"We know too little about Di Shitian's intelligence, and if we go to arrest him, there is a large half chance that we will lose a lot of money, and we haven't gained anything. "

Oniyako looked solemn and said.

He knew that Ying Zheng was very persistent about immortality.

This time in the world of wind and clouds, there are truly immortal people.

If it weren't for the fact that he was currently cultivating immortals, there was also hope of immortality, and Ghost Guzi even wondered if Ying Zheng would mobilize a million Qin troops to besiege and kill Emperor Shitian.

"First of all, whether the world boundary where Emperor Shitian is located is the first layer of the Heavenly and Human Realm, or the ninth layer of the Heavenly and Human Realm, or even above the Heaven and Man Realm, this is very crucial. "

Oniyako analyzed, in order to completely dispel the idea of winning the government.

"Emperor Shitian has lived for nearly two thousand years, and if nothing else, his realm should have reached the limit of the world. "

"If it's just the first layer of the Heaven and Human Realm, I also agree to fight. "

"However, if Emperor Shitian is in the middle of the Heavenly and Human Realm, or even the late stage of the Heavenly and Human Realm, and the peak of the Heavenly and Human Realm, we people will definitely die. "

Oniyako was very sure and said.

As for whether 07 Emperor Shi Tian was above the Heaven and Human Realm, Ghost Guzi did not say.

Because, it's completely unnecessary.

If Emperor Shitian was a strong person above the Heaven and Human Realm, their number would be ten times more, and it would be useless.

"The second reason, is there other immortal powerhouses in the world where Emperor Shitian is located?"

"If we hunt Emperor Shitian, will it cause the hostility of other immortal powerhouses and join forces to destroy us?"

Oniyako continued.

"In addition, whether Di Shitian is alone or has a force, we don't know. "

"In case there are more grandmasters under Emperor Shitian than us, we may not be able to get close to Emperor Shitian. "

When Oniyako said this, he took the initiative to stop.

If these few reasons could not make Ying Zheng give up the idea of capturing Emperor Shitian, he said that no matter how many reasons, Ying Zheng would probably not waver.

"It's a pity! It's a pity~"

Ying Zheng Lian sighed and looked regretful.

It's not that he's reckless and can't tell the difference.

It was that he was made a little psychologically shadowed by the encounter of Qin Shi Huang of the Fang World.

Qin Shi Huang of the Fengyun World, Xu Fu refined the elixir of immortality, secretly ate it himself, tricked Qin Shi Huang into not training, and then Qin Shi Huang died.

Qin Shi Huang of the mythical world got three elixirs of immortality, but he didn't eat one, and in the end, he looked at an immortal pill that was close to him and died miserably.

Qin Shi Huang of Li Xunhuan's world, Chen Jinnan's world, Yue Buqun's world's Qin Shihuang, and Zhang Sanfeng's world's Qin Shihuang

All of them are immortal.

This TM is too scary for Qin Shi Huang!

Those worlds that do not have an elixir are okay, but the Fengyun World and the mythical world obviously have an elixir of immortality.

Even Qin Shi Huang of the mythical world even got three elixirs of immortality, but he didn't even take them.

"It seems that we can only wait for the next opportunity. "

Ying Zheng shook his head and said.

Of course, the reason why he had this idea was also related to Ye Hao's disappearance in the past few days.

He was really afraid that Ye Hao would suddenly disappear for thousands of years.

Even if he cultivated his current Immortal Cultivation Technique to the peak and reached the peak of the Foundation Building Realm, he would live for more than four hundred years at most.

Although there is a way to immortalize in the Fengyun World, will Xiongba give it to him?

The high level of the mythical world will wait for him to gain a foothold in the Qin Dynasty and obtain the elixir of immortality in the future, will it be given to him?

None of this can be determined!

The world will help the lord: "Great Qin Zulong, Your Majesty! Big brother! Win big brother! You say something! If you don't speak now, I'm even more afraid!"

