Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 101: Fake Jinpeng King

Lu Yang just smiled and said, "Then is your cousin angry?"

Xueer said: "When she first saw me, she was very angry, but then she begged me not to tell others about this."

Lu Yang said: "Did you agree?"

Xueer nodded and said, "I haven't told anyone."

"Where is your sister?" Lu Yang asked.

"Neither." Xueer said.

"It seems that your cousin treats you very well." Lu Yang smiled, "If you broke in while I was taking a shower."

"What will happen?" Xue Er's eyes widened.

"Do something that every man likes to do." Lu Yang smiled narrowly.

"What every man likes to do? What is that?" Xueer couldn't help asking.

"For example, you got into my bed naked, what I want to do." Lu Yang said solemnly.

"You are so bad." Cher's face flushed.

Lu Yang thought for a while, then suddenly asked, "When did your uncle's foot cut off?"

Xue'er showed an extremely surprised look on her face, and said, "His foot was cut off? How could I not know?"

Lu Yang was so surprised that he almost cried out: "You really don't know?"

Xueer said: "I saw him walking around my sister's pigeons at noon yesterday. It seems to be feeding the pigeons for my sister."

Lu Yang's eyes suddenly lit up. He thought of many things.

Xueer said: "In the past two months, if you really pretended to be my cousin, why didn't you even notice my uncle?"

She wanted to ask Lu Yang, but at this time Lu Yang had suddenly disappeared from her eyes.

The night was so clear and the lights were extremely dim.

The quiet moonlight illuminates the cold face of the body, and those empty eyes seem to be staring at her again.

Such a situation made the scene even more weird.

Xueer couldn't help but shudder, and her body was trembling.

At this moment, Xueer suddenly heard a person coldly saying in the dark: "You shouldn't have been so troubled."

She recognized the voice. Her heart couldn't help but sink.

The corridor was still so gloomy and dark, the door was closed.

Lu Yang knocked on the door, but there was no response inside. He knocked harder but still did not respond.

Lu Yang's expression had changed. He suddenly slammed into the wooden door three inches thick, and was smashed by him, and pieces of sawdust were flying.

The brass lamp on the table lit alone, but the chair was empty.

Lu Yang didn't show any expression of surprise, he seemed to have this change in his expectation.

Lu Yang walked forward slowly, and then saw a magnificent room.

The decoration in that room was extremely luxurious, with golden eyes all over it, which seemed to be made of pure gold.

The tables, chairs and stools are all golden, and the dishes and chopsticks on the table are also made of pure gold.

There is a big bed in the center of the room. The quilt embroidered with golden dragons on the bed has fallen to the ground.

Lu Yang bent down and wanted to pick it up, but he was startled when he saw a hand.

It was a thin, shriveled hand, sticking out from behind the chair, with five fingers bent tightly, as if trying to grasp something, but didn't.

When Lu Yang approached, he saw King Great Jinpeng.

King Jinpeng's body was not completely cold and stiff, but breathing had already stopped. There was an expression of indescribable anger in his eyes.

Obviously, before he died, he didn't believe that the man who killed him could really get a bad hand.

There was a deep knife mark on his other arm, as if someone wanted to cut off this hand, but did not cut it.

He clenched his hand tightly, with blue veins bulging on the back of his hand, and he obviously refused to let go of what he was holding.

He used great force to protect what he was holding in his hand.

Lu Yang squatted down and looked around, only to find that what he was holding in his hand turned out to be a bright red embroidered shoe.

It's like the kind of red embroidered shoes worn by a bride, but the embroidered on the upper is neither a mandarin duck nor an owl.

That is just a swallow, a flying swallow.

He grasped very tightly, too hard, and the red embroidered shoes were now completely deformed by him.

But his face was completely expressionless, and compared with his eyes full of anger, it seemed even more terrifying and strange.

Lu Yang didn't need to touch it, he could see at a glance that his face had been very delicately disguised, and his disguise was quite delicate.

Of course, this old man would not be the real King Pengpeng. Of course King Pengpeng had died at the same time as his daughter.

This person was just a victim of King Great Jinpeng.

Lu Yang looked at his eyes, looked at his severed leg, and couldn't help sighing.

Lu Yang murmured: "Although there are only a few stupid things I did, aren't you doing more stupid things, so stupid that you lost your life?"

"Hey, I didn't expect that things would turn out like this." Lu Xiaofeng's voice sounded.

Lu Yang did not look back.

"So, you must be happy in life." Lu Xiaofeng smiled and handed the wine gourd to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang took the wine and took a big sip: "I didn't expect this to happen." He smiled bitterly.

He didn't finish this sentence, nor could he finish it, because at this moment he had heard a sharp sword wind breaking through the air.

This little voice is enough.

Jianfeng stabbed in from the window behind him, coming very urgently.

The man who made the trick outside the window is definitely a top swordsman in the martial arts. There are not many first-class swordsmen in the martial arts.

Lu Luyang sighed, he already knew who this person was.

His figure shook, he slid out three feet, and sighed: "Liu Yugen, you shouldn't have come now."

Sure enough, Liu Yuhen's voice came from outside the window. The voice was so cold: "But I have come."

"Why do some people always like to come to die?" Lu Yang sighed, as if he spoke lightly, but his words were so cold.

All this has made him very angry. There is only one way to face such a loyal and treacherous person.


Lu Yang had never felt so angry. ..


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