Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 824 : The rift in the sky, there is no rhyme on the Tao! (for collection! For subscription!)

Fang Wen said indifferently when he heard the words of the king.

This great king has a lot of nonsense. Fang Wen didn't believe every word he said. He only believed that all the people here that he saw with his eyes were dead.

It has nothing to do with the king, how is this possible? It's just to lie to them as three-year-old fools, but not the kind of people whose eyelids are likely to be bribed.

Jingran they have discovered a little, it will definitely be reported out, let all the demon catchers take a look.

Check it out that when everyone here is united, no matter how strong the king is, there will be no conspiracy.

It is impossible for "Zero Eight Three" to succeed. He is not the opponent of all important matters, and the demon catcher Tianke demon ghosts.

No matter how powerful this king was, he would not be their opponent.

"Although we have no evidence, but you vowed to say that this matter has nothing to do with you, what evidence do you have? It's not empty-mouthed, just let yourself say it.

"We are not that stupid. The previous demon catchers are not considered demon catchers at all. They don't have the qualifications.

"After all, we will collect things from natural enemies. For such people, we don't bother to admit that they are demon catchers, although we don't know they are.

"But you can always work hard. When this matter is over, they will no longer be the demon catcher. You can bribe them."

"But we can also fire them.

Fang Wen heard the king's words, he said coldly.

He was not afraid to irritate the other party and let the other party do it. After all, the two of them came in together.

And Fang Wen is very confident in own strength, plus he has some Magic Treasures on him, which are the things of Tianke demon ghosts, wanting to hurt her,

It's not that easy, but once he forces the king to do something, he can go to catch the demon master for help, and then the king wants to get away.

But it was not so easy, and this matter was revealed everywhere weird. Although they could not find any evidence, Fang Wen knew that this matter was definitely not easy.

And these things are still waiting for him to find out. The so-called he must have angered the king and made him commit evil things.

Or if you say something wrong, you should also give them a reputation for crusade.

"Two young people in the Central Committee, I think it is better for you to know the current affairs a little bit. Your colleagues are like this. Why do you two have to persist in this way?"

"I am not blocking your way, and what I do has nothing to do with you, nor to this world."

"What's the harm? We just occupy a palace. There are more palaces in the world. We only need this one, and we haven't done anything bad."

"Why do you have to stare at us? And this palace accident has nothing to do with us, you don't want to put this name on us."

"You don't have such evidence. Whether you speak or do something, you must have evidence.

When the king saw that Fang Wen and Yinhen were so stubborn, he said with a cold face.

She didn't expect that it would be so difficult to come to the demon catcher this time, no matter what the excuse she made or what treasure? The other party dismissed it.

It seems that I want to kill myself, so the king feels a headache, after all, he has encountered such a difficult opponent.

It is really difficult, after all, he has important things to do now, so he can't delay time on such small things.

And if the other party really goes to unite with people in the world of cultivating immortals, then I am afraid it will be even more troublesome.

His plan has not yet been completed. It is really irrational to catch monsters now, so he must delay time.

After he had planned the trip, he was not afraid of confronting those people again, but now he was blocked by these two difficult young men, and the king picked up a violent person.

If you want to leave the two of them just like that, you can kill them.

"Isn't it because you are so embarrassed and angry now that I guessed your idea correctly? Everything about you can't escape my eyes.

"After I go out, go find two more helpers, you will never have a chance to escape, and the evil you committed is definitely any demon catcher who wants to be wiped out."

"I won't forgive you for letting go, and even if I arrived before, the demon catcher took your things."

"It didn't leak a bit of 1.8 wind, but we found it. Then it proves that God is on our side, then it proves yours."

"The plan will never be realized, so let's get it done, and honestly explain the mistakes you have committed, we, and we may let you go!"

Fang Wen saw that the king was already angry, so he continued to say with jealousy.

His projection is also ready, as long as the king takes action, he can record it for everyone in the world to see.

Let the demon catchers take a look, they naturally believe that there is weirdness here, and everyone will come by then. .


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