating in the group mission.

"You can give it a try!"

Donghuang Taiyi did not hesitate and said.

In the Great Qin world, both he and Ying Zheng were full of longing for immortality.

"Wait a minute!"

Oniyako was also extremely moved when he saw his 0.9 others, and said calmly.

"May I ask, how old is this Emperor Shitian?"

Ying Zheng had not spoken to them about the situation in the Fengyun World before.

"Almost two thousand years. "

Ying Zheng did not hide it either.

Catch what you can!

If you can't seize it, wait for the next opportunity!

"How? Are you sure you can catch it?"

Ying Zheng asked.

Recently, he has cultivated immortals and obtained magic weapons, and his strength should have improved somewhat.

Oniyako, Donghuang Taiyi, Gai Nie and others:"".

A person who has lived almost two thousand years?

Let them go and catch?

Your Majesty, please, be a person!

Is this for us to send heads?.

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