Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 183 : Reality-distorting dreamland, the system treasure chest is open!

Above the network, it is boiling!

What happened in Hangzhou, once again topped the hot search!

The only difference is that this time it is not the top searched first!

It's the top ten most searched, all about Hangzhou being invaded by the shadow world.

The first heat is naturally,

[Martial King shot to suppress the Shadow Dimension!]

However, the follow-up news has brought some entertainment lace color.

[Meteor King is here with Divine Armament!]

[Shocked, the Shadow Dimension actually made such a request, the purpose is actually for the Devil Fang!]

[Incarnation of the Supreme Sun, on the talented spirit of the Fang Demon King-what is it?]

[The shadow of the golden figure-where did the general go?]

[It is reported that this catastrophe is a conspiracy of the Ten Thousand Demons!]

[On the history of the rise of the Fang Devil!]

A large number of weird titles appeared on the Internet and instantly attracted countless people's clicks!

After clicking in, they all saw devastated and dilapidated high-rise buildings, countless brutal shadow monsters invaded, countless warriors of special disciplines swearing forward to protect the human race.

As if the city is facing the end, millions of people are in danger!

The latter focused on describing the power of the Shadow General, but he was directly transferred away by the Demon King, not knowing which corner he died in.

And the Golden Crow form of the demon king in the back is even more attractive. It looks like a sun god, and it has both strength and beauty, and it kills countless shadow monsters with a wave of hands.

The real art of killing!

Let Fang Wen have a large number of fans, Little Sister!

After all, although the members of the Special Division are also working hard to fight, people still prefer this kind of domineering ability to kill the Shadow Legion at the fingertips compared to the difficulty of killing a monster.

This is the yearning of the weak for the strong!

However, good-looking members of special subjects like Zhou Chong and Zhan Ya also made a splash, and the rest of the members of special subjects were also remembered by all netizens.

They are all heroes!

In the follow-up of the news, Fang Wen's continuous killing caused an ancient king of the shadow world to appear, attempting to consume millions of lives.

If it hadn't been for the Meteorite King to arrive with Divine Armament in his hand, he would have succeeded, and the Fang Demon King would seize the opportunity to slash the thought incarnation.

Rebel against the king with the celestial phenomenon!

Although it was just a broken thought, it shocked many people!

Can a mortal slaughter the king?

As a result, because of the actions of the Fang Demon King, this ancient shadow king actually wanted to let the clan surrender Fang Wen in exchange for a hundred years of peace!

This made countless netizens who saw the news clenched their fists, and some of the veterans of Zengjin even yelled.

After all, the long years of battle and countless sacrifices have already made hatred deep into the soul!

This is a war of races!

Can one or two sentences be changed?

And the words that the Meteorite King said were also recorded, making all the human races who saw it surging with blood!

This is my human race!

Relying on sacrificing the genius of the race in exchange for peace, it is estimated that it has become a boneless head.

Even if Otherworld invades, you can still get on the ground.

Although there are some sunspots who are jealous of the Fang Devil suggesting that it is better to exchange for peace, they also implicitly said that the Meteorite is disregarding the overall situation.

Before I said a few words, I was overwhelmed by the crowds of netizens, scolded bloody, and even reported by thousands of people.

In reality, they were also called by the Special Section for investigation, and even went in for a week of free lunch.

And the comment area is also very excited!

[The Fang Mowang is too handsome, right? I heard that he was just a fire crow before awakening the divine body, and he could evolve so powerfully. However, my family is also a fire crow. I have beaten it for three times, but the result is still If you refuse to transform, what should you do?]

[People who love the fire crow pass by, or go upstairs and try a field adventure to see if they can awaken the divine body, just remember to hold the ID card in your mouth, don't add trouble to the family!]

[I suspect that the demon king awakened is probably some kind of ancient emperor, otherwise, how could it be so terrible. It has only been a few months, and I can defeat the idea of ​​defeating the king!]

[I also think it is, that the shadow general seemed to disappear as soon as he came out. It is estimated that he was directly killed by the demon king!]

[Meteor King is worthy of being the king of my human race, I am so passionate about that, I can’t wait to wipe out the monsters in the wild, and raise my human race’s heavenly power!]

[Yes, and your Majesty Martial King has taken action, I feel that if that finger is slightly crooked, the whole city of Hangzhou may be razed to the ground!]

[Who are you looking down on, did the first king of the human race joking with you, and I feel that the growth rate of the Fang Devil is very likely to become the second Martial King!]

[It seems that the names of Heavenly King, Martial King, and Saint King have been booked in advance, and I don’t know when the Fang Devil will be crowned king!]

[Did you find out? This school hasn't started yet. The Demon Cube already has this strength. I feel that among the three colleges, only the top demon kings can beat the Demon King, and it still depends on the age. The advantages. 】

[Yes, it's a pity that Fang Demon is too young. I heard that the two top geniuses of the Civilization Academy and the War Academy have all entered the golden status. Once they graduate, they are likely to become dean-level figures!]

...For flowers...

[I don’t know if the Fang Devil is starting school, what will be the reaction these days?]


The Internet is boiling, and even some geniuses who disdain Fang Wen before are paying attention.

After all, Fang Wen's growth rate is so fast!

After the comparison, they felt like a batch of waste wood!

It is precisely this way that their arrogance as geniuses is more eager to challenge this top genius recognized by the entire Federation and replace him!

After all, among them, there are still the top geniuses who have condensed Realm, and even the top emperor!

They represent the strongest power of the young generation of human federation!

Up there are the geniuses of the older generation, and the kings above!

In the Moon King City, in a huge villa.


A delicate blue-haired girl in bear pajamas leaned on the sofa, squinting at the news.

She looked at Fang Wen on the news, yawned, and said softly:

"This guy looks so funny, I think about what to do, yawning, so sleepy, forget it, wake up and think again."

While talking, the girl squinted her eyes and fell asleep, and fell asleep!

At this moment, the space around her began to twist, and the boundary between illusion and reality began to blur.

Suddenly the entire villa disappeared, replaced by the ghostly castle of the demon king, which seems to have entered a disorderly dream world...

In other places, many geniuses returned from the depths of the wilderness, with powerful monster corpses, waiting for the school day!

They are all waiting to see,

This is almost a mythical cube demon king!

Compared with the excitement on the Internet, Fang Wen entered the system space.

Previously [Elemental Master] and [Shadow King] completed the [Five-Star Maker] achievements respectively, and have accumulated two system treasure chests!

Although it should be used for ten consecutive, the five-star talent has already involved the rules, and the difficulty is too high.

In this regard, Fang Wen said that two consecutive draws are the real god!

So looking at the two floating bronze treasure chests, Fang Wen suppressed his excitement and said:

"System, open the lottery!

This time,

Don't know how many star treasures will appear?

PS: First, ask for collection! Seek subscription! Seek monthly ticket! Seek flowers! Seek evaluation ticket!

I haven't forgotten it, but as a non-chief, it's easy to save for a lottery, unlike your European kings.

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