Martial Arts? I Don't Know How To Do It, But I Only Know Magic!

Chapter 8 The Seven Emotions And Six Desires: The Lost Formation 1

Henry Zhang’s idea is very simple. Since these people are looking for him, it is better to open an opening by himself.

He has reason to believe that when these people from various forces are exposed to the charm of cultivating immortals, most of them will become his supporters and die-hard believers.

Once ordinary people experience the taste of cultivating immortals, they will become addicted, both body and soul. How many people can resist immortality?

What's more, they can have great power while being immortal. In order to live forever and gain more powerful power, they will support themselves unanimously.

Early in the morning on the first day of September, the foot of Longhu Mountain was crowded with people. These people came from all over the country to participate in the recruitment event of Tianshi Mansion.

Early in the morning, Araki followed the Tianshi's order and announced the conditions that lay disciples must meet to join the Tianshi Mansion.

In addition to him, there are about fifty fellow disciples, all of whom have returned to the Tianshi Mansion in the past two days.

Araki held a talisman in his hand that could amplify the sound, and huddled his hands in his sleeves:

"Pindao follows the order of the Heavenly Master. Today we are here to select those who are qualified to participate in the selection of lay disciples of the Heavenly Master's Mansion. Thank you all for participating.

Those who meet the conditions can proceed to the next level. "

Although no sound settings were used, Araki's voice reached the ears of all participants accurately and clearly.

Araki: "First, the Celestial Master's Mansion will not accept any tattoos on the body. In ancient China, tattoos were only owned by those who committed crimes and were punished. Those who do not meet the conditions will take a step back."

At this time, about one in ten people retreated. Contemporary young people especially like tattoos. They feel that tattoos make them more individual.

Although the vast majority of people with tattoos say they are dissatisfied with this condition, they can only take a step back honestly. Some people with tattoos on their private parts do not take a step back.

Araki: "The Tianshi Mansion is the head of the Taoist sect. It is a local sect in China and does not recruit non-Chinese citizens. The second rule is that the Tianshi Mansion will not accept non-Chinese citizens. Please take a step back."

A large group of foreigners withdrew, shouting that it was unfair, but no, this is the home court of the Chinese.

This time, the foreigners were almost killed. The Chinese people at the scene clapped their hands and applauded. There were not many places in the first place. Why did foreigners come to join in the fun? There weren’t enough of our own people, not to mention that this was a local Chinese sect.

Araki: "Article 3: Those with criminal records will not be accepted by the Tianshi Mansion. People who practice martial arts and practice Taoism must be upright. Please take a step back for such people."

This time, a small group of people retreated. Of course, there were also those who fished in troubled waters.

Araki: "Although lay disciples cannot become monks, in order to prevent you from cultivating the Tao too deeply and being addicted to it, forgetting your responsibilities as children.

Therefore, the fourth rule, if you are the only child in the family, please take a step back, the Tianshi Mansion will not accept you. "

As soon as this article came out, the number of people present was reduced by half. Now there are many only children. Considering that there were too many people participating, Henry Zhang deliberately made such a condition.

"Why can't only children participate?"

"Yes, the conditions of your Tianshi Mansion are too unreasonable."

"Why can't people with tattoos be allowed? This is discrimination and we won't allow it."

"Why don't you give those who have made mistakes a chance to reform? The police give them a chance, why don't Tianshi Mansion give them a chance?"

"Why can't foreigners participate? This is discrimination against foreigners and we have to protest."

"Everyone should not participate. This is obviously naked discrimination and undemocratic. What is the point of joining this kind of religion? If they don't change the conditions, they will quit together."

Because too many people were eliminated in the fourth article, the only children who were eliminated were not satisfied. Why, after all the effort, I came here to participate, and I was eliminated just for this reason. This is too outrageous.

Because several other people who were eliminated also followed suit, trying to get Tianshi Mansion to modify the conditions.

Especially foreigners, some of whom are agents and spies. If nothing happens if they are selected, the government behind them will find a way to solve it.

But if you are not selected, I'm sorry, the Chinese government has already set up a dragnet around the periphery, so don't even think about going back. You will stay here honestly and either go to jail or be shot. Bar.

Araki looked serious and unmoved: "Quiet!"

This loud shout, with the full power of Araki's power talisman, was like a lion's roar, deafening.

After seeing that everyone was shocked to silence by his lion's roar, Araki continued:

"This is the recruitment and selection of lay disciples by our Tianshi Mansion. All conditions and the final right of interpretation belong to our Tianshi Mansion. We will not force it.

If you meet the conditions and are willing to stay and participate, if you feel that our conditions are too harsh or not democratic enough, you can leave on your own and we will never stop you. "

Of course, those who have not been screened out cannot leave the show stupidly. They have been eliminated, but they are one step closer to their goals. Only fools would listen to the nonsense of these eliminated people.

