Martial Arts Prodigy? Sorry I'm Kryptonian

Chapter 121: A-Class Supernatural Being Experimental Body Kane

The kinetic energy generated by the high-speed collision turns into a shock wave.

The original experimental body abilities in front of him flew upside down like billiard balls.

Most of them just passed out.

A small number of those who were still awake were also lying on the spot with fear on their faces, shivering while clutching their broken bones.

"Come on, come with me."

Ye Ren looked up at the nearby camera.

Then his eyes locked in one direction.

That's where Dr. Tano is.

With the ability to see through Ye Ren, Dr. Tano has nowhere to hide.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Dr. Tano's expression became very ugly at this moment.

So many supernatural beings.

Can't even cause him a little trouble?

To this.

Dr. Tano lifted all the supervision measures in areas B and A in one go.

The shrill sirens became more mixed.

Deep in the regulatory zone.

There were dilapidated and filthy District A everywhere, and a few slightly crooked figures walked out.


Long-term brainwashing has brought their spirits to the brink of collapse.

Dr. Tano knew what would happen if they were released.

But he has no choice.

"A file A-level power user Kane, code-named "magician", the awakening power is a high-intensity telekinesis, very dangerous, need to add a hundred servings of tranquilizers and muscle relaxants to the food

"A-level superpower Marcus, code-named "magma", awakens his body tissue into high-temperature magma, which releases poisonous gas and needs to be housed in a special high-temperature-resistant prison."

"A-level superpower Adam, code-named 'Undead', has awakened supernatural ability to heal himself. At the same time, his physical fitness has been greatly improved, and he can ignore the bombardment of anti-equipment sniper rifles at close range."

These three monsters.

They were free, Dr. Tano gritted his teeth, and hastily stuffed the portfolio into his bosom.

But he just turned around.


The wall suddenly shattered, and he instinctively blocked his hands in front of him.

It can be next second.

He looked at the person in front of him tremblingly:

"You... how do you..."

It turned out that Ye Ren didn't take the usual path at all, but used perspective to pass through in a straight line.

No matter how hard the walls are.

It can only be pierced with one punch.

"It seems that you are the top person in charge of this institute, if you detain him, he is our target.

Obviously this is not the place for interrogation.

Jinglei appeared behind Dr. Tano and handcuffed his hands.

Just a Common Dr. Tano.

There is no ability to resist at all.

"Wait a minute! Don't hurt me, I still have family!"

"As long as you confess with leniency, resist with strictness, and cooperate honestly, we will not hurt you."

You Hai patted Dr. Tano's old face.

The mission has actually been considered a success here, and the next step is to evacuate with Dr. Tano.

Jinglei, Youhai and Ice Turtle never dreamed of it.

This task is so easy.

what did they do

Just follow Ye Ren, watch him bang bang bang all the way, and grab the bewildered Dr. Tano.

It's that simple.

Just as Ye Ren was evacuating, a crooked guy stood in front of them.

"Look here! Kane! Look at me!"

Dr. Tano suddenly yelled frantically.

Jinglei quickly covered his mouth.

But his voice.

It still attracted the attention of the crooked figure.

"'s you madman!"

He roared, and there was a trace of reason in his cloudy eyes, which was an emotion called killing intent.

He straightened his back suddenly.

Kane is about 1.8 meters tall. He used to be fat and strong, but now his weight is less than 60 kilograms.

Milky brown hair looks like it hasn't been washed for many years.

And his cloudy eyes showed a strange dark red.


Ice Turtle threw out a little Li flying knife, but the flying knife attached to the air failed to break his defense.

The bodies of these supernatural beings.

Too hard.

The magician Kane slammed his hands on the ground angrily, creating two sunken holes.

Rubble floated from the cracks.

at the same time.


Suddenly dense cracks appeared on the walls of the corridor.

Then it exploded.

Each piece of stone is under the trend of thought power.

They slammed towards Ye Ren.

The flying speed of the stones was very fast, each of them broke through the speed of sound, making a piercing sound of piercing the air.

Jinglei and the others subconsciously wanted to dodge.

But Ye Ren took a deep breath.


A gust of wind breathed out from his mouth, blowing back all the stones that had been smashed.

Not only that, the violent wind.

Even Kane himself didn't stand firm, and the whole person flew up.

"You protect this bald man."

Ye Ren turned around and said.

Then he flew in front of Kane at supersonic speed, and was about to raise his fist for a shot.

……ask for flowers…

Unexpectedly, Kane roared.

The surrounding reinforced concrete concrete was torn down by the force of thought, and instantly wrapped Ye Ren in it.

"Damn it! The earth explodes and the sky explodes!"

Ye Ren was also taken aback.

The boulder weighing several tons collided under the acceleration of thought force, if it was someone else.

There would be nothing but a residue left in an instant.

But Kane only heard a muffled bang, and Ye Ren flew out of the stone pestle with his chest upright.


A look of astonishment was evident on his face.

Immediately afterwards.

It took only one sixtieth of a second for Ye Ren's right fist to land on him.

A circle of rippling White ripples appeared in the air.

Kane flew backwards at a faster speed.

Dozens of layers of thick concrete walls were shattered along the way, and almost escaped from the research institute.



After the kinetic energy gradually dissipated.

Kane spat out a mouthful of blood foam on the spot, and his face burst out with blue veins in the shape of branch veins.

Red's pupils almost popped out of their sockets.

He knelt on the ground.

Supporting his trembling body with his hands, he seemed to want to get up, but he couldn't go to the calendar for a long time.

A shadow fell in front of him.

Kane's lips twitched, and he slowly raised his head, only to see Ye Ren looking down at him expressionlessly.

"Freedom from..."

He stretched out his hand, as if trying to grab something.

Immediately afterwards, the invisible force suddenly tightened.

The air was compressed in an instant, and with Ye Ren at the center, everything was collapsing inward.

"cluck cluck"

The artificial black diamond column of the Bearing Research Institute made a bending sound.

This is a special building material used to cast underground structures.

Its hardness, toughness and other aspects.

Much higher than refined steel, just because it takes more cost and time to manufacture.

Therefore, only the load-bearing pillars use artificial black diamond.


Kane vomited another pool of blood.

There were several pieces of shattered internal organs mixed in, and Ye Ren's punch just now had already caused him serious injuries.

Even if the power of thought absorbs part of the kinetic energy.

Even the body of the powerful supernatural being couldn't bear the power brought by that punch.


"Go to hell!"

In Kane's crazy roar, the artificial black diamond pillar broke completely, piercing towards Ye Ren's head like a spear. .

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