Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 6 Chapter 454: Eventful autumn

But after Lu Yang and his party released a huge aura, the fierce beasts obediently silenced.

Everyone is too lazy to deal with these influential beasts, so for a while, nothing has happened.

Only occasionally a few fierce beasts attacked Lu Yang and the others under the drive of the formation and the guards, but they were all destroyed soon, and the group of people was not damaged.

However, as they walked in, everyone discovered those surprises. The deeper, the more the beast's paradise.

Here, it is also the **** of the famous warriors. There are various fierce beasts living in groups, this is their heaven.

Especially some ferocious pythons, their bodies are very large, and the color is similar to that of tree trunks.

Their bodies are tightly placed on the tree trunks, the snake heads down, staring at the forest, waiting for other animals to approach.

They have become part of the trees, and they cannot be seen without careful identification.

Their heads are very big. Once they pounce on their prey, they will swallow the prey whole round, and then enter a long digestion period, without moving, turning into a real branch.

And the place where the trees are high has become the world of the bees, and they have built huge nests among the high branches and made a large force.

During the day, they go out in groups, running rampant in the entire forest, like dark clouds in the sky, and they have different divisions of labor, so that there are no shadows of the magic birds here, and they become a place of death.

And Lu Yang seemed to feel that these fierce beasts can actually swallow the soul of the martial artist, it is really evil!

Sure enough, it was an evil formation, and the monsters inside had become so evil, and ordinary warriors could only die if they entered it.

After he died, he had to be refined by this evil formation, which increased the resentment of this formation.

And those tree holes and stone caves in the forest have become the territory of fierce wolves. These fierce wolves are not high in cultivation, but once they set off, they are in groups.

Often the big beasts dare not fight with them.

Moreover, most of these ferocious wolves are of the fire type, and they are full of flames, even those ferocious pythons and ferocious bees dare not provoke them.

And driven by this formation, these three fierce beasts sometimes cooperate with each other to kill the invader together, but people who see this situation often have become bones.

Seeing such a situation, everyone felt a little frightened and felt that their hearts were frizzy. No matter who saw so many beasts, how could they not be flustered.

Could it be that this second auxiliary formation is dominated by fierce beasts, and the evil spirit and fierceness of these fierce beasts are used to refine this formation.

However, there are often many people who are not afraid of death and who are lucky enough to come here.

Especially the appearance of the previous period of vision has made everyone even more convinced that there are peerless treasures here, or treasures left by those who try to break the formation.

Everyone knows that the Nine Layers of Demon Pagoda is a big treasure house. There are treasures everywhere, and there is everything you want here.

As a result, a large number of masters, sects and even seniors were dispatched, all rushing here.

The silent forest was broken, and the beasts in the forest, which were originally wandering peacefully in the forest, are now encountering a huge crisis.

With the addition of those sects, many fierce beasts were killed, many precious medicinal materials were mined, and the best mines were excavated.

Of course, many people's lives will be taken away, and those low-level warriors can only return in defeat.

Let alone defeating those fierce beasts, it is just grabbing resources and lacking the strength. If you accidentally provoke a large sect and directly destroy the group, it is even more costly.

And there are only a few teams that can persist and kill to the depths of the forest, and Lu Yang's group of seven people is one of them.

It's just that everyone's interest is not here, but the same thing is that everyone is interested in the fireball. What is it?

Everyone is moving forward cautiously. Here, there is no more cannibalism. Everyone knows that the deeper you go, the more dangerous you are.

Only when we work together can we move forward alive and go out alive. It is impossible to break this evil formation and obtain all the treasures here.

Of course, except for Lu Yang, a perverted team, but Lu Yang and the others didn't want to have anything to do with other people. They carefully conceal their whereabouts and prevent everyone from discovering them, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

There are a lot of medicinal materials in this forest, but there are few rare medicinal materials, and there are too many people in need.

Moreover, under those particularly lush trees, there are often thousands of strange grasses, flowers and weeds, which depends on everyone's luck.

Lu Yang regretted that he should have brought a pharmacist over.

If you have a pharmacist, you know what the treasures are here, you can refine the pill of exquisite grade, and further promote the strength of the sect.

After walking for a period of time, everyone stopped and began to converge their breath. They constantly felt the existence of other beings on the way.

However, when they approached, those living auras immediately fled. It seemed that they belonged to some low-level fierce beasts.

In that case, these seven people were big beasts and fierce beasts. Those who made them were afraid, flee at first sight, completely without the **** nature of the previous ones.

After Lu Yang instructed everyone to be careful, he stopped, ate a bit, and then continued to walk forward.

I took advantage of the time to eat and took the time to rest for a while to relax myself.

After walking for a while, Lu Yang felt a faint breath that was in front of him.

Lu Yang motioned to everyone to take care of him, and he crept close to the breath.

It seemed that the restraint of his breath was effective. This time, if the breath of Ruowu didn't disappear, the fierce beast did not escape. ..


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