Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 100: Confirm

Lu Yang held Shangguan Danfeng's icy hand tightly, forgetting everything for a while, and just squatted there blankly.

Facing Shangguan Danfeng's corpse, Lu Yang's eyes became cold and terrifying.

He swears that if he only knows who the murderer is, he will make that person pay the world's greatest price!

This was a promise to Shangguan Danfeng, and it was a guarantee he made to Shangguan Danfeng's affection.

Xueer said, "Yes...who would poison her?" Her voice trembled, and everything changed beyond her imagination.

Lu Yang didn't answer. He didn't know who it was. If he knew, he would have gone to the person to settle the account.

Xueer said: "If someone died of poisoning, the body should rot soon. It seems that it hasn't been long since she was poisoned to death.

Lu Yang said, "No, she has been dead for a long time."

Lu Yang said: "Because the poison in her body has been emitted and seeped into the soil."

She said this sentence herself, and she didn't make a mistake.

Lu Yang said again: "Also, look at this piece of land. It has not been turned over for at least two months."

Xueer shook her head, unable to believe all this.

"In the past two months, have you ever seen anyone turn this piece of land?" Lu Yang asked.

"No, if someone turns over, then I will definitely know that it is impossible to cover up the traces of the turned land." Xueer said.

Lu Yang nodded and responded, "Yes, if a piece of soil is turned over, it will be very eye-catching."

Xueer said: "So, she died for at least one or two months?"

Lu Yang said: "It must be."

"Then why is her corpse so alive?" Xueer asked puzzledly.

Lu Yang said: "Because the poison in her is a strange kind of poison. Some drugs can preserve a person's corpse for hundreds of years. Besides, the land is so dry, the insects and ants are extinct, and the corpse is buried here. It will not rot soon."

His voice is low. Because while he was talking, he was thinking of other things in his heart.

He felt that there were too many facts to think about. He felt that his head was not enough.

All this was beyond his expectation.

Xueer was also thinking, she muttered: "Two months ago? At that time, my sister hadn't gone to find Huamanlou."

Lu Yang said: "Not bad."

Xueer said: "If she died a month or two ago, how could she still look for you? How could you see her?"

Lu Yang said: "There is only one possibility, and that is that the Shangguan Danfeng I saw is not her, but someone else."

Xueer said: "Who would it be then?"

Lu Yang did not directly answer this sentence, but instead asked: "Did you see your sister and her appear at the same time in the past two months?"

Xueer thought about it for a long time before saying: "It doesn't seem to have appeared at the same time."

Lu Yang said, "Then these two months, do you think she seems strange?"

Xueer thought for a long, long time, and then slowly nodded: "It seems to be true. She laughed and laughed when she saw me before, and she seemed very affectionate, but recently she seems to have been hiding from me and not meeting me. of."

Lu Yang breathed out: "In this way, there is only one possibility, and that is that she is not really Shangguan Danfeng, she is afraid of being seen by you, because she feels that you know Shangguan Danfeng too well. "

Xue'er frowned and said, "Who would she be? How could she look like this, could it be..."

She was so startled that she jumped up and yelled loudly: "You mean that the Shangguan Danfeng you have seen before is simply my sister Shangguan Feiyan?

Lu Yang did not speak, but the expression had already appeared, and he had full confidence in his judgment.

Xueer stared at Lu Yang and said, "Do you think Shangguan Danfeng did not kill my sister, but my sister killed her?"

Lu Yang sighed and said: "But the current situation is that Shangguan Danfeng is dead, and Huamanlou said that he had seen Shangguan Feiyan."

Xue'er's face became so pale that she couldn't say a word.

She wanted to say something, but couldn't help it anymore, she fell heavily on the ground, her look was extremely strange.

Lu Yang did not speak, nor interrupted Shangguan Xue'er. He suddenly bent down and took off Shangguan Danfeng's shoes.

Xue Er was so frightened that her voice changed: "What do you want to do taking off her shoes?"

Lu Yang said indifferently, "I just want to see her feet."

Xueer called out: "You still said that I am a madman, I think you are the most terrible madman."

Lu Yang sighed and smiled bitterly: "Am I a madman? Maybe my approach is to make you feel crazy, but I have to watch it."

Lu Yang had already taken off Shangguan Danfeng's shoes, and saw that she really had six toes on her feet!

Xueer calmed down and stared at Shangguan Danfeng's feet blankly. She was secretly hurt: "Sure enough, this is my cousin, Shangguan Danfeng."

Lu Yang said, "You also know that your cousin is born with six toes?"

Shangguan Xue'er nodded: "Yes."

Lu Yang said: "How did you know?"

Xueer said: "She has been weird since she was a child. She has always refused to let people look at her feet. Even if we go to the river to play in the water, she alone refuses to take off her shoes."

Naturally, which girl does not love beauty?

No matter who has six toes, it is not worth promoting.

Xue'er continued: "The more she didn't want others to watch, the more weird I was and the more I wanted to see it, so one day when she was unprepared, when she was taking a bath, I suddenly broke in."

Lu Yang smiled bitterly, really can only smile bitterly, facing this little fairy, he no longer knew what to say.

He had no doubt that if this little fairy wanted to know how many toes he had, he would definitely break in while he was taking a bath.

She really did everything, beyond ordinary people's expectations.

Xueer looked at Lu Yang's expression: "So, when you take a bath, you must be careful, maybe..."..


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