Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1231: : Accidentally doing this

Lu Yang said, "Old man, stand still." Qingyang Chess King: "What do you want to do?" "Look at the water behind you," Lu Yang said. "If you really want to shoot it, even if you have ten lives as an old monster, it is not enough to die." As he said, he jumped off the raft, pushed the raft close to the cliff, and then jumped up again. He pulled out the axe, and his spirit surged. Suddenly he cut off the axe on the cliff at the end of the raft. Suddenly, only a loud noise was heard, the whole rock suddenly cracked, and the raft fell into the valley very quickly.

This huge rock fell into the water and suddenly aroused a burst of spray. When the raft was very close to the water, it was suddenly lifted to a high altitude by the entire roof. The raft flies in the air, one tail at a time, looking at the situation, it must be tilted into the water, and at that moment, it must be tilted into the water. He only heard a loud noise, a sudden force surged to his feet, and then pushed one end of the raft down, and with a bang, the raft landed smoothly on the water, on the rapids of the area, and then Drive to the valley downstream in an instant.

This moment is extremely dangerous. Qingyang chessboard has stabilized the shape of the body. Both eyes are fixed in front. Any tree trunk with pumice stone floating on the water, or the raft is about to hit the sides of the rock, the old man’s sword will Quickly come out of the hole and remove the obstacles in front one by one. In less than a minute, these two people have come a long way.

Suddenly, I heard a violent roar, and when I looked up, I saw that the mountain torrent above my head had already rushed to the cliff mouth. At this time, it was the oppression of the whole earth. The two men jumped into the current almost unexpectedly and hid under the raft. Grasp the gap between the rafts with one hand. After a while, the two people suddenly felt the turbulence of the entire current, and the raft seemed to be crushed by a great force, almost a foot deep. However, after being broken by the current, the two men were finally unharmed. Soon the raft rose quickly in the rapids and surfaced again.

Luo Xiaocheng and Qingyang chess rushed out of the water and jumped on the raft. Qingyang Chess King twisted his beard in the water, and said tremblingly: "Good boy, if your raft is fastened well, it can be regarded as an escape bullet."

This raft was made by Lu Yang, half tied with a big tree held by two people. It should be called the "king" of the raft. It is too heavy and almost hard to break. Lu Yang stabilized the raft and controlled the direction so that the raft would not hit the rocks. However, the image in front of him seemed much better than that of the East. King Situ had been chasing him at full speed, but he could only keep a relative distance and could not catch him. On the contrary, I don't know why. He always felt that the man in front was much better than him. Along the way, after a fragrant kung fu stick, the man suddenly jumped near the palace, from one corner to the side. Emperor Stu slowed down and waited until the corner, but the figure of the man in black had disappeared.

King Situ naturally didn't want to let this person escape and wandered in the palace, but after finding half a joss stick, he still did not find the shadow of half a man in black.

No one could be found everywhere, and Emperor Stu jumped to the top of the house at the beginning and looked around. Suddenly, he only felt the strong wind behind him, and there was a sword in his subconscious mind. When the iron and gold sound, Situ suddenly jumped off, preparing to move the sword, but then waiting for the attack, can suddenly react and stand in front of Situ Yuelang.

"Sir, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you see the palace today?" Situ Yuelang put the sword back in the sheath, because the dragon's tendon was injured in his left hand, and the right hand was also toxic. It just used a little force to cause The wound opened, and when the sword was shot into the sheath, there was even a little strength because it couldn't find the mouth of the sheath. All this was seen in the eyes of Emperor Situ, which is quite suspicious. Situ Yuelang injured his left hand. When black people wrestled with him, his left hand was always hidden under the cloak. I'm not using it all the time. He injured his right shoulder, and the man in black happened to have his right shoulder injured. More importantly, in a hurry, the black man once said: "King Situ, you are cruel!" Although he had no intention of doing this, he heard clearly. The tone of this sentence is almost the same as Situ Yuelang!

King Situ raised his head coldly, eyes red like blood, staring at him closely, as if to keep him alive. "Brother Stu, why are you hurt?" he asked in a very slow and cold voice, which was full of ferocious feelings.

"Today, I was injured by a thief in the East Dragon Palace. I have some minor injuries. Don't worry." Situ Yuelang didn't seem to care, but said with a smile. But suddenly the reaction came back and said: "Hey, you haven't answered me yet. This is your duty today. Why are you leaving your job without permission?" This is not your style. What are you doing here to kill you? "

King Situ turned his sword gently and said, "I thought it was from the East. Then, how could he walk under my sword without losing so many movements? If it were him, he would come too fast. Now," he said.

"What are you talking about? What happened?"

"Situ Yuelang, Xiaowan and I have always respected you as a big brother. We never thought that you should be such a despicable person! Although I can't beat you, today is to send you this life, and I will definitely let you live. Like death!" He drank loudly, turned before the sword, and a water dragon rushed out. The sword was hidden in the torrent. In the shape of Emperor Situ, he also grabbed the long sword and stabbed it away like the wind.

Situ Yuelang did not expect Emperor Situ to do it himself, and did not notice for a moment that the other side of the sword had been forced in front of him. But he had to step back and use his scabbard to attack with the water dragon. His figure moved upwards and suddenly turned backwards, avoiding Situ Emperor's second sword action.

"What are you doing? Stop it!" As soon as the words fell, King Situ drank a large glass, turned around, and stabbed him with a sword. At this time, Situ Yuelang was ready, and immediately drew out a long sword, wrapped the dragon around the sword, swam for a while, and immediately several water dragons attacked and left. Both of them came out of the same door, so they have roughly the same style, but Situ Yuelang is very smart. He has a chance to be passed down by the Long Wusheng Method, so if he does this under the sword, any set of martial arts will be greatly increased. His power.

King Situ saw it. He just waved the sword, but didn't hide it in his body, as if the sword was right in front of his eyes. He would never blink. Seeing that he might break the ship, Situ Yuelang could not help but palpitations secretly, and shouted: "Brother Huang, where did you offend you? It is worthy of you to leave your post and kill me!" His speech was a little excited, his The blood vessels were open, and the wounds on the right arm were open. The sleeves are white with blood, the light is in the electric current. ..


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