Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1230: : Watching the scene

Although she hasn't slept for a long time, although the bed in the big room of the inn is very comfortable, she still can't sleep all night. When a person closed his eyes, he seemed to see Han Lun pierced by a sword, and tears couldn't help streaming down. He opened the window, curled up on the head of the bed, staring at the east outside the window, waiting for the sun to come out.

At dawn, Yue'er went downstairs and prepared to leave, passing through the city, seeing the pitiful beggar, and threw a dozen pieces of silver. Seeing the poor man’s house, he threw dozens of dollars out of the window. She walked from the west to the east of the city, where it was almost full of joy.

This robbed the silver, and did not feel sad to spend it, in the blink of an eye, thousands of two silvers will be squandered. There are also some jewels, although they have not been moved yet, they have now reached the east gate. After all, he was not a special charity organization, so he would do good things by the way, and then went out of the east gate, ready to continue on the road, to Wuyishan Su Qing sent sword to drive.

Wuyi Mountain is not on Huainan Road, but on Jiangnan Road near Lingnan Road, southeast of Nanchang Hongdu, and northwest of Jian'an. Therefore, Yue'er set off from Qizhou, and then prepared to cross Fuzhou from Hongdu to Wuyi Mountain.

Although Hongdu is prosperous, it is now very close to Wuyi Mountain and the jade is no longer naughty. Therefore, it has not entered Honduras and directly headed south to Wuyi Mountain in Fuzhou.

This day has come outside Fuzhou City, and Yue'er only feels a strong wind blowing above her head. Looking up, I saw a strange bird flying in the sky. Its wings are blue, but its body is brown, and it is huge, like a little Gandhi. When she observed carefully, she found that the big bird was not a creature, but an organ bird.

When the bird flew closer, Jed found another woman standing on the back of the organ bird, wearing a purple dress, floating around, with a big dusty feeling.

At the foot of Wuyi Mountain, if Xiuxun School can use this mechanism, who else besides the Su Qingjian School of Han Lun Shimen? Jade shouted happily: "Sister in the sky, please wait a moment."

Jed's voice exudes spiritual power and can easily reach the air. The woman behind the organ heard the sound, glanced, and saw a small cliff in the forest where a man greeted her. After hesitating for a while, she adjusted the position of the bird and landed slowly. The bird hung slowly on the edge of the cliff, and the woman bowed to Jed and said, "I don't know what happened to the girl who called me?"

Lin Huyue said, "Is my sister a member of Suqing Swordsmanship School?"

The woman nodded, "Yes." Yuzi was ecstatic, and said hurriedly: "I'm going to Suqing Swordsmanship School, but Wuyi Mountain is so big, I can't find the way." Can you let your sister show me the way? ? "

The woman said, "That girl doesn't seem to be a local, why are you going to the teacher's door?" Linghu said, "I'm looking for someone. Do you know Han Lun?" The woman listened to her, opened her eyes slightly, as if a little unhappy, and said, "What do you want him to do?" Yue'er said without hesitation: "He is My husband." I heard that he was injured by his master and took him to Wuyi Mountain. When I heard the news, I came back from western Sichuan and finally arrived here. Sister, can you do me a favor and take me to see him? "This woman was surprised by what she said. After a while, she said: "I'm going to Fuzhou to do something, I can't go with you. "Sorry. But," she paused, looking at Jed's face as if she couldn't bear to say it. "However, Yue Er felt very strange and asked: "But, what? "

"You don't have to go to him, you won't see him." The woman bit her lip and said. Yue Er asked in surprise: "Why?" The woman retorted, "Brother Han and," Yu'er saw her hesitating, her heart suddenly hung up, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with him?"

The woman bit her teeth, turned her head, and whispered, "He's dead."

She said these three words softly, but Jed heard them, as if they had been struck by lightning. Suddenly, she only felt that her mind was blank, her body's power seemed to be empty, her eyes were dizzy, and she involuntarily paralyzed herself.

For a while, she only felt someone talking. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the woman in front of her. A spirit was slowly infiltrating their eyebrows.

Seeing her waking up, the woman was relieved. When Lin Hu saw that it was her, she suddenly remembered what she had just said. For a while, I only had difficulty breathing, a sharp pain in my abdomen, and a sudden cough, but blood came out of my mouth.

The woman was stunned by the sight. I want to say something to comfort you. Tears shed tears in Jed's eyes, gently pushed the woman's support away, wiped the blood on her lips and horns, then slowly stood up, bra, choked and said, "I can't believe it!" No longer let the woman lead her away, a man stumbled down the mountain as if he could not go.

The woman looked at the scene, sighed involuntarily, looked back at the front, and saw the setting sun like blood, colorful underneath. Lu Yang jumped on the raft and was about to speak, when suddenly he saw a crystal quickly reflected in his eyes under the moonlight, and there was a sound of running water among the mountains and ravines. At this time, the moon was shining bright and the earth was very clear. All the valleys seemed to flow again and again, and the mountains reverberated, roaring like a dragon. Not long ago, the deep valley could see the rapids between the valleys. Taking a closer look, I realized that the water level was rising rapidly.

Sure enough, once again, the fluctuation and undulating speed of the water flow, it is estimated that it will not take a long time, and it may become a vast ocean here.

Thinking of this period of time, I suddenly heard the laughter of Qingyang chess pieces: "Son, the fun is here, ready to go." Lu Yang entered inexplicably, the old man pointed behind him, Lu Yang just turned around, and saw the one behind him. A large mountain torrent was actually washed down from the top of the mountain, and a huge waterfall flew down. The big and thick tree at the mouth of the basin broke under the water, and Lang immediately broke its waist. A wave of withering sound did not reach their ears.

In fear, Lu Yang looked left and right, and could see the water flow in the mountains almost everywhere, like a silver yarn quickly covering the entire land. There is nowhere to escape, the whole world is surrounded by boundless currents.

He turned around and looked at the water flow below the cliff, about a foot high. The water flowed rapidly, hitting the rock wall, and constantly aroused a few feet of water. But compared to torrents flying down the mountain, this power is easier. Seeing the scene of the mountain torrent shaking the trees, Lu Yang couldn't help being stunned. Although he is an invisible force, he does not know whether he can contend with this huge current. But staying at this point is by no means the best choice. ..


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