Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 864 : Eternal Heavenly Dao, the supreme divinity! (seeking collection! seeking subscription!

You are all in this cave. Don't go out again, lest you get caught by other demon catchers. We will save you when that happens.

Earth Sha Ghost Dragon, nodded at this time, since Earth Sha Ghost Dragon had already agreed, it was naturally impossible for other fairies to say anything at this time, after all, they all obeyed Earth Sha Ghost Dragon.

At this time Fang Wen and Luo Zichuan, they can finally leave these fairies, after all, they always feel that as a demon catcher, being with these fairies is really embarrassing, and it's also quite strange.

"Fang Wen, you are really good at "2 Nine Seven", don't you think we are all monster catchers, but I always feel that you are different from other demon catchers, and you are a particularly kind-hearted person. Yes, which family do you think you are from?

Fang Wen, this time looking back at Luo Zichuan, I don’t know what to say. He feels that his relationship with Luo Zichuan doesn’t seem to be that good either, why this Luo Zichuan is always so familiar. Woolen cloth?

"I think we should act separately? After all, you also come from a big family. You have your family behind to support you, but I'm just an ordinary monster catcher. You don't think it's a waste of me. Time?

Luo Zichuan, suddenly stood in place at this time, how did he know which family he came from? Could it be said that Fang Wen hadn't investigated himself secretly? But it shouldn't be, they only knew him for a few days.

"How do you know that I am from a big family? Is it true that the clothes I wear are really different from yours? But I have been as much as you can, so where exactly are my feet?"

Fang Wen, I really feel drunk at this time. If God wants to punish own, can I not meet such a companion? After all, I really don't want to answer any questions to him every day!

"It's okay, I have no time to tell you so much now. You also know that the imperial court is also very tight about the tracing of Demonic Beasts, so should we find a way to rescue these Demonic Beasts? The main thing is To find the evidence.

"Since you have admitted that you are from a big family, otherwise, you can go back to the family to inquire about the news, and see where they are locked? If it is not possible, we can just go directly to them. NS?"

Luo Zichuan also looked helpless at this time. Of course, she also hoped that she would be able to help the Ghost Dragon and the others. If the time comes, she, the demon catcher, will have the right to speak in front of their fairies.

But what is the way, after all, I really can't find out what news, and I secretly ran out, if I return to the family, how can I still come out?

On the other side, Fang Wen didn’t put all his hopes on Luo Zichuan. After all, Fang Wen always likes to be alone. Even when he catches monsters, he might encounter them. Go to a few demon catchers.

Occasionally, they may also have some cooperation, but Fang Wen will leave alone after the cooperation is completed. After all, he does not want others to discover the fact that he is a traverser.

"Okay, don't look embarrassed. Originally, I didn't expect you to be able to do anything, but just let me talk about it. If you are very embarrassed, it doesn't matter."

Fang Wen, at this time, has never stopped owning. After all, this time, I can actually make some perfect preparations, but because of Luo Zichuan's participation, including the evil ghost dragon, Fang Wen is going his own way at this time. There is no own plan.

"Fang Wen, where are you going? Otherwise, let's find the nearest inn and live there, okay? Besides, I think those Demonic Beasts should not be in the mood to eat together, right? Otherwise, shall we bring them some food?"

Fang Wen stood here successfully at this time. She didn't know how to describe Luo Zichuan's mouth. After all, they are also demon catchers, even if the evil spirits and the evil spirits have not done any bad things. Shouldn't be so close to them.


"Are you sure you are worthy of your status as a demon catcher? If you let other demon catchers know about it, do you know what our situation is? I think, you really should give this mouth to you Closed!"

Fang Wen, at this time, he really came to an inn, and this place is not very far from the city.

But Luo Zichuan really felt wronged at this time. After all, a demon-catching company was told by a demon catcher. If he was not persistent, he wanted to be a demon catcher. .

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