Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 6 Chapter 455: Powerful monster

However, Lu Yang looked at it, but he didn't see the existence of the monster. This was really strange. Lu Yang wiped the sweat on his head and continued searching.

It's weird, I obviously feel that it's here, why can't I see it? where is it? There are thick tree trunks all around.

But wait a while, how could this big tree be abnormal? How could something like a big tumor grow on the second big tree on the left?

Moreover, the big tumor is still alive and will move.

Will move? It's not normal, bad! Lu Yang hadn't fully figured it out yet.

The moving tumor-like thing on the big tree turned into a big mouth like lightning. The mouth was as big as a bucket, and a flame came out of it, and it struck straight towards Lu Yang.

What an evil formation! It will breathe fire! If you are burned by this fire, I am afraid it will be uncomfortable.

Lu Yang watched the flames approaching in a daze, this girl would surprise him, but just for a while, Lu Yang was a master after all, and he reacted instantly.

Although he was taken aback, under the reminder of everyone's exclamation, he moved several steps in a row, and with the instinctive reaction accumulated through countless struggles, he escaped the attack of the ferocious python without any danger.

At the same time, Lu Yang drew the long sword, moved it to the left of the ferocious python, and attacked diagonally upward.

A killer move, facing the yellow scales on the neck of the ferocious python, this should be the fatal weakness of the ferocious python.

Strike a snake and hit seven inches, this is the reason for snakes.

Obviously, the ferocious python didn't expect that the prey was so powerful, and it reacted so quickly, so that the deadly attack was avoided, and the attack was near, but the deadly attack.

That fierce python is unusual, it seems that it is at least a high-level fierce python, and it is extremely evil, and ordinary masters may not be able to deal with it.

"Dang--" Lu Yang's sword hit the fierce python's body. The situation was like knocking a solid iron rod on the top of a big bronze bell, and the big bronze bell made a huge sound.

But that hard blow also caused his hands to be strongly backlashed and numb.

Lu Yang smiled bitterly and underestimated this guy. He didn't use his internal strength and suffered a dark loss.

Wu Ningyan said: "Brother Lu, I will deal with this guy."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Be careful."

Let her add a little combat experience.

Lu Yang ordered the others: "You all be careful."

Who knows how terrifying this formation will be, whether there will be a sudden attack by the guarding disciples, everyone is fully guarded.

Wu Ningyan looked at the fierce python with a not relaxed expression. It seemed that if she tried hard, she would suffer a loss. This guy, the mixed skin is not ordinary hard.

Wu Ningyan greeted her with a sword. In Wu Ningyan's hands, it was a masterpiece, although it was not very powerful, but with Wu Ningyan's cultivation base, it was definitely a trivial thing to open the mountain and split the stone.

However, such an attack could not kill the ferocious python, but it was also a severe blow to the ferocious python. Blood was leaking from the body of the ferocious python, and it was slightly injured.

This guy, it's not a comfortable thing to suffer a lot. It was a flame sprayed towards Wu Ningyan.

"Ningyan be careful!" Lu Yang hurriedly shouted.

Wu Ningyan was shocked when she saw this, and hurriedly stepped away.

At this time, the flame that was spitting out at Wu Ningyan hit the place where Wu Ningyan was staying with all his strength.

There was a loud "boom--" the ground sounded again, and a huge black hole was left on the ground. The wall of the cave was scorched by the flame, and only a smelt smell was smelled.

Water vapor from the ground rose up, forming a white mist in the cave.

Wu Ningyan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled and said to Lu Yang: "I'm fine, it can't hurt me."

God, seeing the attack of the fierce python, everyone cried out in exclamation. If they were completely hit by this blow, everyone thought in their hearts, who could resist here.

The attack of this high-level ferocious python was enough to make ordinary warriors escape, and Wu Ningyan, who was in the field, was even more frightened.

Fortunately, she hides quickly when she sees the opportunity, otherwise, even if her life is saved, the cultivation of this body will definitely be ruined.

Seeing the attack of the fierce python, Wu Ningyan became more careful. Now, this guy has moved completely, which is quite huge.

The tree suddenly dropped by half. The ferocious python was at least twenty meters long. If it were entangled in it, who could escape?

Wu Ningyan now has to avoid being entangled by this guy. The guy's copper skin and iron bones are absolutely indistinguishable from a mountain being crushed down.

But don't worry, there are still experts such as Lu Yang here. She has no worries and can deal with this fierce python wholeheartedly and improve her combat experience.

The fierce python attacked again, but this time Wu Ningyan was ready, and naturally she was not afraid. She signaled that the others did not need to come forward to help, holding a long sword, and trying to resist the attack of the fierce python.

Wu Ningyan felt a little struggling to fight with one python by one person. The long sword full of internal strength slashed across the python's body, but it drew a long wound on the python's body, and the wound was bleeding.

Suddenly, the fierce python became even more frantic when it saw the blood, and the attack became even more fierce. There was a violent wind, and the forest was frantic.

And Wu Ningyan also felt that her hand was a little sore and soft, which was the same as using a sword to chop a stone. Although there were countless scars on the stone, she was very laborious.

Seeing a chance, Wu Ningyan cut through the fierce python's golden scales with a single sword, and ran across the lower jaw, cutting a long wound on the fierce python's mouth.

The wound was deep, and the blow was extremely fatal. Wu Ningyan used all her strength, coupled with the attack of the peerless weapon, causing the fierce python to be seriously injured.

Suddenly, the blood of the ferocious python flowed out of a small stream on the ground, and the stream continued to flow into the big pit attacked by the ferocious python flame.

The injured snake became even more angry and swept out a strong wind. ..


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