Martial Arts Prodigy? Sorry I'm Kryptonian

Chapter 122: Magma Man Marcus

Kane's eyes sparkled.



The artificial black diamond pillar carrying great expectations hit Ye Ren's face.

It just knocked his skin into a small circle of ripples.

It was like being slapped in the face.

Even Ye Ren didn't even tilt his head.

Instead, it was the pillar.

Bounced away by Ye Ren's hard face, it happened to stab at Kane.


Kane's invulnerable body.

Being pierced by the artificial black diamond pillar made my heart feel cold and my heart soared.

Red's blood dripped down the broken pillar.

The light in Kane's eyes dimmed.

He bowed his head facing Ye Ren and died in a kneeling position.

"Wow, brother Ye, help!"

The panic-stricken figure fled to Ye Ren, and he followed the hole that was smashed by Kane.

Lead the supernatural person behind him to Ye Ren.

After Ye Ren flew to Kane's side.

"Seven Six Seven" Jinglei and Youhai Ice Turtle saw the other two experimental subjects of A-level abilities who were not mentally well.

The magma monster Markarth.

He has completely broken away from the category of human beings, and his entire body has turned into magma.

Although vaguely humanoid, he's more like a layer of melted hellish goblins.


No matter where Marcus went, there would be darkness under his feet.

After all, the surface of his body is more than a thousand degrees.

so hot.

It can almost melt most things in his sight.


From time to time, Marcus would emit a cloud of gray poisonous mist from his body surface, just a little contamination.

There is a risk of suffocation.

"Brother Ye! Help! I'm really going to die!"

Because the buildings in the research institute were all damaged by Kane's convenient thoughts.

The terrain becomes complicated, and Jinglei's speed is limited.

The most important thing is——

There were a large number of burn marks on the surface of his skin, and the scorched clothes on his upper body were stuck together with his skin.

It looks scalp tingling.

After Marcas turned into a magma monster, he didn't lose his powerful body.

He is also invulnerable, quick to react and quick to move.

Jinglei was injured because Markas spewed out a large amount of magma.

Jinglei was affected in order to protect Youhai and Ice Turtle.

"The ice turtle was restrained by him, so I lured him here."

Ye Ren stretched out his hand and grabbed the fast-moving thunder.

At the same time exhaled out.

Freezing Breath temporarily makes Thunder less painful.

"You go to them and leave this guy to me."

"Alright Brother Ye!"

Jinglei, whose body was covered with ice crystals, let out a sigh of relief.

With a whooping sound, it disappeared from the spot.

Ye Ren, on the other hand, faced Markas who was chasing him. He was floating in the air, staring at the magma monster with his eyes.


Marcus saw Kane dead at a glance.

A moment of astonishment appeared on that magma face.

The three of them were imprisoned in the A-level supervision area, and they usually had a good relationship.

On strength.

Kane's mind power is definitely the most versatile and powerful of the three of them.


Now he is dead, kneeling on the ground, his body pierced by a pillar.


Marcus opened his mouth to speak, but the sound he made was the sound of magma splashing.

His drool was all over the place.

Scorched the ground and walls.


Ye Ren couldn't understand what he was pushing.


"Go away, or be killed.

Ye Ren looked down at him, and Marcus was horrified by his gaze.


He can't understand Chinese.

After another grunt, Ye Ren lost his patience and made a gesture to hit him.

And Marcus is not to be outdone.


He spews out a cloud of scorching lava, but is sidestepped by Ye Ren.

After all Ye Ren can fly.

In the air, you don't need to use force, and you can dodge at any angle.

"Gulu Gulu!"

Marcus released a gray poisonous mist from his body again, and it diffused in an instant.

The entire passage was submerged in poisonous fog.


Ye Ren didn't need to breathe at all, and even if he inhaled the poisonous mist, it couldn't help him.

Using clairvoyance, Ye Ren saw Marcus rushing towards him.

"Oh? Not only didn't he run away, but he rushed towards me instead."

Ye Ren didn't want his clothes to be burned by magma.

He took a deep breath.

The poisonous mist was all sucked into his body, and at the same time he resorted to freezing breath.

Gray low temperature cold snap.

The temperature of the air dropped sharply, and Marcus was frozen stiff in an instant.

But his high temperature of more than 1,000 degrees will not cause him to be frozen into an ice sculpture directly.

Instead, he used heat to quickly melt the ice crystals on his body.

"Have you played enough?"

Ye Ren narrowed his eyes and appeared in front of Markas in an instant.

So fast!

Marcus reached out instinctively.

Want to give Ye Ren a bear hug and use his own heat to burn him to death.

But only a muffled sound was heard.

Ye Ren's uppercut hit Markas in the stomach.

In an instant, the magma splashed, and Marcus' body burst like a water polo.


Marcus lowered his head with difficulty.

His body almost fell apart, leaving only a thin layer of magma maintaining the upper and lower body.

The big hole in the middle is so hideous.


The scorching magma scattered all over the ground in an instant, Ye Ren withdrew his fist and flew towards the other side.

The half of Red's head of Markarth the Magma.

The temperature is dropping.

He gradually melted into Black's volcanic rock.

the other side.

"Ice Turtle, you take other hostages and evacuate to the safety ladder, leave this place to Jinglei and me!"

You Hai flew in mid-air.

A pair of gradient wings fluttered, and every time they flapped, drops of crystal dew would fall.

Her clothes were in tatters.

But at this moment, no one appreciates the large expanse of fair skin she reveals.

When You Hai urged the power of blood with all his strength.

Her red hair grew long and thick, and fell to her feet.

The double pupils became the round pupils of birds.

And You Hai's feet turned into the claws of a bird, shining with sharp light.


Sister Ice Turtle also pushed the power of the blood to the limit.

Scale-like growths grew on the sides of her cheeks, and her skin turned the color of ice crystals.

And on her head.

Two horns made of ice crystals were drilled out, shaped like fish.

1.7 Ice Turtle carried Dr. Tano on his shoulders.

Walk towards the safety ladder like flying, every time the toes are on the ground or the wall to borrow strength.

They can fly tens of meters away in an instant.

"This guy... can't be beaten to death!"

Hearing a muffled sound, Jing Lei made a blocking gesture with both hands and flew back upside down.

He was caught by You Hai Xie Li in mid-air.

There are not only burns on Jinglei's body, but also a lot of scratches and bite marks.

It looked even more embarrassing.

On the other hand, You Hai didn't look injured at all, and was full of energy.

"When the ice turtle evacuates, we will leave directly and not fight this monster."

In front of Jinglei and Youhai.

Standing was a guy about 180 tall, skinny and pale, as white as a guy who had been pulled out for three or four days and wrapped in a layer of powder.

He is Adam, the undead Adam, with those empty and indifferent sleepy eyes, unable to see human emotions.

Brown short hair stood on top of his head like weeds. .

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