Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 937 : Immortal Star God, Lord of Darkness! (Favorite! Subscribe!)

Sure enough, they have already taken it out at this time, is it the next lot?

"The next thing to be auctioned is a stone monument found in a secret realm. Although I don't know what the use is for this thing, but the knife is constantly cutting and the fire is not burning, so this is also a rare thing."

Sure enough, the Nine Dragons Monument had been lifted up by these people, and it didn't seem to be so complete.

"What kind of broken thing is this, it was put in the second one. I think he is not as good as half of the first one. It seems that what my mother said is not all correct?

"This item only needs fifty thousand taels of silver to start the auction, and each increase in price shall not be less than five thousand taels."

Fang Wen was not in a hurry to fight at this time, he wanted 410 to see how these people who had just returned, and really saw them talking here at this time.

"But it's just a broken stone. Even if it is cut continuously, what can it do? Babucheng is buried in the ground. I don't know if it has been thousands of years. That's why I can feel this way. Is there any opportunity?"

"It's just so. I dare to sell such a broken stone here. Will we be fools after we take it? I don't want it."

The people who organized this auction venue on stage at this time were also very embarrassed at this time. They also thought about this stone, which may not be so valuable, but they did not expect that these people would react so much to this matter.

"I give fifty-five thousand taels."

When Fang Wen yelled something like this, everyone was looking at him, but Fang Wen looked indifferent at this time, as if he was joking, and yelled out casually.

"Is that man on the stage a fool? Could it be that he thought that this place could be called casually? I bought such a thing for fifty-five thousand taels of silver. After I look back, he will definitely be eaten alive. "

"Just so, shouldn't he be asked by the auction house to come here? If that's the case? We don't want to copy them. When we arrive, let him buy the stone and go home to sleep upstairs."

When the people at the auction site saw Fang Wen bidding, they were very happy at this time, but they just had an attitude of giving it a try. They didn't expect that someone would actually buy it.

"Fifty-five thousand two times, fifty-five thousand two times, fifty-five thousand two or three times. This thing belongs to the present, this son's.

Sure enough, there were some people at the auction site, and they carried the Nine Dragon Monument to Fang Wen's position at this time.

And Fang Wen naturally had to pay some silver at this time. When he took out the gold coin, the other party was also very sincere and found some (bgbi) silver for them. After all, the equivalent of gold and silver is not the same. .

"Fang Wen, you still said that I will give you the Losing face, I think you should lose the losing face to me, right? There are so many good things here, you actually bought such a broken stone. Could it be you? Do you still have to carry him?"

Fang Wen, laughed and said nothing at this time. After all, it can resonate with the own system. It must be a treasure, so there must be some unknown secret in it. It's a pity that people like them are short-sighted and can't see it.

"Since you think I gave you Losing face, I plan to bring this thing into the room. You can continue to look at the auction house here now."

Luo Zichuan, at this time, was also a little angry, so he did not go out with Fang Wen, and Fang Wen can naturally come to their VIP room at this time, and it can be used as a place to rest alone. Can see the following situation.

At this time, the person in charge of the auction house has already arrived here at this time.

"Dear guest, do you have any needs? Do you want to go into the room? We can help you get the stone tablet into the room.

Fang Wen nodded at this time. Since they were willing, they would be disrespectful, so Fang Wen went directly to this room at this time, and the other people in the auction venue also closed the door and left at this time.

When Fang Wen put his hand on this stone monument, he suddenly found that he could pass through the stone monument and came to an artistic conception inside.

"Sure enough, there is something mysterious here. It seems that these silvers are really not in vain. Thanks to their short-sightedness, otherwise I don't know how much silver I have to waste before I can buy them."

Fang Wen, at this time, began to look for him inside, and can feel that the system's own call is really getting stronger and stronger at this time, which shows that this thing must be very amazing. .

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