Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 478: Ximen Chuuxue's blunder

The boss said: "Kill me out? Then he will reveal his identity?"

"Then who is the murderer?" Beef soup asked.

"In the end, the murderer belonged to many people." This sentence came from outside the door.

"Why?" Xiao Beggar said to Zhao blind who came in.

"Why? The more murderers, the better my coffin business will be? Haha." Zhao Xiazi smiled.

Ximen Chuuxue's icy expression suddenly showed a sneer that was not easy to detect.

He spoke, and said a lot of words, he said: "There are many murderers."

Of course, no matter who heard such a sentence, he would be surprised.

Therefore, including the beef soup, everyone was stunned on the spot, and everyone's purpose looked at Sha Dahu.

"He." Ximen Chuuxue pointed at the boss, and then at the boss, Zhao Xiazi, and Xiao Beggar. Said four "him" in a row.

"Also." Ximen Chuuxue suddenly came up with these two words.

"More?" Beef soup asked with wide eyes.

"She." Ximen Chuuxue pointed to Gong Susu.

Suddenly, laughter filled the whole hall.

The laughter was of course not Ximen Chuuxue and Beef Soup, but all the murderers pointed to by Ximen Chuuxue.

The murderers laughed very simply.

That made the beef soup very surprised. With those people, Ximen Chuuxue must be able to clean them up.

Then why are they still laughing? Is it because they are not murderers that make them laugh?

This doubt will soon be answered.

Because Gong Susu suddenly put away his smile and said, "Ximen Chuuxue, you guessed it, everyone in Huangshi Town is the murderer of Lu Xiaofeng."

"It's a pity," the lady boss said, "you know it's too late."

Zhao blind said: "No, it's not too late, it's not too late at all."

The little cry said: "Why is it not late?"

Zhao Xiazi said: "Because, he still has time to sleep in my coffin."

The expressions on their faces turned out to be extremely happy.

At this time, Ximen Chuuxue, whose expression was unchanged, suddenly changed.

Not only has it changed, but there is still a cold sweat on his forehead.

Beef soup looked at the expression on Ximen Chuuxue's face, her expression also changed drastically, her mouth opened wide and she couldn't say a word.

Gong Susu looked at the beef soup and smiled very proudly: "Do you want to ask, is there poison in the wine? Isn't that?"

The beef soup's eyes widened.

"I tell you, the wine is poisonous." Gong Susu smiled even more proudly.

Xiao Beggar walked to the beef broth and stretched out a hand to twist the meat on her cheek.

The little yelling smiled and said, "Do you now feel that you can't see what's in front of you more and more?"

The face of beef soup became so pale.

Little Beggar lightly patted the beef soup on the face twice again: "Are you still proud of it? Do you have any words about Simon heroes that you want to tell us?" The beef broth struggled, staggering towards Ximen Fuxue.

However, she only took two steps before she fell.

The fingers of the beef soup just hit Ximen Chuuxue's shoes.

Her hand was so weak and weak.

But just such a weak touch, it was like a two or two strokes, knocking down Ximen Chuuxue.

The triumphant laughter suddenly filled the hall again.

In that bustling street, there is a very prosperous hotel.

Who would notice an elderly couple so much?

Although no one noticed, although it was the little old man and the old woman sitting in a far corner.

However, the voice of their conversation is still so small.

It seems to be afraid of being heard.

The little old man frowned, looked at the little old woman, and said, "Are you going to Huangshi Town now?"

The little old woman said: "If you don't go now, when did you go?"

The little old man said, "Of course, I will wait until everything becomes clear."

The little old woman said: "But, I'm afraid it's too late."

The little old man said: "Why is it too late?"

The little old woman said: "The case will be solved by then, but our little friend may be killed."

The little old man asked: "Will Ximen Chuuxue be killed?"

The little old woman said: "It's him."

The little old man said: "He will be killed? You can always tell some fresh jokes, right."

The little old woman said: "Do you think such a thing is funny?"

The little old man said: "It won't be fun at all, don't forget, Liu Rufeng died in Huangshi Town, and Lu Xiaofeng died in Huangshi Town."

The little old man's brows frowned more severely, and he stood up suddenly.

The little old woman grabbed him and said, "What do you want to do?"

The little old man said: "What are you going to do? Of course it's to Huangshi Town."

The **** of the 13 provinces in the north and south, if the head of the Central Plains Escort, Baili Changqing, stood up and said that his **** was only a small escort.

That means that if you look around the world, you can no longer find a dart board that can be described in big characters.

Which Escort Agency in the 13 North and South Provinces dare to be number one? No. ,

Because even the total head of the Central Plains Escort is evergreen and only said that the Central Plains Escort is known as the second.

Back then, the Skywalk Escort was held tightly by him.

And now the Skywalk Escort is no longer strictly speaking. Because under Lu Yang's hands.

It has developed so much that it is not only satisfied with this industry.

How many branches of the Central Plains Escort in the 13 provinces? I am afraid that even Baili Changqing himself is already innumerable.

Too many branches, too loud font size.

This will enable Baili Evergreen to grow black lotus flowers all day long and enjoy the happiness. ..


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