Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 182 : The supreme shadow artifact, seize the gate of truth! (5/5 ask for full order! ask for

In the extreme east of the new world, endless demon energy rises, evolving into a Heavenly Demon world, very weird!

He turned himself into King Heavenly Demon standing in the center of the Heavenly Demon world, with countless torture instruments evolving on his body, and under his feet is the dying shadow general, his body almost collapsed!

Although its body is composed of shadows, and ordinary instruments of torture are ineffective against it, King Heavenly Demon has manifested the instruments of soul torture, starting from the soul!

You must know that the soul is the most fragile place. After several tortures, the soul of the Shadow General almost collapsed, and even his consciousness began to become blurred.

Fang Wen's figure flickered beside King Heavenly Demon, looking at King Heavenly Demon who took pleasure in torture, he didn't say anything, and directly extracted the memory.

After all, King Heavenly Demon is actually his power incarnation, and he can retrieve his memories at any time!

As a result, a lot of memories began to flood in, and Fang Wen also learned the secrets held by the Shadow General.

First of all, the Shadow General was born after the Lost Age, and it is not clear what happened in the ancient age.

Moreover, in the lost era, a large number of strong men died in the shadow world, and some of the survivors basically became the pinnacles of the golden body or even became the kings, and this era is also secretive!

"Even the shadow world has participated in the war. Could it be that the two dimensions of the abyss and the void are the same? But why are their emperors still there? Or were they born later?"

All kinds of doubts surfaced in his mind, but no one can answer Fang Wen, so he continued to read memory 077.

The shadow general is called Tianyingwu in his life. It is a Tianying clan from the world of shadows. Its status is similar to that of a retainer in humans and is loyal to the Tianying King.

The distribution of the shadow world is just like the human tribe data says, many tribes are divided, and wars often occur between tribes.

Every clan has a holy weapon that breeds shadow monsters!

This is the source of the population of each tribe!

You only need to invest in the origin of the world, the flesh and blood of life, or the shadow of life, and this sacred instrument will continuously produce new clan members.

This is also the reason why the Shadow World likes to erode the rest of the world. After all, every world represents a population. Once the population increases, it will be favored by the will of the Shadow World.

At that time, the number of strong people will also increase, and in the end, the right to speak will increase, and the power will become greater and greater, and even have the opportunity to become the king.

Shadow world,

It is an absolute chaotic camp world!

The Sky Shadow King is the descendant of the Shadow Lord, controls the Sky Shadow clan, is the most powerful shadow tribe, and has billions of monsters under his command!

Of course, most of them are just low-level monsters of the Transcendent order, but they are just a tribe, the number is so terrifying, not to mention there are several similar tribes.

And this time, it seems that (bgbf) it was the 10,000 Demons who communicated with the shadow world in a mysterious ritual, and exchanged a special treasure to make the Sky Shadow King decide to send his own tribe to invade the main world.

And a time has been agreed, after the invasion of reality, when the stars return to their place, the chaos will be stirred up again!

"What does it mean to return the stars?

Fang Wen thoughtfully, always felt that this was implying something.

As for more news, General Shadow didn't know, and most of the rest of his memories were battles, cultivation, or some special periods.

There is one thing to say, it is the first time that Fang Wen knows that although shadow creatures can't multiply, they still have a need!

Just that picture...

It's simply spicy eyes!

Although the Shadow General didn't know much information, Fang Wen also knew from his memory a few gathering places with the Ten Thousand Demons and how to convene them.

I just don't know, after the news of the death of the shadow general, will the Wan Mohui directly withdraw from the stronghold.

After all, these mice are extremely cautious.

However, there is a message in this memory that has attracted Fang Wen's attention!

That is, although there are many meeting places, the Shadow General, as the vassal of the Sky Shadow King, still heard some secrets.

That is, before waiting for the stars to return this time, all the shadow generals and shadow leaders still need to complete a ritual at the gate of truth.

This is also one of the conditions for the trade between the Ten Thousand Demons and the Sky Shadow King, so this location has been set in the secret realm jointly developed by the Sect Education and the Ten Thousand Demons!

God Thunder Mountain!

This location may be unfamiliar to most people, but if you put it another way, it will be easy to figure out.

It is only a hundred kilometers away from the holy city where the Three University Mansion is located!

Because of the terrain, he has been bombarded by thunder all year round, causing the surface of the mountain to be scorched black. There is no grass growing, and no creatures survive, so no one will go to Shenlei Mountain.

And Wan Mohui unexpectedly played in the dark under the lights, hiding in the God Thunder Mountain not far from the holy city of the human race.

It's daring!

The most important thing is that they have the cover of special secret treasures, and they are not easy to be discovered!

"It's really courageous, but this is also my opportunity, the gate of truth, this is a good thing."

Fang Wen squinted his eyes, and was very interested in this legendary treasure that can lead to the seat of God and contains all the truth!

After all, it only swallowed a small part of the seed of truth before, which made the world Heavenly Dao evolve a lot.If it can swallow an entire gate of truth, wouldn't it just fly into the sky?

Fang Wen does not expect to be able to evolve into the level of the main world, as long as it can reach the level of the abyss and the shadow dimension is enough.

At that time, the laws of the entire world will be perfected, and it will be promoted to a great world, and several gods and phantoms can also have powers that are close to the emperor!

At that time, the battle will directly project the world's radiation, even if it is a king-level existence, it will not be able to stop it!

"However, the information in the memory of the Great Shadow General, now that a large number of powerful people in Shenleishan gather, and even the top five of the Ten Thousand Demon Guild are all there. Take away the door of truth.

But they seemed to be waiting for the start of the three universities, when all the strong came out, preparing for a major event.

In the end, only two people will be left to guard the gate of truth and help these shadow generals or shadow leaders to strengthen!"

"In other words, that day is my chance!"

Fang Wen's eyes were deep, and there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes. If only two people stayed behind, he has a great chance of seizing the gate of truth!

And now there are only fourteen days left before school starts, and all he needs to do is to take advantage of the remaining time to continue his Ascension own strength!

Thousands of votes!

Thinking of this, Fang Wen directly stole the source of the half-dead General Shadow General, integrated it into the Shadow Lord in the sky, and began to comprehend the laws of the world!

Just when Fang Wen Ascension's own strength.

The outside world is a noisy weapon.

The entire federation has been a sensation!

PS: Fifth, more collection! Seeking subscription! Seeking monthly ticket! Seeking flowers! Seeking evaluation ticket!

The main line is to collect and steal talents. The male protagonist has become stronger, so he has been following the main line. The school is only used by the male protagonist to check Swire information, but there will be new plots!

There will be a few more stories in the next stage. The late stage is to open up the wilderness, the line is ancient, and the male protagonist is going to a broader world. The worldview has just opened up. After all, the lost era has not yet talked about it, don't worry. Don't change the map. After all, the Holy City and Hangzhou are very close, and the core is the male lead's own layout!.

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