Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1225: : You become me

"Linghu Yueer" approached the jade that had just arrived and circled her, very curious. Yue'er giggled and said: "You are me, I am you, what's so beautiful, it's best to look in the mirror if you want to see it."

"Linghu Yueer" was taken aback, and hurried back a few steps, Han Lun smiled: "Look how timid you are." I was frightened by myself. Linghu said: "That's because after a while, I will commit suicide." You said it was suicide.

"You two are my wives," he said. "When you do this, don't let me see." The fox murmured unhappily, "What are our names, I don't know." Both of you are," she said in her speech, and some people couldn't continue, their faces flushed. Han Lunha smiled and said, "Even if he is me, I am him, your husband, what's the matter."

Han Lun took Linghu Yueer to the opposite side, and Han Lun faced each other, "Han Lun" was stunned for a few steps. Han Lun said, "I know you are another me, but I can't be kind, you can do it." I want to know if I can really beat myself. "

He said: "I don't care if you are real or fake. I may not be able to beat you." Han Lun nodded and said, "You are right, I am not sure, but who knows what you haven't done yet?" Holding the revolving hand in his hand, deceiving himself and others, went forward, the two knives glowed silver and fought each other. Han Lun used a knife to pay attention to dexterity, like a meteor falling in the sky, and the swallow scratched. After the two men fought side by side, the blade of a Zhang knife passed through the gap, and a cold light shone in the sun. When the knife went to its side, it seemed to carry two silver lights. They were continuous, but curled up, attacking each other. There is a retreat from time to time.

"Linghu Yueer" was surprised at her appearance, and when she raised the pen in her hand, she stepped forward to help. Suddenly, a ribbon came out from one side of her body. Her body was turned and avoided. Her clothes flew like a bird. When she stood firm, her clothes flew like a bird. Lin Huyue'er stood in front of her, cutting off the way she wanted to help.

"You want to help grandma, who are you going to help?"

"Linghu Yueer" was stunned, snorted, and said: "Who do I help, who I like, what can you do."

Linghu said: "Of course, my business, because that is my husband." Their battle has already begun, and ours is still early. "Come on!" As she spoke, she raised her hand and sprayed four or five drops of ink from her fingertips.

"Mo Su Furong!"

Drinking a light drink, he saw a few drops of ink flying in front of him, as if someone was painting the sky, four or five drops of ink suddenly turned into four or five lotus flowers, spinning on the opposite "Linghu Jade", waiting for less than half Cm distance. Molian suddenly opened its petals and turned into a fierce killing. Looking at the power of cutting gold in the air, "Linghuyue" couldn't help but move. If the lotus was scratched, it might be time to cut off a large piece of flesh and blood.

"Linghu Yueer" hurriedly waved the ribbon in his hand, revolved around his body, wrapping himself up like a whirlwind, his spirit was on the ribbon, protected by a little crimson pen, as if casting a piece by her side Layer copper wall iron wall. Applause. However, she also knows that Musu Furong is a strong offense. After all, these are her own unparalleled and familiar moves. With a strong block, the defense will be broken. Therefore, while the ribbon was being protected, she flew a few leaves picked from her hand.

"Picking leaves and flying flowers"

Linghu Yueer is good at making weapons with soft things, so in her hand, a leaf can also be used as a weapon. She never thought it would be used alone. At this time, I couldn't help taking a step back, and the attack in my hand suddenly weakened most of the time. "Linghu Yueer" stroked the sky with a crimson pen, and wrote a superb calligraphy using the blank space as paper, restrained it, and quickly moved it. Every word in the scroll flew out, using the ink lotus one by one, only heard the crash of the collision, and both sides were removed one by one. "Linghu Yueer" was surprised for a while, only she did not succeed in winning a few Feiye, Lotus's offense was not so simple and was washed away.

As soon as she came up to kill her, "Linghuyue" realized that what she said was true, and that she had really come to her own life. At this time, she no longer dared to be careless and beat the spirit of a dozen people. For a while, the ink flew around the two people. Although they were far apart, on both sides were the blades in the hands of many types of soldiers who were far ahead. A small crimson pen tied to the ribbon kept hitting them. The same In the posture of the two pens intersecting, it should be a fire splash, everyone has to retreat. Looking at their war circles, sometimes ink washes the sky, creating a variety of characters, such as Chuan, Li, Kai, Xing, Yan, and Cao. Various characters also collide with each other. One person writes "people". One person writes "thousand characters". Qi Wen continued to fight, but their circle is the most beautiful place in the world.

In the four-person war circle, even if Linghu Yueer wanted to pull out to help Han Lun, they all came out of the body. A strong opponent is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that the opponent knows himself well. Each of them is at war with the strongest self. His opponent knows his roots, his power is the same as himself, and there is no difference between the two sides, so they are temporarily in a deadlock.

Only two of them glanced at each other, but did not do so. All parts of the world are hot, but quiet under the commotion, as if the time they are in has stopped.

"What are you waiting for? Don't you want to kill me? Why don't you feel like killing at all?" "Rand Poole," the silent voice asked, but there was no sign of death in his eyes.

"You should be the person who knows me best in the world. You must know what I think."

He nodded with a sad expression, "Yes, I understand what you are talking about." Solving the mystery. You are the key. This is a crazy time and space, and the reason we met here is completely wrong. She turned a few steps and faced the vast sea of ​​clouds and said: "Only the order of time and space can the power of basalt appear." The order of unity, but not necessarily you, even if we come from different times and spaces, but I am you , There is no difference, right? "

Ran tilted his head and said, "Yes."

"In this case, no matter who we kill, the result is the same. The end result is the same. But there is only one case where one of us is dead, but the rest of us come from different times and Space, if so, what is the difference between us and the trapped place?"

