Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1226: : Tonight is the full moon

"Old man, you said that this place was formed by a combination of special forces and machines. If we destroy the organ hub here, will we have a chance to escape?"

Qingyang Chess glanced at him, then closed his eyes and fell asleep, saying, "I have an idea, but do you know where the center of the organ is? If you are under a hundred feet, would you dig it?"

Lu Yang said: "As long as we have a goal, I can find that hub in this space!" Hey, are you going to sleep here or with me? "

Qingyang Chess King: "What's the hurry, you don't know anything, where can you go?" Why don't you play chess with this old man? "

Lu Yang raised his hand and said, "I'm not in the mood." Sleep on your own, I have to find a way out. Then he walked seven or eight steps, and suddenly heard the old man shout to the back: "Without my help, you can't find it in eight lives." If you can give me a game of chess, the old man will tell you where the hub is. .

Lu Yang heard this and immediately turned around and said, "Do you know where the hub is?" Qingyang Chess King: "I don't know yet." Lu Yang said angrily, "Ghost, are you playing with me?" "

"It's not big or small. The old man doesn't know it now, but the old man will know when he moves next time." Qing Yang Qisheng said confidently.

"Why do you say that? Why should I believe you?"

Suddenly, I saw the old man opened his eyes, both eyes came out of the green light, and his pupils were strange.

"Because of my magical moon pupil" Lu Yang couldn't help feeling surprised when he saw these strange green eyes, and said, "What is the phantom moon dilated pupil?" Old man, you have a lot of tricks. "

The blue in Qingyang Chess King's eyes gradually disappeared, and he said: "In the devil world, there may not necessarily be a pair of fairies." As long as it is in the full moon, these magical moon pupils can see everything thousands of miles in the circle. Whether it is the sky or the earth, I can't escape my eyes. "

Lu Yang said in surprise: "Are you a demon?"

The Qingyang chess saint said inexplicably: "The old man is a devil, do you have any questions?" Lu Yang said angrily: "Monsters are not sensitive and often collude with evil things. It turns out to be an underground evil thing. Since you are a demon, you can't escape the poison of the devil." How dare you believe what you said. "

Qingyang Qisheng looked at him disappointedly, shook his head, and sighed: "I can't imagine a great farmer, but his vision is so short-sighted." This is really unpleasant. Lu Yang said coldly: "Am I right?" Qingyangqi sage said solemnly: "All beings in the six worlds are generally equal. Gods have good gods and evil gods, even people in the world. They are not all great and good people. If not, how can you come down to this point?" There is nothing in the world that can be generalized. Whether it is a devil or a devil, the devil also has good and evil. You have such a strong prejudice against the evil world and the devil's world, this is just the opinion of your husband. "

Lu Yang was reprimanded by him at this time. Although he felt that this was not unreasonable, the evil ghost, the chaos of the world, and the infinite disaster of the six can all be said to be from the hands of the devil, the devil that the world hates, and what's going on. He said: "There is good and evil, it sounds like a new thing." It's hard to imagine what a good demon looks like. You cannot turn your back to the other side of the world, nor can you do that. "

Qingyang Chess Sage: "This evil world has always been the most important of the six realms*, and there are casualties almost every moment." In this extremely chaotic world, there is a difference between good and evil, but the fairies are willing Not everyone wants to work with the devil. Lu Yang said: "This is the world's words, there are a few people who can believe it." Qingyang Chess King said indifferently: "The devil is different from people, so you don't care so much." If you want to do this, you won't be like one People are so hypocritical. We don't care what people think. Everything in the world has to work on the ground, live in the criticism of others, and be influenced by others' thoughts. Isn't it a sad thing? "

Lu Yang was silent, he agreed with this and was quite consistent with his ideas. He has always been a person who doesn't care what others think of him. No matter what others say, your future will not be better because of beautiful words, and it will not be bad because of some disfigured sentences. Life is always in your hands, and only you can determine your future.

He laughed at himself: "I never thought that when the devil is so difficult, I will die with a demon." He smiled helplessly. "It's just that you and I both have the same troubles. Now we need to leave here first." Old man, didn't you mean that you can see it next time you move? What kind of fairy do you have to wait until the moon is full? "

"Tonight is a full moon" Qingyang chess piece intercepted his words.

"So sure?"

Qingyang Chess King: "The old husband has lived in Shennong Valley for at least 19 years." Shan and Hai know something. Although this is a self-contained space, the starry sky here is no different from the outside world. There is no such thing as a bad person. Last night was the eve of the full moon, and tonight is naturally the full moon. It is still the beginning of the application, about 1898 hours, and then the moon. Three hours later, this is the next move. Does the old husband say there is any problem? "

Lu Yang said angrily, "You don't know where I know." There is no other way to think about this now. Looking everywhere now, I can't find any clues, because this old demon can have such abilities, so it's best to wait here. In any case, for now, it was not mentioned at all in three hours.

So he sat down, the old man listened to play chess with him, ecstatic, and hurriedly took a long sword and cut a stone in half, holding half of the chessboard, the sword crossed, 19 vertical and horizontal. It was done in the blink of an eye. The two didn't guess at first, and then Lu Yang whitened it first. He pressed his finger and saw the energy flashing on the wooden board, a piece of vertical and horizontal shape, if not shadowless.

Three hours passed quickly. Night fell unknowingly, and all around was lifeless, with only a shiny chessboard full of black and white chessboards.

"Bang" a sunspot fell in the center of the expected value, only seeing a beam of energy flashing from the center of the chessboard, a large piece of white chess piece slowly surfaced, and then disappeared in the smoke. Lu Yang had just condensed into a few pieces in his hand, but at this time there were not many white people on the whiteboard. ..


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