Araki: “We don’t accept only children, in order to prevent the elderly from having an accident at home and having no children to take care of them.

So the same, Article 5:

If you are a parent and your children have not yet grown up and have the ability to become financially independent, the Tianshi Mansion will not accept them. "

Araki: "Those who come to practice martial arts and practice Taoism must also obtain permission from their parents.

Article 6: Tianshi Mansion will not accept children without their parents’ permission. "

As soon as these two items came out, more people retreated. A large proportion of them started families and started businesses. Those who had time and money to travel around were college students.

Either they have just graduated and have been working for a short time or have not started a family or started a business. This group of people accounts for the largest proportion.

Araki: "Those who meet the conditions, please line up in front, and we will check whether you are fully qualified. If you pass the inspection, please go directly to the mountain."

The Taoist priests of Tianshi Mansion sat in a row on their seats, with a mantra talisman placed on each person's table:

"I am a Chinese citizen, I have no tattoos on my body, and I have not committed any crime.

I am not an only child in my family. I have no children (or my children have grown up and are financially independent). My parents agreed that I would become a disciple of the Tianshi Mansion and become a lay disciple. "

People who thought they met the requirements lined up in about twenty lines, touched the mantra talismans with their hands, and said this passage in their mouths.

As long as there are no abnormalities, another Taoist priest will lead every ten people to the climbing point. There is only one entrance to the Huaxia Longhu Mountain that can be climbed, and other places cannot be climbed.

Araki and a few people were guarding the trailhead, trying their best to prevent anyone from fishing in troubled waters and getting in.

If you meet the requirements, you can read it in half a minute. If you don't meet the requirements, don't say anything.

No matter how determined you are, you must tell the truth in front of the Mantra Talisman. This is not comparable to a lie detector.

These talismans were painted by Henry Zhang himself and had spiritual power injected into them. They are only valid for today. After all, they are not real talismans. Real talismans will be valid for a long time as long as they are not damaged.

There were only 10,000 to 20,000 people who met the conditions, and Araki let them go up the mountain one after another. Logically speaking, if so many people went up at once, the stone steps and roads for climbing would have to be blocked.

Fortunately, Henry Zhang was well prepared and set up the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Tracing Formation early.

The Seven Emotions and Six Desires Tracing Formation is set up at the entrance of the mountain. Once the formation is set up, the entire Longhu Mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist. Once the climber steps into it, the whole person will be transferred into the illusion.

It looks like they are climbing, but in fact, people are no longer on the mountain. Otherwise, if the stone steps are full, there will be no room for the ten or twenty thousand people who have passed the screening.

The Seven Emotions and Six Desires Maze Array, as its name suggests, once opened, as long as you step into it, it will infinitely amplify your seven emotions and six desires, directly hitting the deepest desires in your heart.

If you cannot control your emotions and desires, once you are tricked, you will fail. This will randomly teleport you to any location at the foot of Longhu Mountain.

If it weren't for such a formation, Henry Zhang would really have a hard time ending up. It would be a lot of work to select a hundred people out of hundreds of thousands of people.

With the Tianshi Mansion currently having more than a hundred people, how long will it take to get there? Maybe I will be sliced ​​into slices before the selection is completed.

Hundreds of thousands of people is not a small number. If you are not careful, various problems can easily occur, and the Tianshi Mansion will be even more troublesome.

The system will also need to be renamed by then. It will no longer be called the Daily Cultivation System, but it will be called the Recruiting Disciples Cultivation System.

Master Xuanxu [the red robe can be called the mage, the yellow robe can be called the Taoist Master] and a dozen fellow disciples were in charge of greeting and counting the people who passed the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Formation assessment at the door.

If there are more than 100 people, they will eliminate another group. Zhang Xuan will wait in the Sanqing Hall for the 100 people who finally passed the assessment and were selected into the Tianshi Mansion.


Within the Seven Emotions and Six Desires:

Edward is a mixed-race Chinese Eagle. His mother is a Chinese citizen and his father is a native of the Eagle country.

After his parents divorced, he chose to follow his mother, who was an archaeologist, and became a Chinese citizen.

He has been exposed to Chinese culture since he was a child, especially Taoist culture, which he loves in China. He is particularly obsessed with the legendary quest for immortality and alchemy for immortality.

He felt that the Catholic Church was simply weak compared to the Chinese Taoism.

The video of the Heavenly Master praying for rain that went viral abroad was forwarded to him by his friends in China, who then forwarded it to foreign websites.

After receiving the news that Tianshi Mansion was recruiting one hundred lay disciples this time, he left Yingguo University overnight and took the nearest flight to China.

With the help of his friends, he got on the high-speed train to Longhu Mountain as soon as he got off the plane.

