Martial Arts Prodigy? Sorry I'm Kryptonian

Chapter 227: The Death Of The President Of Country M Is A Big Shock

at this time.

At dawn, the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on the sea level, bringing the city back to life.

Although some losses in the port.

But fortunately, the entire city was unscathed, and people were wiping cold sweat for the rest of their lives.

Also cheering.

After all, they witnessed what happened just now with their own eyes.

"Blow the huge waves back into the sea in one breath."

"The ability user who slaughtered the clone."

"An explosion in the sky."

Some were lucky enough to film the video, which caused an uproar online.

Especially when they saw Captain Hope getting shot by Ye Ren.

The blond and blue-eyed M countryman.

Turned into a headless corpse.

Not only Longguo, but also the entire external network exploded in an instant, and a large number of message barrages kept swiping.

Hope the captain is dead?

The symbol of country M is sent like this?

Is it fake, or real?

When the President of Country M was in a state of desperation, people from the Special Affairs Bureau rushed to Ye Ren's side.

They carefully recovered Captain Hope's body.

At the same time, they brought the extremely cooperative angel "Four Seven Seven" back to the capital prison, and they all saw the remains of the clones all over the ground.

Feeling cold for a while.

"so much..."

It took a lot of effort to clean up the remains of hundreds of corpses.

Such a large number of A-level abilities is simply a disaster.

But he was stopped by Ye Ren alone.

The operators couldn't help saluting Ye Ren with admiration, not hiding their admiration at all.

"Thank you, comrades."

After getting Ye Ren's response.

They were even more flattered.

After the matter was resolved, Ye Ren flew back home quietly, only to find that the squad leader and the others woke up.

It's obviously not until seven o'clock.

"I brought breakfast."

Ye Ren was holding a big squid fished out of the sea, causing all the girls to roll their eyes.

Qinran held the phone, which contained videos that had been uploaded on the Internet.

It is the scene of Ye Ren shooting Captain Hope.

"Thank you, Ye."

"If you have the ability, just do it. It's not too hard. Squad leader, let's grill a squid?"

Despite having grilled calamari for breakfast early in the morning.

Very people want to complain.

But the caring squad leader still popped out flames from his fingertips and grilled the squid in the air.

This cozy little home.

Ye Ren still hasn't discovered that Tushan Jiuyi is actually controlled by Metheus.


Trumpen is obviously ready to take a bath and enjoy the pleasure of having an affair with his wife.

But the video suddenly broke out on the Internet.

Let him explode instantly.

"Gift Crab!"

The Conqueror Squad is almost wiped out?

The Conqueror Squad has cost taxpayers countless dollars and wasted so much energy and resources.

Annihilated on the first mission?

Send it like this?

It is difficult for Tronden to accept that such an exaggerated investment has resulted in such an ending.

Tronden just felt as if his head was about to explode.

"I see, I'll be there right away."

He got a call from the council because the Conqueror Squad was a proposal passed by the council.

After arriving at the Congress Hall.

Trangdon saw that the faces of all the congressmen were extremely ugly.

"Everyone, calm down, I can explain"

Trondon tried to hold his nerve.

But everyone here is an old fox, how could he be perfunctory with a single word.

"Is this the Alliance of Conquerors you promised?"

"Is this the sign that country M has entered a new era?"

"This is the only empire in the world that spent so much money to create a weapon?"

Tronden broke out in a cold sweat.

In fact, he couldn't explain it, and he hoped that the captain was dead.

The Alliance of Conquerors was indeed almost wiped out.

Tronden had to admit that the team was a failure, and it was a disgrace to grandma's house.

"We made Captain Hope's package into the symbol of country M."

As a result, Captain Hope died in Longguo.

Isn't this a slap in the face of country M?

Under Tronden's instruction, the major media frenziedly created momentum to pave the way for the Conqueror Squad and Captain Hope.

This made countless M people hope for the captain and even the entire team.

All worshiped as faith.

In their hearts, Captain Hope, who can fly, is undoubtedly a god-like existence.


"There's good news and there's bad news."

At this time, the subordinate said a few words in Trangden's ear, and the expression on Trangden's face became better.

Phantom has safely returned to Country M.

Reaper is also safe, but seems to have defected from the Conqueror team, and his whereabouts are currently unknown.

It's big night now.

Trangdon immediately sent someone to pick up the phantom:

"What happened to your mission?"

Being stared at by everyone in the Congress made it difficult for Phantom, who was already mentally ill.

But these people don't think about her situation.

Force her to tell the truth quickly.

"We...under the orders of Captain Hope, prepared to destroy the city...then...the man appeared..."

There was a look of fear and struggle on Phantom's face.

Her mental state became increasingly unstable.

With memories.

Occasionally, Phantom would suddenly scream hysterically, clutching her head and howling in pain.

"Give her a sedative, or give her medicine to calm her down and speak up."

As far as capitalists are concerned, they have no mercy.

In fact, there is no need for Phantom to describe it at all, because the video that went viral on the Internet has already explained everything very well.

But the remaining luck.

Let lawmakers and Trump hope to hear something different.

But that hope is now dashed.

"Captain Hope...really dead?"

Tronden slumped on the chair in a daze...

He can accept anything, but he hopes that the death of the captain will not be able to bear the responsibility.

Because Captain Hope is the only S-level ability user in the entire M country.

It is also a belief packaged by country M.

at this time.

Phantom suddenly screamed, she covered her head and rolled on the ground:

"No...don't...don't do that! Get out of my body! Get out!"

The MPs frowned.

Suddenly the phantom's cry stopped abruptly, she stopped struggling, and her face was deformed and twisted.

But a few minutes.

The phantom takes the form of Captain Hope.

"I'm back."

Tronden and the congressmen stared wide-eyed, looking at Captain Hope in disbelief.

No matter the appearance or the strong body.

Both are indistinguishable from the original Captain Hope.

do not forget.

Phantom's ability can be said to be copy and paste, she has copied Captain Hope, including his memory and consciousness.

"Is there still such an operation?"

Trondon was both surprised and delighted by Captain Hope's filthy reincarnation.

Very good.

As long as Captain Hope is still alive, then everything is fine, but at this moment, Captain Hope suddenly looked at him viciously:

"What stupid mission did you arrange for us?"

Facing Tronden, Captain Hope is full of complaints. If it weren't for this mission, he wouldn't have died.

Captain Hope at this time also knew that he completed the resurrection by occupying the phantom's body.

But that doesn't mean he can accept that he died once.


The body is phantom, and while it's the same as the original, Captain Hope still feels weird.

"Stupid task? I spent so much money improving compound No. 7, but you use it as a stimulant!"

Trondon wasn't exactly a good-natured guy either. 2.2 He spat with Captain Hope:

"You were supposed to be my most powerful weapon, the trump card for country M to rule the world, but you failed time and time again, trash!"

Trondon yelled.

He has long been full of anger at Captain Hope, in his eyes, Captain Hope is a scumbag.

A scum with Extraordinary powers.

"Your character is not worthy of the power you possess!"

After Trangden said this, Captain Hope suddenly calmed down, looking directly at Trangden with a pair of blue eyes.

Being watched by him, Tronden felt a little creepy.

"I am not your weapon, I am born with strength and talent, what are you?"

Members of Parliament have not yet reacted.

next moment.

Tronden's head was crushed by Captain Hope, and the president of country M died in the hands of Captain Hope.

"Waste? Now look, who is the waste."

Captain Hope's bloodied hands and clothes fell clean on Tronden's body.

He turned his head and looked, and the faces of the congressmen suddenly changed. .

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