Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 865 : The holy burial is the highest, the death of the devil! (seeking collection! seeking s

Not to escape the own family.

What if that's the case? The own identity is much more than this anointing. At that time, maybe this Fang Wen will bow down with his luggage.

But in fact, this Luo Zichuan doesn't know at all. No matter what his identity, Fang Wen can't put them in one's eyes. After all, even if Fang Wen comes to this place, he is just an ordinary monster catcher. , But he has never been afraid of power.

The most important thing is that this Fang Wen is not an ordinary monster catcher, other monster catchers cannot do things, Fang Wen can do it, but he is not very familiar with them now, so he didn't show it. It's just coming out.

Several big families on the other side, they have also sent some representatives at this time, they have a meeting together16, in fact, the reason why they have so many goblins is not to get rid of the so-called between them. It forms a kind of experience.

After they have achieved these monsters, they can actually sell these monsters. If this is the case, there are actually some families who want these Demonic Beasts, in fact, they want to practice some Medicine Pill and the like.

However, because they colluded with some members of the court, they usually put these Demonic Beasts in jail first, and then secretly transported them out, and then carried out some reselling.

"Have you ever asked the Demonic Beasts in the post chat? How are they now? Don't abuse them. If that's the case, it will affect our skin, you know?"

Others nodded their heads at this time. After all, for such a profit chain, they have invested a lot of money for this, so how can they break their own business at this time?

"Don't worry, everything on our side has been set up. We are all delicious and drinkable for them. As long as they don't run around, as long as they can cooperate well, then they must be eaten well. Drink well."

Sure enough, the families of these families are very happy at this time. After all, every time they do such a thing, it will bring them a considerable amount of income.

At this time Fang Wen had successfully checked into the inn at this time, and Luo Zichuan on the other side also lived next to it at this time, but at this time, he made up his mind to follow Fang Wen.

"Fang Wen, can you not throw me off? You see you are alone every time, do you know? I sent someone to check you, they said that you actually did a lot of things, But you don’t have too many helpers at all."

"Look at any of their demon catchers who don't have any assistants. I think you seem to be better than me. If it doesn't work, then you can take me by your side. If it's a big deal, I can also help you.

Fang Wen shook his head at this time, and naturally wanted to refuse. After all, in her eyes, this Luo Zichuan is a kid of the elder brother, and, even though he said he was a monster catcher, he was actually true. There is nothing in it.

"Forget it? How can a child of a big family like you be with someone like me? Besides, I don't need any assistant at all. I can do a lot of things by myself."

At this time, Luo Zichuan has been rejected by Fang Wen more than once at this time, so at this time, he was not good, and asked again and again, so this time he silently returned to the own room. in.

The Ghost Dragon on the other side is also studying this with the other fairies at this time. After all, they don't know how to make it easy, why is it like this?

"Earth evil ghost dragon, do you think this Fang Wen is reliable? Why didn't he find the evidence when he went to the study room in the palace? Couldn't he collude with those people to cheat us fairies?"

Earth evil ghost dragon, of course, at this time, they also knew other fairies. They were thinking about something in 297. After all, they didn't trust humans very much. Besides, they have many humans who catch monsters, and they have done something worse than monsters. Things.

But Disha Guilong always feels that Fang Wen is different, so he is willing to believe that Fang Wen is the demon catcher who can get other fairies out.

"No, if he really wanted to harm us, he would have united with the people of the court and those big families who had captured us. How could he even let us come back?"

"Besides, we fairies, if we go head-to-head with them, we will definitely be in the trap, so now we have no choice but to report, Fang Wen.

The other fairies, thought about it carefully at this time, the situation they were facing seemed to be really like this, so they didn't dare to say anything at this time.

At this time, Fang Wen can finally stay alone in the room for a while. .

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