
Looking at the three photos sent by Ye Hao, the chattering crowd stared at the things in the photos, and saliva couldn't help but flow out.

Each of them is a treasure trove for them.

Don't say that Ying Zheng is worried that his talent for cultivating immortals is not enough and he cannot cultivate to the realm of immortality.

Even Zhang Sanfeng did not have confidence.

However, seeing the three photos sent by Ye Hao, everyone was only shocked except for silence.

Poverty limits their imagination.

A few Yuan Infant Realm cultivators sitting in the sect can have such a heaven-defying heavenly treasure.

And with sects of this level, there are countless fairy worlds.

With this kind of immortal cultivation resources, are you afraid of insufficient talent?

The hundred-year-old Taoist priest of the Wudang Sect: "The Immortal Cultivation Sect at the Yuan Infant Realm level has such a foundation, what about the sect above the Yuan Infant Realm level?

In the Lingyun Grotto, Zhang Sanfeng, who was searching for treasures, froze directly, deeply immersed in the mystery and vastness, prosperity and power of the fairy world.

Most of the immortal cultivation resources that Ye Hao gave them before were from the Qi Refining Realm, and a few were at the Foundation Building Realm level.

Although they also know that the fairy world is very powerful, it is difficult for them to have a clear understanding.

Now I vaguely feel a vague corner.

"Daxian said before that if you break through the Yuan Infant Realm, you can live for a thousand years, and as the realm deepens, your lifespan can almost increase to more than four thousand years. "

"It's just normal. "

"If you eat the Blood Dragon Fruit, a life-prolonging spirit fruit, then you have a lifespan of at least ten thousand years. "

Thinking that in the world of fairy tales, there are hundreds of millions of people with a lifespan of more than 10,000 years, and with a wave of his hand, maybe they can destroy the strong people of their planet, Zhang Sanfeng sweated and stood upside down.

"And I'm afraid this is only a very superficial corner of the fairy world, because there are still many realms above the Yuan Infant Realm. "

Zhang Sanfeng looked stunned, excited, and yearning.

Although there is unparalleled pressure, it is like an ant looking up at the sky.

However, he was obsessed and loved the feeling.

In the heavenly world, he is the number one in the world, but what is the use.

He had too much confusion, too much puzzlement.

Now he has more confusion, more puzzlement, more apprehension, but he has a goal to move forward, a goal to pursue.

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Gluttonous tears are flowing from the corners of the mouth, is this the fairy world?

Great Qin Zulong: "Kneel to the Great Immortal, is this the life of the Yuan Infant cultivator of the Immortal World?

Ying Zheng felt that he had discovered the truth.

He didn't know if it was important to cultivate immortal qualifications in the Immortal World?

In the chat group, the qualification of cultivating immortals is not very important.

If you feel that your immortal cultivation is too slow one day, it must be that your points are too small and you have not purchased enough top-notch immortal cultivation resources.

This moment!

Ying Zheng felt that he had realized!

The way of immortals is the way of krypton!

If he is not strong enough and does not live long enough, then there is only one reason, his krypton points are too small.

The world will help the master: "I have always felt that Di Shitian is very strong, but now I find that if Di Shitian comes to the fairy world, not only is his strength pitiful, but his age is also pitiful." "

Xiongba's whole excited body was trembling, and his eyes were afraid and excited.

Before, because the resources they came into contact with were all Qi Refining Realm and Foundation Building Realm level, they all saw the Qi Refining Realm of the Immortal World and the World of Foundation Building Realm cultivators.

The three photos of the chat group instantly expanded their horizons to a new level.

The spirit of the chatting masses was all baptized, and their hearts had an unimaginable shock and impact.

Immortal cultivator: "Some of you are only refining one layer of qi now, and the highest is also practicing three layers of qi." "

Immortal cultivator: "Do you know what immortal cultivators at this level of the Immortal World are doing?"

Huashan sent Yue to the head of the sect: "Great Immortal, what are immortal cultivators at this level doing?"

The rest of the chat group was also very curious.

Immortal cultivators: "The cultivators in the early stage of the Qi Refining Realm, no matter which immortal cultivation sect they are in, are the lowest existences, and their daily tasks are to cultivate land, weed, chop firewood, and dig ore. "

Ye Hao had a deep understanding of this aspect, after all, he had grown spiritual food for more than twenty years.

Great Qin Zulong:".

The world will help the Lord: ".

Xiao Li Feidao: ".

The chatting masses are stupid.

Even if they don't consider the martial arts realm, they only rely on the immortal cultivation realm, and they are considered masters in their respective worlds.

Some are invincible in the world.

However, when they arrived in the fairy world, they could only farm and chop firewood, and their identities were so humble.

Immortal cultivator: "You guys are just idle and cranky all day." "

Immortal cultivator: "I will give each of you a one-pin spirit gathering array, ten acres of spirit field seeds, and related supporting spells." "

Immortal cultivator: "If you experience the life of a cultivator in the Qi Refining Realm of the Immortal World, you will have no troubles." "

Ye Hao felt that these people in the chat group were too happy, much happier than his cultivation immortals at that time.

Immortal cultivator: "The top three people in the total output of spiritual food every year, I will give a certain reward." "

He must let everyone in the chat group also experience the bottom life of the fairy world.

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "Thank you Daxian, I will definitely plant well." "

For a ruthless person like Yue Buqun who dared to even dare from the palace, getting a Spirit Gathering Array, ten acres of Spirit Food seeds, and several spells for free was a completely good thing, and there was no hard work at all.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Thank you Daxian!"

The world will help the Lord: "Thank you Daxian!"

Xiao Li Feidao: "Thank you Daxian!"

The chatting masses felt that they were immortal cultivators, and it should not be hard to cultivate the spirit field.

