Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 208: Can't argue

Chang Mantian said: "The sky net is restored, and it is not leaking. You know this truth, why do you want to do such a thing?"

Hua Yifan was trembling with anger. He wanted to say something, but couldn't tell.

Jin Jiuling looked at the three people, stepped back step by step, found a chair and sat down, as if she could no longer stand up.

Aunt Gongsun said: "You will never think of why the three of them came here suddenly."

Jin Jiuling shook his head, he was completely dumbfounded, he really couldn't even dream of it.

Aunt Gongsun said: "Among my sisters, there is absolutely no suspicion, the fourth and seventh, so I took care of them early, and my personal maid, Lan'er, and asked them to go to Mr. Jiang and Chang Biao respectively. Mr. Tou and Mr. Hua arrived here as soon as possible."

Lu Yang said: "We've already gotten it right. The three of them can be here at the latest today. Therefore, we also made an appointment with them. They will be passed on from the tower around noon today."

A woman in Tsing Yi smiled and said: "Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng chase the pigeon, we will chase Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, and when I know this place, I will bring them all."

She loves to laugh so much, and the laughter is so pleasant, but it is the old seventh who loves to laugh, the girl in red.

Another woman in Tsing Yi said: "We also know that you have many eyes and ears, so we dare not go too close. Although we didn't hear what you are saying, we believe that the three of them have every word. You can hear it clearly."

Her voice is so sweet and soft, it is the fourth sister of Aunt Gongsun, Ouyang Qing.

Jin Jiuling did not move, nor did he speak.

In the current situation, he really has nothing to say, and he doesn't know what to say.

Evil is overwhelming, and justice always exists.

This sentence is now fully understood by him.

The red-clothed girl and Ouyang Qing have approached, and helped Aunt Gongsun one by one.

Suddenly, both of them frowned at the same time, then wrinkled their noses, their expressions were very strange.

Aunt Gongsun's face turned red, as red as a ripe persimmon.

She whispered a few words quietly in their ears and they all laughed.

The girl in red couldn't help but bend down with a smile, she couldn't breathe at all, and couldn't straighten her waist.

They can laugh, and they have reasons to laugh. Only people with a clear conscience can laugh so easily and happily.

It's just that some people are in a heavy heart, but they can't laugh at all.

That person is Jin Jiuling. Jin Jiuling could not laugh, but was also speechless, unable to say anything.

Chang Tian said bitterly: "Brother Lu, you can't spare this **** this time!" He stared at Jin Jiuling, "I know that you can not only embroider, but also embroider the blind. Two stitches hurt a blind man. But, what else can you embroider now?"

Jiang Zhongwei said: "Even if you can embroider a pair of wings now, don't even think about flying out of the French Open."

The red-clothed girl also smiled and said: "Now, the only thing he should embroider is a very large coffin. Let Meng Wei and Lu Shaohua lie down in the coffin with you."

Lu Yang said: "I also remind you one thing, you'd better not wait for them to bring your disciples and grandchildren to save you."

Jin Jiuling still didn't move, didn't speak, just sat there blankly.

Lu Yang said: "Now Meng Wei is still in the South China Sea waiting to report my whereabouts to you. As for Lu Shaohua, he is already sick and very sick."

The red-clothed girl smiled and said: "I heard that he suddenly got a strange disease. The hand that he always liked to reach out and ask for is gone."

Jin Jiuling finally sighed a long sigh: "It's really hard to miss. I lost all the games. Unexpectedly, Jin Jiuling is a clever life and I have exhausted my organs, but I have today."

Jiang Chongwei could not help but sighed for a long time: "Actually, Jiuling, you have already expected that you will have such a day, you really like spending money, like enjoying it, and spending money so much. If you like to enjoy it too much, there will be serious consequences."

Ouyang Qing said: "Others think that you don't need to spend money on women, so you have a chic life. I am a woman, and I know women best. A woman like us, except money, won’t recognize anyone. Even if you are Pan An’s rebirth and Song Yu’s rebirth, you still have to be rich to enter the door. Of course, even if you are lame, as long as you have money, you can also enter the door."

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help laughing. Of course they knew that she was telling the truth.

People who think that they have given their true feelings are willing to ruin their fortune on them, that is the biggest fool in the world.

Ouyang Qing glared at Lu Yang, and suddenly smiled and said: "But from now on, you can be an exception, and you alone are an exception in this world."

Lu Yang said: "Oh."

Ouyang Qing sank her face and said coldly: "Because you are a big bastard, the biggest **** in the world."

Lu Yang couldn't help sighing. A woman like Ouyang Qing really can't offend her. If you offend her once, she will remember it for a lifetime.

Aunt Gongsun said suddenly: "Now, I only have one last thing to ask you."

Jin Jiuling said: "Ask me?"

Aunt Gongsun nodded and said: "You'd better tell me now, where is Xue Bing?"

Jin Jiuling smiled, but immediately closed her mouth and said nothing.

Aunt Gongsun sneered. The laughter was full of chill and horror: "If you plan to use her to blackmail us and save yourself, it is absolutely impossible. Don't you still know my methods? I must It will make you unable to survive, to die, and face scandal, making you a person despised by everyone in the world."

She watched Jin Jiuling still not speaking, and continued to say coldly: "Don't you want face the most? Will you enjoy it the most?"..


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