Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 823 : The heavenly ghosts come to the world, a thousand calamities are immortal! (seeking co

The newly formed little ghosts don't even remember the events of their lives for a while, they will only be loyal to themselves.

Dare to say anything, Fang Wen and the two of them want to investigate this matter.

That is simply a fantasy, and it will take a lot of time.

It doesn't take long for the things that I have planned before, and it doesn't take long for them to be able to achieve them after the realization of the own plan.

Fang Wen and Yinhen, the two little monster catchers, were no longer his opponents.

As for the entire world of catching monsters, they are not their opponents, their opponents.

Why should he just postpone this time, but now he still has to fool them.

Can it make them suspicious, if all the tables are now united,

Then I will only have a headache, and maybe his plan will be stifled in the cradle.

"You don't need to deceive us with a series of lies. After all, we still know a little about ordinary humans.

"They can't be the plague, they are all dead, if this is true-then."

"The plague may also be dropped by you. You may not know this palace."

"It is the place where the mortal rights are most concentrated, even if ordinary people may all die.

"But it's absolutely impossible for the people in this palace to run away first after encountering an incident, but they won't allow themselves to wait silently for death here."

"So what you said is absolutely impossible. No one can escape the powerful."

"But we have no news at all, nor have we heard that those powerful and powerful ran out."

"Then prove that they are also dead, then prove that this matter must be yours.

Fang Wen stared sharply at the king, and said with reason.

He is not one of those idiots, he can get rid of it with just a few words, he now doubts what the king wants to do.

There must be an own conspiracy in such a place, but he doesn't know what this conspiracy is now?

So you have to check it out, but this is something for you, you still have to let the king act.

As for finding out these things, it will take some time, and he must compete with the king for time.

Can he let his conspiracy succeed? With such a big hand, his conspiracy is definitely not small.

It's also to blame that the previous demon catcher had too shallow eyelids, and with a little favor, he bought them, and didn't report the news here.

Otherwise, someone had already been sent to investigate, and they wouldn't know when the king robbed time.

Maybe it will fail, and I am afraid it will cause chaos in the world. After all, Fang Wen took a look at this so-called king.

Knowing that its ambitions don't stop there, it must have bigger ideas, but he hasn't checked it out yet.

After she found out, she would unite with all the monster catchers to subdue this person.

"Two young demon catchers, you are prejudiced, so you don't believe me, but things are so strong. This time the plague is very powerful. They have never been low-level.

"So all of them died here, including those rich and powerful, because they died soon.

"What's more, it's running outside. Although the situation you are talking about is the most likely thing to happen under normal circumstances, there are exceptions, right?"

...For flowers...

"And these powerful people are not able to escape because of this benefit."

"It's also possible. You can't doubt me because of this, right?"

Majesty, he didn't feel guilty when he heard Fang Wen's words, but he said vowedly.

Having fooled so many demon catchers, the king thought Fang Wen was no different from those demon catchers.

Even if you can't be fooled now, you can leave with a smile if you send some treasures later.

He won't pay attention to this matter anymore, so even if Fang Wen asks this question, the king is not upset.


On the contrary, it was really settled, and said with reason, after all, his biggest ultimate move was those Baowo.

If it was only the truth, those demon catchers would not let him go, but after they had the treasure.

Those demon catchers are willing to let him go, and they are also willing to help her conceal it.

"I am not prejudiced, but there is evidence. We came too late. I am afraid that some substantive evidence has been wiped out by you."

"But these actions of yours are really weird. I suspect you now. I'm afraid there is some conspiracy."

"And even if you have a big conspiracy, it is impossible to succeed. After all, the demon catcher will not let you go.

"I will also contact all the demon catchers, let them unite and deal with you together, even if you have great abilities."

"No matter what conspiracy you have, it is absolutely impossible to succeed. I advise you to obediently catch it and confess your own evil deeds earlier.,

"You can also give your own life, otherwise, you will only end up with no bones!" Er,

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