"It will be clear when you plant. "

Ye Hao looked at everyone's performance and smiled secretly.

The spiritual food on the spirit field should often perform the Spring Wind and Rain Technique, and nourish it with the spirit rain.

The grass in the spirit field is moisturized by the spirit rain, its vitality is extremely vigorous, and it is also very tough, and it is easy to weed only by casting the Gengjin Sword Technique.

Therefore, Gengjin Sword Technique has another name, Weeding Technique.

Ten acres of spiritual food, they had to be busy for at least four or five hours a day before they could finish it.

Not only physically exhausted, but also mentally exhausted, after a busy day, just want to lie down.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Hahaha, I have gained, I found a sword with a red body, and there is also a red scale armor on the sword, which should be a fire unicorn." "

Li Xunhuan held the Huolin Sword, and although he felt that the evil qi above was constantly affecting his mind, he was still extremely happy.

This is a sword that can be refined into a magic weapon! (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Seeing this, the other people in the chat group also returned to their senses and turned their attention to the treasure hunting task of Lingyun Cave.

Only by obtaining enough points can they trade the top immortal cultivation resources from the Great Immortal.

"Let's hurry up and get into the mission world. "

In the Great Qin World, Ying Zheng hurriedly teleported Donghuang Taiyi, Ghost Guzi and others into the Fengyun World.

Following the government is also entering the world of wind and clouds.

"Let me deduce carefully, what are the secrets of the Fengyun World?"

On a large rock at the entrance of Lingyun Cave, Ye Hao's figure appeared and began to silently run the Heavenly Mechanics.

Strictly speaking, the four great beasts all belong to the Central Plains region.

Although Europe, America, Africa and other regions are not as prosperous as the Central Plains, even if they cannot give birth to divine dragons and phoenix-level beasts, whether they have given birth to second-level exotic beasts.

Moreover, in the ocean of the Fengyun world, in the primeval forest, some places where human beings have not set foot are there some special heavenly treasures, or some secrets.

"Young man, you hurry up and get out of here, after my deduction, there are too many anomalies here, and there is definitely some major change, which is very dangerous. "

About half an hour later, a middle-aged man with a plain face came panting.

The day before yesterday, he deduced that the fire qi machine disappeared.

Others don't know the importance of the Fire Qilin, but he knows very well that it is related to the stability of the Kyushu Dragon Vein.

He hurried in, wanting to know what had happened.

As a result, before he arrived at the Lingyun Cave, he discovered an even more strange heavenly machine.

Thousands of strange auras appeared near the Lingyun Cave, as if they all did not belong to their world.

It's just scary.

"'My deducing is that it's very safe here. "

Ye Hao said with a faint smile.

He saw through the identity of the person in front of him at a glance.

A mud bodhisattva with a human skin mask on his face.

At this time, because he revealed two heavenly machines to Xiongba, he was countered by the Heavenly Dao, and his face was covered with poisonous sores.

"I am a mud bodhisattva, and I have never been wrong in deducing the heavenly machine. "

The mud bodhisattva may be very modest in other respects, but as the world's first aideron, he has enough arrogance.

Ye Hao actually said that he deduced wrongly, didn't he say that he, the world's number one acolyte, was a wasted name?

"You're definitely not right. "

Gao Yao, who was hiding not far away, couldn't help but stand up.

This mud bodhisattva had no idea what a heaven-defying existence he was in front of him.

"Hahaha my deducing error?"

The mud bodhisattva smiled angrily.

"Your Excellency seems to be familiar with heavenly machines, can you dare to compete with me?"

The mud bodhisattva can become the first master in the world, and naturally defeated many peers.

"Ding-dong, trigger the hidden mission, the challenge of the world's first phaser, as a martial arts practitioner, how can you retreat in the face of the challenges of others?"

"As an existence who is also knowledgeable about heavenly machines, you must firmly believe in yourself, whether you win or lose, you will learn valuable experience. "

"This challenge will give you a certain reward based on the performance of you and the mud bodhisattva to deduce the heavenly machine. "

"Do you want to pick up the task?"

At this moment, the voice of the group system sounded in Ye Hao's ears.

"Pick up!"

Send the points to the door, how could Ye (Denuo Zhao) Hao refuse.

"Since you want to compare, then compare, how to compare?"

Ye Hao was still very curious about the competition between the acolytes.

"You actually dare to compare with the Great Immortal to deduce the Heavenly Machine?"

Gao Yao on the side smiled and looked at the mud bodhisattva with some pity.

This person can't withstand the blow for a while.

"The first is to deduce the future heavenly machine, which is easy to be punished by heaven and is not suitable for competition. "

When the mud bodhisattva said this, a trace of gloom flashed in his eyes.

He was unlucky and was invited by Xiongba to go to the World Meeting, and had to reveal the heavenly machine to Xiongba.

Otherwise, the little life will be gone.

Because he revealed half of the fate of Xionghe's future, he was also seriously countered, his face was covered with poisonous sores, his appearance was completely destroyed, and his body became weak.

"One is to deduce the past heavenly machine, that is, to deduce the secret C between heaven and earth. "

"The way to compete is very simple, I say a secret, you say a secret of similar ranks. "

"Of course, you can also say a more advanced secret. "

"After that, I'm going to say a higher level secret than you, and you can say a similar secret, or you can choose to say a higher level secret. "

"And so on, whoever can't say first, who loses. "

The mud bodhisattva quickly suppressed other emotions in his heart, and looked at Ye Hao with sharp eyes, full of fighting spirit.

Because, from before to now, he did not see through Ye Hao's face.

He is the number one in the world!

Chances are, he met an opponent.

He is looking forward to this battle!.

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