Martial Arts Prodigy? Sorry I'm Kryptonian

Chapter 226: Hope The Captain Dies?

A large amount of sea water rushed into the sky, and then fell down crackling, covering the entire city.

Ye Ren flew in the air with a cold expression on his face.

I hope that the captain's vitality is much stronger than last time, and he still survived after being punched by himself.


But he looked quite pitiful when he was in such a mess~.

This punch caused Captain Hope to bleed profusely in many organs in his body, and the ribs that were hit hard in the front were even powder fractures.

But even so.

He also protected at that moment - his hole card


It was a bottle of Magic Modified Compound No. 7.

He tilted his head back and drank it, although with Ye Ren's reaction, he was perfectly able to before he took the drug.

Just shot his arm with a single glance.

But Ye Ren didn't do that, he wanted to see what kind of disturbance Captain Hope could make.


After taking the drug, the energy of the magic compound No. 7 condensed on Captain Hope's chest.

The injuries on his body healed within a few breaths.

at the same time.

Captain Hope's eyes glowed with gold, and he clenched his fists:

"Die to me!"

While he casts the Gold ray.

Ye Ren also focused his eyes and released Red's hot gaze.


Classic anti-wave picture.

Gold and Red beams of light collided with each other, and the resulting light was enough to illuminate the entire sky.

The clouds melted in the heat.

The high-temperature radiation continued to spread outward from the energy collision point, and the entire city was shrouded in the dazzling King of Light.

With a bang.

After the energy peak reached the limit, an explosion was triggered, this explosion in the sky.

It caused a terrifying shock wave.

But luckily the distance was too high, the shock wave just passed over the city without affecting the ground.

The light and heat from the explosion lasted for several seconds before dissipating.

"...No no no no..."

Hope's captain's face became dull, and his golden hair kept flying down from his head like weeds.

His originally muscular body.

Become emaciated due to excessive energy deficit.

This Gold ray almost cost him half his life, and now he is barely able to maintain his flight.

But Ye Ren on the opposite side of him.

But there was no change at all, even a flash appeared in front of Captain Hope like a ghost.


Ye Ren grabbed Captain Hope by the neck.

"I let you escape several times before, but it's a pity that you don't have a long memory. I won't give you another chance this time."

Captain Hope was pale with sunken eyes.

With despair written all over his face, he drank a whole bottle of Mokai No. 7 compound.

That majestic and vast energy.

It was supposed to give him a chance to win, but unfortunately the ending...

After all, he is just a human being with supernatural powers, but Ye Ren is an out-and-out superman.

The energy contained in Ye Ren's body far exceeds that of Captain Hope.

"I don't want to die!"

Struggling at the bottom of despair.

Captain Hope he was getting weaker and weaker until Ye Ren shot his head cleanly with a heat sight.

Red's heat vision pierced through.

After an extremely long distance, it slowly dissipated, and Captain Hope's hands hung down on both sides of the headless corpse.

he died.

The dead cannot die again.

As Ye Ren said, he did not give Captain Hope any possibility of escape this time.


The body was thrown to the ground by Ye Ren.

At this moment, the clone who has been staring at the sky, as well as the messenger, are all dead.

All this happened before my eyes.

It made them feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

The belief of country M, the captain of the League of Conquerors is now a corpse without a head.

Ye Ren flew in front of the clone.

Because the speed is too fast.

In the sight of the doppelgänger, Ye Ren appeared in front of him as if teleported.


He only had time to utter a word.

The body shattered suddenly, it was Ye Ren who smashed his body with a punch, and at the same time Ye Ren turned his head.

A large number of clones began to flee outside.

"Are you running?"

Ye Ren floated up, his super vision reflected all clones in his eyes.

He moved.

Using the terrifying flying speed, combined with this superhuman body, he directly transformed into a lawn mower.

View from the sky.

A hazy red line flashed across the city.

That was Ye Ren flying around the city streets in an instant, smashing countless clones directly.

Until the last dozens of clones finally fled the city.

They rushed to the sea, thinking that they would survive, but they were cut in half by the hot sight falling from the sky.

"You really think you can escape?"

Ye Ren lowered his eyes indifferently.

The doppelgängers have all died without leaving any body, even if they are hiding in sewers and other corners.

……ask for flowers…

Also to no avail.

Under the clairvoyant eye, he has nothing to hide.

"Run... run away!"

From the moment the clone was slaughtered, the messenger completely abandoned all thoughts in his mind.

He escaped.

How to say that sentence, although escaping is shameful, it is very useful.

At a top speed of Mach fifteen.

He was running directly on the sea, and he was about to escape from the waters of the Dragon Kingdom.


Out of the corner of the messenger's eye, he caught sight of something and passed by himself.

The next moment he was falling apart.

It turned out that Ye Ren passed him and stopped in his only way.

Couriers cannot slam on the brakes at their limits.

At a speed of Mach 15, it slammed into Ye Ren's body heavily.

His flesh and blood body instantly turned into a puddle of flesh and blood.


Disgusting bone and bone skeletons fell into the sea like raindrops, dyeing a small piece of nearby sea red.

so far.

The deep divers, messengers, clones and Captain Hope were all wiped out.

But it's not over.

The angel only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then a shadow full of oppression shrouded his head.

It was Ye Ren floating above her head, her eyes glowing scarlet.

"Wait! Me! I didn't kill anyone!"

The angel waved her hands hastily, and she knelt down on the ground in fear, desperately explaining.

Although Ye Ren has never studied foreign language systematically.

But he has a super brain, and he learned their language during the few times he came into contact with the people of country M.

"Please don't kill me, I didn't hurt anyone!"

Ye Ren tilted his head to feel it, and found that the angel did not lie, and when he flew over before.

She also seems to have seen her save a child.

After Ye Ren walked away from her, the angel was gasping for breath.

She thought that she was just a little bit away from death.

It's scary.

The angel struggled to follow the saliva, and Ye Ren's oppressive eyes made her tremble uncontrollably.

Phantom and Reaper are gone.

Reaper seems to be nowhere to be seen from the start, and Phantom is there when Captain Hope fights Ye Ren.

Just sneakily copied the deep diver's ability to leave the ocean.

Only the angel stayed where he was, foolishly.

Now he has become a prisoner of the Dragon Kingdom, and was thrown into prison by Ye Ren with one hand, waiting to be arranged. .

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