After Xiongba teleported Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng to the vicinity of Leshan Buddha through Gao Yao at the first time, he also hurried to Lingyun Grotto, his face extremely anxious.

He now finally understood why Chen Jinnan, Yue Buqun, and Ye Man did not agree to him entering their respective worlds.

If Ying Zheng casually makes some movements in the Fengyun World, it may threaten his life, and it is simply that life and death are not under his control.

The world will help the master: "Immortal cultivator, great immortal, Ying Zheng is a bad person! He bullies honest people! Crying JPG"

Xiongba gritted his teeth and turned to Ye Hao for help. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

He felt that Zhang Sanfeng and Li Xunhuan had no deterrent power at all against Ying Zheng.

"It seems that Xiongba is really in a hurry. "

Ye Hao looked at Xiongba's words, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times.

Is the hero an honest man?

That's really a sow on a tree!

Great Qin Zulong: "The world will help the master, why do you still trouble the Great Immortal?"

Great Qin Zulong: "Didn't I ask for your opinion before, since you don't agree, I will honestly search for treasures in Lingyun Cave." "

Determined that he was unable to catch Emperor Shitian, Ying Zheng gave up the idea of making trouble in the Fengyun World.

The world will help the Lord: "That's good! That's good!"

Xiongba only felt that the big stone pressing on his chest was removed, and quickly wiped the cold sweat on his head.

In this short time, his forehead was already covered with cold sweat, his back was completely sweaty, and his palms and soles were all sweaty.

Great Qin Zulong: "I don't want to capture Emperor Shitian, study the method of immortality, and then everyone will live immortality, and then slowly cultivate immortals." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "???."

Xiao Li Feidao: "???."

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "???."

The world will help the Lord: "Who gave you the courage to have the idea that you could capture Emperor Shi Tian alive?

Although there was already some speculation, but after receiving the personal confirmation of Ying Zheng, Xiongba still couldn't help but be angry.

Don't you have a point in your heart?

It is still possible for the group of people under Ying Zheng to surround and kill an ordinary Heaven and Human Realm warrior.

Besieging and killing Emperor Shitian?

Do you know what realm and strength the emperor Shitian is?

As for Emperor Shitian being beaten by Wu Invincible, it can only be said that Wu Invincible is against the sky, but it cannot be said that Emperor Shitian is weak.

Great Qin Zulong: "553 Immortal Cultivation also needs talent, aren't I worried that everyone will not have enough lifespan to cultivate to the realm of immortality?"

Great Qin Zulong: "If we live immortality, then we will definitely be able to become true immortals in the future." "

Ying Zheng is indeed a little worried.

If it comes to governing the country, he is full of confidence.

However, if he relied on his own immortal cultivation to reach the realm of immortality, Ying Zheng really did not have much certainty.

[The immortal cultivator sent a picture. 】

Immortal cultivator: "Nirvana fruit, the peak of the Qi Refining Realm eaten, immediately build the foundation, and lay a deep foundation that is enough to break through to the Jiedan Realm." "

[The immortal cultivator sent a picture. 】

Immortal cultivator: "The eight time patterns of the Shouyuan fruit, the Jiedan Realm can extend the life span by eight hundred." "

[The immortal cultivator sent a picture. 】

Immortal cultivator: "Blood dragon fruit, the Terran eats to obtain the body of the human dragon, greatly prolonging the lifespan, the cultivator of the Yuan Infant Realm eats it, the life expectancy is at least doubled, and it should not be a big problem to live for 10,000 years." "

Immortal Cultivator: "These spirit fruits are just from an Immortal Cultivation sect with several Yuan Infant Realm cultivators sitting there. "

Immortal cultivator: "The number of sects of this level in the Immortal World is like a scatter and cannot be counted. "

Immortal cultivator: "I said, as long as you have enough points, I will give something that meets your wishes." "

Immortal Cultivator: "The Immortal World has more treasures than you can imagine. "


The chat group was dead silent!.

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