Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 936 : Samsara Heavenly King, Supreme Demon King! (For collection! For subscription!)

You should know that in our place, you are respected by martial arts. Only if your Cultivation Base is high enough and your ability is big enough, everyone will respect you, but you think you are arguing with them. Can you gain anything?"

At this time, Luo Zichuan suddenly blushed at this time. After all, it is really rare for a big man to be said to be like this, but he thinks what Fang Wen said is quite correct.

"But my mother told me about this place. In fact, they still look at the identity and status of major families. Some people from big families are actually not very talented, but they rely on those heavens and spirits. Bao, that's why I reluctantly upgraded."

"So they seem to be useful at all, but in fact they are really not useful at all. We really don't want to be familiar with them. Otherwise, if we compare them, they will not be my opponent at all."

Fang Wen shook his head at this time and didn't explain the matter. I think the other party is a wine bag and rice bag.

At the beginning, Fang Wen couldn't accept such a thing, until the system told himself the reason for it, so Fang Wen didn't know what was going on.

"They are willing to make embroidered pillows like that, so let them do it. Why are you filled with indignation? Can you change something? With your own strength, can you shake a great dynasty and several big clans? ,"?"

Luo Zichuan, he really stopped talking at this time. He felt that Fang Wen seemed to be born to teach own. Anyway, he didn't understand what was going on? I always felt a little scared.

But at this time, the two of them probably don't have time to be here Rory, because they are ready to start on stage.

"Welcome everyone to the auction house of our Ye family. In fact, there are still some weird things on our side. I hope that everyone can join in and make more bids."

How many people are there? They are still quite deep at this time, but for the other people, they are cheering non-stop at this time.

In fact, Fang Wen also knows that many of them have people from their auction houses who are supposed to increase the price here, but for Fang Wen, it is impossible to think of himself as a fool.

Sure enough, the person who sent the field at this time took out a Dragon Sword at this time.

"The next thing is our Heavenly Spirit Sacred Treasure. It is white all over the body, without a little Impurities, and its attack power is very good. If it is done again, who will do it? At that time? Consider this work."

"The next thing is to start bidding at one hundred thousand taels, and each bid must not be less than ten thousand taels.",

Luo Zichuan, at this time, he still liked this baby very much, so at this time he kept letting Fang Wen take pictures of this thing.

"Look, this is the Dragon Sword, you know, the Dragon Sword that everyone wants, why don't you shoot it? Don't you say you don't have so many gold coins?"

At this time, Fang Wen felt that Luo Zichuan really hadn't seen anything called a real thing. After all, the system gave the own thing any one that could be used to kill the thing on the stage.

What kind of Dragon Sword is just a better name for everyone, it is just an ordinary sword, it looks a little sharper and more beautiful, but in fact it is useless at all.

". "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in this thing at all. If you want it, it doesn't matter. You can go out to pick up some silver and see if you can get it together. "

At this time, Luo Zichuan sat angrily on the chair at this time. If they didn't shoot anything, wouldn't it make people laugh? Don't be despised by the two guards at the door.

"Then what do you want to buy here? I think this is already very good. I listened to my mother. In fact, the auction houses are from low to high. The more you can't afford it later."

Fang Wen, shook his head at this time, but also smiled without saying a word. She will definitely let Luo Zichuanchuan know what a truly worthy system is, and said that the Nine Dragon Monument is relatively good, then it means that this thing must be there. Its value is volts.

"Great, this Royal Dragon Sword has this young man in front of you, and it was sold for 150,000 gold coins."

Fang Wen felt that the man in front of him was really too pitiful. After all, he bought it for 150,000 gold coins, such a thing.

Sure enough, at this time he already felt that the system had eight holes in his own body, which indicated that it might be what he wanted. .

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