She had a basis in what she said, and she was silent for a while, she thought so in her heart, so she hadn't done it for a long time. The two teams are the same, there is no difference, just the difference in time and space. At this time, they are actually responsible for the life and death of five people.

No one wants to give up his life, but at a certain moment, he has to give up. Giving up one's own life does not mean death, there may be another self, living a good life for oneself in another time and space. Lan said, "I know what you mean, me."

"We can't put it down, but sometimes I treat myself badly, even if it's unfair to them," he said. "But time can't wait any longer, we can't wait any longer."

At this time, in Jean Wallon’s consciousness, the two roared and fought fiercely. At this time everyone was seriously injured. Lu Yang’s gun battle became more and more intense, and the war between the two sides became more and more intense. He had been wearing a **** robe, she couldn't see the color, although the blood was not red, it was just as surprising in Lan's eyes. Han Lun and Lin Hu got closer and closer, and it was difficult to separate the struggle. However, if we continue to fight like this, we may cause casualties in several wars at the same time.

Ran sighed and said, "It's just that since you are all here, I have nothing to delay." In this space, we have killed so many people. Although we are ourselves, we are living a life after all. Alas, everything in the world has retribution, so let us pay for our lives. "

There was a crazy power in her body, she was full of energy, she had to stand a few feet back, "Ran Penlun" had to back a few feet. "Suddenly seeing the strong wind, her clothes and robe flew up, and for a while, slowly looking up at the sky, making a long sound, the meridians of the body burst unexpectedly by an inch, and the flow of spirit suddenly became manic and chaotic. But it was quiet again for a while."

I can't believe that she actually has her own meridian!

Lan Tieluo knew that he was the descendant of the baby girl. If he adds his own body, if he has the protection of his own blood, he will not necessarily die, but only his own meridian, so that the mental power cannot be transferred, and he will definitely die after being injured.

Lu Yang suddenly heard the voice of Jean Wallon, and the two stopped at the same time, shocked, and flew up almost at the same time, reaching out to pick up Robian who had fallen on the ground.

The two Lu Yangs, one on the left and one on the right, held Ran's thin body and let it fall to the ground steadily, but at this time, it was almost dead, and the whole body was weak. She closed her eyes and said angrily: "27 days later, Lu Yang, you leave here, we do not belong to a time and space, you are looking for me there."

"Lu Yang" was very surprised when he heard the speech. After standing up a few steps, Lu Yang was taken aback. After the other Lu Yang left, he held her in his arms and touched her ears with ten fingers to keep her hair from growing. 'S face is covered.

"For what?" Lu Yang trembled and began to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, but he couldn't help crying across the stream and his heart was broken.

"Sorry, Lu Yang, I'm too selfish, I decided your life and death myself. That's because we can't survive. In fact, they are the key to solving the mystery of this trial."

Lu Yang was taken aback and said, "What do you mean, why did you commit suicide, I can protect you, don't you believe me?"

Lu Yang spoke in a faint voice and could not hear what she was saying, so he put his ear to her lips and only heard her say: "From the beginning, we cannot escape this trial." We will meet. Many of their own time and space, but they will not, the so-called unified space will not kill all of us time and space, time and space are inexhaustible, so we will encounter ourselves endless. They are us, their time and space are parallel, but we are scattered in every time and space. Now their time and space are the same as ours, and only when we leave, the space will truly be unified. "

Lu Yang calmed down when she heard these words, and the thoughts in her mind quickly flowed out. Every word she said was like thunder, which was related to life and death. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly realized that he slowly closed his eyes, and a feeling of extreme fatigue spread into his heart. He said, "I see, let's go."

After running, a hand suddenly slipped off his hand, Lu Yang turned around to look, she had died of breath, and there was no red light on her face. Lu Yang fell on her icy body for a while, Luo Xiaocheng, Han Lun, and the three laps of Fox Yueer's war also stopped, and slowly closed. Lu Yang covered his face with long hair, and at the same time covered his face with tears. He saw his body crying and shaking, clearly interrupting his liver, but he did not make a shout.

The crowd approached the dead. The eye in front of them is still an enemy of life and death, but after a while, their mood is very deep, which can be compared to the brother of the humerus and the foot. Lu Yang slowly raised his head and saw his loose hair covered with tears, describing the withered, haggard, and sick person. His eyes were lax and he never wanted to kill anymore. In a blink of an eye, a person's appearance will change. It didn't take long for him to be majestic, like a skyscraper, a carrot with a big pillar broken, and always in danger.

He only heard his voice choked, and his voice was deep and slow: "Miss Yue'er, brother, brother Han, we are all dead today." Heigui's experiment is indeed a life of nine deaths, and even we must be buried here. For myself, we are succeeding in different times and spaces. The chaos of time and space is precisely because we can travel through every time and space. Only when we disappear can we restore space. So they can get the power of basalt. This is life after the nine deaths. "

When Lin Huyue heard this, she shook her head in fright and said, "But if we die, we are really dead, knowing nothing and seeing nothing." I am me, I am not her. She pointed to "Linghu Yueer" urgently.

"Linghu Yueer" frowned displeased, weeping for Ran Lomata's death and injury, listening to her words, wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes, and proudly said: "I don't want you to be me."

Han Lun and Luo Xiaocheng were silent for a long time, and they both sighed. Lin Hu hurriedly said, "What do you mean by a bitch?"

"Jed, they are us, they have no difference. It's just that our memories are passed on to them." Han Lun was deep in the tunnel. Obviously dying.

Leihu left his hand and said angrily: "Why do you use one sentence to decide everyone's life and death? If that's not the case, why should we give up like this and not die!"

Han Lun didn't speak, but looked at her quietly, making the fox eager to try, and said, "You are talking, you are still my grandfather!" Don't you want to protect me? Han Lun. "..


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