Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 207: serious

Lu Yang said: "Of course you are strong, you are strong, I am just a fool."

If a good man does not fight with a woman, even if it is reasonable, it is best to lose half a point first.

Fighting with a woman is the most stupid behavior.

After dealing with Shangguan Feiyan and Xue Bing, Lu Yang has learned how to get along with women.

Aunt Gongsun said: "You are indeed not generally stupid, even I think you are stupid, but you still have a little good."

Lu Yang said, "Oh, did you see that there are benefits to me? I don't even know about it."

Aunt Gongsun smiled and said, "Of course you have some advantages, but you will be inexplicably smart when you have time."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "I myself do find it inexplicable sometimes."

Aunt Gongsun said with a smile: "It's not that you are inexplicable, but others are inexplicable." She looked at Jin Jiuling and said with a smile: "For example, this person must be inexplicable now. I don't know how you became so. clever."

Lu Yang smiled again, and Lu Xiaofeng smiled too.

Jin Jiuling sighed for a long time: "Indeed, I have always underestimated you, especially you, Lu Yang. It turns out that I am a fool, but I think I am very smart."

Lu Yang said: "Maybe, me."

Jin Jiuling interrupted Lu Yang's words: "I have always regarded you as good friends, but I didn't expect that you dare to collude with embroidered thieves to frame me, in order to conceal your sins."

Lu Yang, Lu Xiaofeng, and Aunt Gongsun stopped smiling, they all looked at Jin Jiuling in surprise, as if they didn't see this person at all.

Jin Jiuling said with a stern face: "It's useless for you to frame me in any way. I have been in public since I was 13 years old. I have been in public for 30 years. I have never done anything in vain, regardless of you. How to say it, no one will believe it."

Lu Yang said, "But you have already admitted that you are the embroidery thieves."

Lu Xiaofeng said coldly, "Could it be that you want to deny it?"

Jin Jiuling still smiled coldly and said: "What did I just admit?"

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng couldn't say anything. Up to now, they still don't have any evidence. Even if Jin Jiuling admitted just now, what then?

This is really the most ridiculous thing in the world, obviously the bad guy has admitted it, but there is still nothing to do with him.

Jin Jiuling has clearly seen this, and continued: "Will I admit that I am an embroidered thieves, and will be such a stupid person in the world? This kind of remark is also bad for you to say, wouldn't it make people laugh out of their teeth? of."

He then said coldly: "Furthermore, now the two groups of Yangcheng and Nanhai have already taken action. Even if you kill me now, you will still be able to draw a shadow in the government. You are wanted all over the world. You can't escape no matter what. Dropped."

Lu Yang sighed and said with a wry smile: "Look, no matter how it ends, you won the battle."

Lu Xiaofeng also smiled bitterly: "Indeed, bad guys always have a way to defend themselves."

Jin Jiuling said sternly: "Skynet is magnificent, negligent and not leaking. Evil must not overcome the righteous, and justice must always exist. Therefore, you still obediently come to justice with me, otherwise, your sins will be deeper."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Evil cannot overcome righteousness, and justice always exists. I really can't imagine that you still understand this truth."

Jin Jiuling said, "Of course I understand this."

Lu Yang said: "Since you understand this, you should know even more that no matter what tricks you play, it is absolutely useless. The bad guys will definitely be punished in the end."

Jin Jiuling said: "I just..."

This time, it was Lu Xiaofeng who interrupted him: "Do you think that besides us, no one else knows what you just said?"

Jin Jiuling's face changed, but he quickly recovered his composure and said, "I am not deaf. If there are other people here, no one can hide my ears."

Lu Yang said: "I know, your ears and eyes are very good. It was just a momentary care. Because I was happy and overwhelmed, I didn't find us. If there are still people within three or five feet of this neighborhood, it is indeed impossible to hide your ears and eyes. "

Jin Jiuling sneered.

Lu Yang said: "You also know that if someone is thirty or five feet away, you will definitely not hear what you say." He wouldn't let Lu Yang speak. "Unfortunately, these people are not ordinary people."

Jin Jiuling said: "Oh?"

Lu Yang said, "These people have more ears than you. Although you can't hear them, they can all hear you." His eyes shined brightly and he said word by word, "Because they are all. He is blind, and the ears of blind people are more spiritual than ordinary people."

Lu Xiaofeng also laughed: "Now, you can come out."

In Lu Xiaofeng's laughter, I heard the continuous sound of shattering tiles on the roof.

Three women in Tsing Yi flew down with three blind men and walked into the room.

At first glance, the three women in Tsing Yi looked exactly the same.

But if you look closely, you can find that they are all dressed up as they are now.

Those three people were obviously the three who sprang out of the small building in the last burst when Lu Yang and Aunt Gongsun were facing each other.

They were carrying three blind men, one with a purple face and three scars on his face, one with high cheekbones and a solemn expression, and the other a sickly old man with beautiful clothes and clothes.

Seeing these three people, Jin Jiuling's body was already extremely cold, and his body was too rigid to move.

Of course Jin Jiuling knew these three people, and the eyes of those three people were all blinded by him.

Chang Mantian, Jiang Zhongwei, and Hua Yifan, the owner of Hua Yuxuan.

Jiang Chongwei's face was blue and full of hatred: "You beast, I have been with you for decades, but I never thought you were so vicious!"..


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