Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 477: Your welcome banquet

So who is this impolite person? I believe many people have guessed it.

Yes, that's the beef soup that is worried and doesn't know a little politeness.

Not only is she not polite, but she is also not polite.

Because she just saw Gong Susu, she immediately asked in a compelling tone: "Do you know why Lu Yang disappeared and why did Lu Xiaofeng die?"

If you want to ask who has the best cultivation in the rivers and lakes, now it looks like it's probably only Miya Susu.

Because Gong Susu heard the questioning tone of beef soup, and he didn't even mean the slightest anger.

Her face didn't change a bit, she still maintained her cold and noble expression.

Gong Susu just sighed for a long time: "So good people, why should they die so early?"

Beef soup asked: "Who killed him?"

Gong Susu sighed again and said: "Lv Yang is the person I admire most, and Lu Xiaofeng is my best friend. Lu Yang is missing, and Lu Xiaofeng died in Huangshi Town. I am really sad. Excellent."

"To say sad, the saddest person should be mine." Beef soup said.

"Why?" Gong Susu said.

Beef soup said: "Don't you know my relationship with him?"

"Who?" Gong Susu said.

"It's them." Beef soup said: "Lu Yang is my man, and Lu Xiaofeng is my best friend. Tell me quickly, who murdered them? Where did Lu Yang go? Why did Lu Xiaofeng meet again? Death, who killed him? I must avenge him."

"Who can murder them? Lu Yang is so powerful, so shrewd, Lu Xiaofeng is also martial arts." Gong Susu said.

Beef soup said: "However, something happened to them, and they are still in Yellowstone Town."

Gong Susu said, "The person who can kill Lu Xiaofeng is of course the person he is close to, and the person he is least likely to watch out for."

"Who would it be?" Beef soup said.

"You will know right away. I have sent someone to find those people. Before they get here, why don't we drink a few more glasses and wish Lu Daxia the spirit of heaven?"

Gong Susu sighed again long, raised the cup, and drank it.

The beef broth is also toasted.

Even Ximen Chuuxue drank all the wine in his glass in a quick action that was rare.

After drinking, he put the glass from his mouth back on the table.

At this time, Ximen Chuuxue's left and right were holding cups.

At this time, his action was to put the cup back on the table.

At this time, from the veil behind him, a person suddenly flew out.

That is a man with a sword in his hand! Is a woman!

The moment Ximen Chuuxue put down his cup, it was the best time to assassinate him!

Because he had just finished drinking, he was not paying attention, and he was about to put down the glass again, and the movement of his right hand was also slack.

The woman seemed to be right, and that blow was sure to hit.

But the woman was wrong. If Ximen Chuuxue would be stabbed so easily, then he would not be Ximen Chuuxue long ago.

Then he is not Ximen Chuuxue, who would it be?

Of course it is a dead person. The dead person will not move, but Ximen Chuuxue will.

Ximen Chuuxue's body just took advantage of the strength of pressing the cup with his hand, and flew out diagonally to the left and right.

The assassinous woman missed a hit, but did not attack again.

She just stood, standing in the middle of the hall, facing Ximen Chuuxue, watching him quietly.

Ximen Chuuxue just stood there coldly, looking at the woman as if nothing.

Gong Susu stood up and shouted loudly: "Gong Ping, what do you want to do?"

Gong Ping said: "I heard that the swordsmanship of the Simons has reached the highest level of swordlessness, but I want to learn it."

Beef soup said: "I think you are impatient for living."

Gong Ping didn't even glance at the beef soup. Her eyes just fixedly stared at Ximen Chuuxue and said, "Draw your sword."

"I think you are really impatient." Beef soup said: "You dare to ask Simon to draw a sword. Do you know what the consequences of his draw are?"

Gong Ping still ignored her.

But the beef soup said again: "Then you are dead,"

Gong Ping sneered: "However, there are exceptions to everything."

As soon as she finished speaking, she stabbed Ximen Chuuxue with her sword, and attacked him 24 strokes in one breath.

Ximen Chuuxue's body quickly changed 24 positions in a row.

Then, I only saw a flash of sword light.

No one saw how Ximen Chuuxue drew his sword, nor how Ximen Chuuxue's sword pierced Gong Ping.

All the people present saw a flash of sword light.

In that sword light flashed, Gong Ping fell down.

When Gong Ping fell to the ground, he let out a "hu", and after the "hu", there was a laugh from Dahu Sha.

"Sure enough, it is a good sword technique." Sha Dahu clapped his hands as he walked in from the door.

"The realm of Ximen Fuxue Wujian is indeed well-deserved" Sha Dahu continued to smile.

Following him were the wife of the proprietor, Wang Dayan, the owner of the grocery store, and the little beggar Huang Xiaochong.

The grocery store owner Wang Dayan looked at Ximen Chuuxue and Beef Soup and said, "Actually, I already knew who the murderer was."

"Who is the murderer?" Beef soup asked him.

But the boss Wang Dayan didn't answer with a smile, and the lady boss answered: "He doesn't even know who the murderer is."

The boss Wang said with big eyes: "Why don't you think I know who the murderer is?"

The lady boss said: "If you know who the murderer is, you would have said it sooner."

The boss said: "Speak up early? If I say it early, can I live to the present?"

Xiao Biaohua suddenly interjected: "Then you are now not afraid of the murderer killing you?"..


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