Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1232: : Eat soon

Seeing the blood on his right arm, King Situ was furious. At this time, I didn't want to say a word to him. In the sword's hand, only one battle would kill him. Fang Caiping hated it. So the long sword trembled, and immediately rushed to the point where he didn't want to die!

His attack was quick and anxious, so he beckoned and died. Situ Yuelang didn't expect for a while that he was injured at this time, his strength was greatly weakened, and he was even less willing to hurt him, so he had to avoid the road without stopping. But under his fierce attack, the king was subdued, panting, and never had a chance to speak again.

In this hot battle, the black man slowly pulled down his scarf in a dark corner. It turned out to be Luo Xiaocheng. Seeing the battle not far away, he couldn't help but laugh, then turned his head and muttered, "I hope that both Sister Han and Master Han will win." Then, he gently threw a pill. In his mouth, his body became illusory for a while, then completely transparent, disappearing from there.

The eighth floor.

Qin Ji and Lian Long rushed out of the Dragon Ball portal together. According to the plan, the guards here should be led by Han Lun and his wife, and they naturally came out with a sigh of relief. At this point, the eighth floor is almost empty. The two were filled with joy, and Rong Ji said, "It seems that the guys have won." I hope they can hold on. "

Lan tilted his head and nodded: "King Situ didn't follow him, he must have put his hand next to his elder brother." He said. We should not have trackers for now. Leave here and go back to your residence. "

"It's almost done," she said softly, stroking the back of her hand. "Relax your heart"

He ran and nodded, he really didn't know whether to be happy or worried. Although the Dragon Ball is in hand, they have not left Xilong Palace yet, and five days are coming. And a lady in red and white said something very concerned about her, this dragon ball seems to be able to save more people. Although I don't know the specific situation, it is because of so much care in the East and West Dragon Palaces. This dragon ball must be related to the life and death of many people, it is great to steal it from here. "Jed, we are almost here" Han Lun walked in front of him, turned around and grabbed Yu's hand, holding her, and running with her. The visible distance behind them is always the guards and soldiers being chased. There are about a few hundred people of this size just to catch two thieves, which is really strange.

However, this hiding seems to have played a big role and successfully attracted the attention of a large number of guards. Now, counting the time, the other two people should have done their own thing. It's time for them both to go.

The place in front of the two men is not a gorgeous house. Although there is nothing to see, the house is swaying, as if it were ecstasy. By bringing the soldiers here, most of their tasks have been completed.

I walked in the house for a while, looking for a hidden corner. The two people hid in, breathing for a while. Yue'er bent down and tightly wrapped the wound on her abdomen. Although she covered her face, Han Lun would know that she was really injured by listening to her uneven breathing.

"Why are you hurt? It's too tight." She leaned against her.

Yue'er gritted her teeth and said, "This is my carelessness. I didn't expect the guards to be so powerful. When he came in, he took a bullet and pierced the blood bag and injured me." However, Han Lun felt her Holding her hands a little tight, she smiled comfortingly: "Small injuries, nothing, only some pain, endure it. But using blood sacs, pretending to be injured, now seems to be extra blood sacs."

"You go back first, and I will come back for the rest." Han Lun said solemnly.

Yue'er was startled, and the smile on her face instantly solidified. "No, you have to go together. With so many dragons, you can't handle it alone. If you finish speaking, they will hear the shouts of nearby Longwei patrols." Search carefully and don't let go of every corner! Let go of them! I want to rip off your head! "

Listen to the sound. These dragons are already searching like this. Han Lun came to her ear and said, "Yu, listen to me." At this point, Long Wei's first question was that we first need to come back. Otherwise, what you do today will be futile. Don't worry, I won't fight them again. You go back, I'll be right back. "

"But" she said two sentences just now, she only felt a pain in her heart, and she didn't have the energy to speak anymore. At present, I am afraid this is the only way. She suddenly took Han Lun's hand and said, "Duke Xiang, they are all innocent. You don't kill them, okay?"

Han Lun smiled softly, but suddenly, he issued a trace of hatred and said, "They are still very useful. How can they die? Don't worry." I will be there soon. . note!. "

Jed nodded, trying to say something, Han Lun broke her hand and walked down the eaves. Yue'er was cold in the same place, and suddenly heard the voice of Longwei patrolling in the distance getting closer. This is why I took a pill from my waist and ate it quickly. That is to slowly pour into the hidden charm. With a short period of service, the body shape can be illusory and transparent, that is to say, it is really difficult to detect someone around you. In this operation, one of each of the five people was to withdraw from the operation. Under the concealment of Yue'er's costume, he will also escape in a relatively rare direction in a short time.

Han Lun, like a spider, swayed on the eaves, like a fish, dexterous, very few, and then came to the front hut. There was no Chang Wei here to look for, Han Lun gently opened the door, and the body flashed into the room.

Although the furniture in the house is simple, it is also exquisite, the cabin is not too big, and most of the rooms are used by women. There is a bed in each corner of the room, and a lady in each bed. It turned out to be guarding Ali and Ayu at the gate of Longcheng. These two women in black are the same as Han Lun. Now in a deep coma.

Han Lun walked to the bed, looked at the quiet faces of the two women, and slowly released a tingling look in his eyes. Suddenly, he accumulated a psychic power in his hand, suddenly opened his eyes, the power in his hand turned into a spear head, raised his hand, and severely stabbed the woman in the chest. Ali seemed to feel this kind of heartache in a coma, her face suddenly wrinkled, and within a minute, she had no breath at all.

On the other side, Han Lun scratched Ayu's arm with a knife. Before she woke up, he immediately covered her mouth and nose. Ayu turned around in pain, although in a coma. But it also seemed to feel the fear of death, struggling and subconsciously trying to break free of Han Lun's hands, but Han Lun's strength was constantly increasing, and his killing and fanatical eyes were getting heavier and heavier, as if to do something. An exciting thing. ..


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