The little friend didn't meet the conditions and was eliminated directly, but Edward was stuck on the last condition: he must get his parents' permission.

He came in a hurry and forgot to say hello to his mother. He quickly called his mother.

His mother is an archaeologist and has paid attention to the Celestial Master who has become popular on the Internet during this period. She has no interference in her son's choice.

As long as you don't break the law, it's fine. How about cultivating immortality? Haha, no one knows better than archaeologists. There are not many tombs of emperors who want to live forever. Let Edward go and have fun.

In this way, he finally entered the Seven Emotions and Six Desires.

In the formation, his favorite girl from college threw herself into his arms. Edward sneered: "It's just a pink skull, it can't disturb my pursuit of truth."

As soon as the illusion changed, he climbed to the top of Longhu Mountain. The Tianshi Mansion personally came out to greet him and wanted to accept him as his disciple and teach him Taoism.

But he didn't care at all: "This is too fake. Tianshi is the number one person in the Taoist sect. How could he waste time coming out to greet a little person like him?"

Continuing to move forward, he returned home. His parents appeared in front of him. He asked curiously, "Mommy, didn't you and the old man divorce ten years ago?"

Mom: "Oh, Edward, what are you thinking about? Are you sick? Our family has been living together for more than ten years. When did we get divorced?"

Old man: "Hey, kid, what are you thinking in your head? Your mom and I are so in love, how can we get divorced?"

When Edward was a child, his biggest wish was that his parents would not get divorced. "Is there really something wrong with my brain? I clearly remember you getting divorced?"

The memory in his mind was getting blurry, but Edward was very happy. Although he didn't know why, he was very happy when he saw his parents loving each other.

He had a wonderful meal with his parents at home in Eagle Country, and then returned to school in the afternoon.

"Edward, let's go. The Catholic Pope is coming to our school to give a speech. Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." This is Tom, Edward's best classmate in college.

Edward: "Do I like Christianity very much, Tom?"

Tom: "Oh my God, Edward, are you out of your mind? You are the biggest fan of Christianity in our school.

If anyone dares to say a few bad words about God's religion, you will go up and fight him. "

Edward always felt a little restless. Before he could think about it, in a blink of an eye, he and Tom were sitting in the school's lecture hall.

The Catholic Pope is giving a speech on the stage. Every time he says a few words, he always gets bursts of applause from the students.

The more Edward thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, but he still clapped along.

The next moment, he appeared in the dormitory, sitting in front of the computer, and Tom was sitting next to him:

"Damn it, this person actually said on the Internet that Catholicism is inferior to that sect in the East. Enter Edward, scold him."

Edward was getting more and more confused. Tom, on the other hand, was spitting out fragrance crazily and urging him to type to counterattack the other party.

When he was typing at Tom's urging, he didn't see the weird smile on the corner of Tom's mouth.

When he was about to press the Enter key to send out, he suddenly paused: "Oh, Fake, something is wrong, I remembered."

Tom: "What's wrong? Hit them back quickly. Since they dare to question the great God, they really deserve to go to hell."

Edward: "No, I like Dongfang Daomen. I don't like God. I finally remembered, Tom, you are not my best friend. Damn it, the relationship between us has never been good."

Edward finally remembered, just when he was about to lose his qualifications.

Tom's expression changed, and the scene changed again. Edward appeared at the dining table at home, and his parents were dining with him.

Looking at his parents who were loving each other, Edward remained silent and smiled as he finished the meal with them.

Edward: "I'm happy to see this, even though it's fake."

The expressions of Edward's mother and father changed at the same time: "Dear, are you exhausted recently and are you talking nonsense?"

Edward: "Thank you, my parents divorced when I was very young.

My biggest wish when I was a child was for them to remarry. Thank you for fulfilling my wish when I was a child, even if it was all false. "

Edward smiled and looked at his parents in front of him: "Okay, my wish has been fulfilled, it's time to wake up from the dream, and it's time for me to leave."

Edward's parents still said to him: "Are you going to play there tomorrow? Then go to bed early. Good night, my dear."

Edward saw that the scene was about to change again: "I am participating in the selection of lay disciples of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain in China. I am going back to continue participating. Goodbye, parents of this world."

As soon as he finished speaking, everything in front of him was immediately broken like a mirror, and he reappeared on the climbing stone steps of Longhu Mountain.

After calming down, Edward stretched out his right hand viciously and gave himself a big blow.

"Hiss, Fake, it really hurts. It seems like it's real." Edward grinned as he was beaten by his big dick, and kept sucking air in his mouth.

This is so amazing. No wonder it is said that the Tianshi Mansion is the first of the Taoist sect in China, and the Tianshi is the number one person in the Taoist sect. You must work hard and strive to be selected.

Edward calmed down on the spot, cheered himself up, and continued to walk upwards. The Chinese Taoist Sect was so amazing, he must join it.


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