Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 104 Ruthless door! Six doors are welcome!

"Fuck, this corpse is weird, I'm poisoned!"

The player's face suddenly became horrified, his calf suddenly softened, and he slumped directly on the sand, dumbfounded in place!

"I told you to stop touching... eh, no! I've been poisoned!"

"It's over, I also became poisoned.

At the same time, several other players also discovered their own abnormal state.

When they exclaimed, these players also opened the system panel.

The status bar is actually the same as the corpse touching player, it is also [Very poisonous].

"It's over, it's over, hurry up and ask on the communication channel to see if anyone knows about this situation! 35

Seeing that under the influence of the status of [Very Poisonous], the damage value caused is getting higher and higher.

While several players panicked, they could only use the dead horse as a living horse doctor, and hurriedly opened the communication channel.

"Help! Help! We're poisoned now..."

Afterwards, several poisoned players posted the whole process of how they saw Ye Ling, how to keep up, and how to be poisoned in the communication channel.

Soon, someone in the communication channel responded.

"Isn't it? The people of the Constellation faction practice poison art, and touching their corpses, do you really think that you have lived too long?"

"I don't ask beforehand, touch the corpse indiscriminately, I generally call this kind of person - warrior!"

610 "Tsk tsk tsk, you guys are really cruel, don't worry, you can dig a hole for yourself while you still have time."

"You guys are too bold, constellation faction, you really want money but not your life, this is good, your life is all in it.

Seeing that everyone was only joking, but there was no solution, the poisoned players were completely dumbfounded.

At the same time, however, there are players who have discovered something of value.

"No, according to your descriptions, these people from the Constellation Sect were poisoned by Ye Shen instead? 95

A barrage flew by, instantly attracting the attention of most players in the communication channel.

"Yeah! Why didn't I see this? If all the people of the Constellation Sect were poisoned by Ye Shen, could it be that he practiced some kind of poisoning?"

"My darling, if you really want to practice poisoning, then Ye Shen is a genius. He poisoned so many people at one time, and the head of the constellation sect, this is not easy!""

"Your guess is very likely. The reason why Ye Mo is so strong is that he has a superb poison skill, which can kill people invisibly!"5

"I'll go, it's really fine upstairs, I agree with you very much!

In the (becf) communication channel, countless bubbling players surfaced one after another, all of them with their brains wide open, and began to speculate about Ye Ling's martial arts.

And the fact that the constellation faction was destroyed by the group was also because of these players, which quickly spread among the Rivers and Lakes!

Shaoshi Mountain, South Shaolin.

"What? The constellation faction appeared not far from Shaoshi Mountain, and was killed by someone?""

Abbot Xuanci frowned, and there was a bit of disbelief in his tone.

"Yeah! And according to the younger brothers who went to check it out, everyone in the Constellation Sect died of poisonous poison!"


Hearing this, Xuan Ci was surprised, but Ye Ling's figure began to appear in his mind.

"Master Qi, my subordinates have already checked it out in person! Hundreds of disciples of the Constellation Sect died of poisoning!

In the inn where Ruthless and the others settled, the subordinates are making a return.


"It seems that 80% has something to do with that man!"

A hint of hesitation flashed across his ruthless face, and a scene of passing by Ye Ling appeared in front of him.

"If that man really did it, then should I do it or not?

Beneath the ruthless and cold face, he began to ponder in his heart.

In a village not far from Shaoshi Mountain.

Hong Qigong and Guo Jing also returned to the Central Plains.

At this time, Hong Qigong had just heard the news that the Constellation Sect had been destroyed from the mouths of a few little beggars.

When he heard that everyone in the Constellation Sect was poisoned and died, Hong Qigong was stunned for a moment, and the chicken leg in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"It must be Ye Ling! 35

"Old beggar, I've been walking the Rivers and Lakes for so long, I've seen a person with such domineering poison! 35

Behind him, when Guo Jing was shocked and angry when he heard Ye Ling's name again, he couldn't help but start to worry about Huang Rong's safety.

Move to the Palace of Flowers.

The second palace lord Lian Xing was holding the secret report in his hand, and when his eyes flickered, he couldn't help muttering to himself.

"One person can actually destroy the entire constellation faction with constellation bosses. 35

"This Ye Ling is really interesting!"

Gusu, Wugou Villa.

"This Ye Ling, could it be the Ye Ling who destroyed the Murong family?

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Lian Chengbi stood up when he pondered.

Looking up in the direction of Shaoshi Mountain, Lian Chengbi's expression was thoughtful.

However, Ye Ling was completely unaware of the reactions of the various forces.

Ye Ling, who had gained a lot, was very satisfied and returned to the inn with the girls early.

I don't know if it was because Ye Ling successfully killed Ding Chunqiu and gave A Zi a bad breath.

As soon as she returned to the inn, A Zi was very active and enthusiastic and posted Ye Ling.

It is estimated that he was unable to satisfy Ye Ling, and A Zi also pulled her sister A Zhu together, and both of them actively leaned into Ye Ling's arms.

"Brother Ling, you helped me kill Ding Chunqiu, Azi must repay you well!"

"I recently practiced the stunt of the piano with my sister, and I promise to make you feel comfortable and satisfied with Ling Ling today!""

A Zi, who was usually quirky and quirky, has become very charming at this moment.

And Azhu, who was usually quite shy about contacting many people, didn't know if it was because of Azi's warning in advance, but he was very relaxed.

As he kept rubbing it, Azhu dribbled the ball and slammed into Ye Ling's chest heavily.

Feeling the extreme softness from left and right, as well as the unusual heat of Azi and Azhu, Ye Ling was instantly relieved.

He directly picked up the two of them at the same time, and walked straight towards the bed.

"Then I'll take a good look at whether your Qin Xiao stunts are really fun!"

After Ye Ling said that, she just lay down on the bed on her own.

The two sisters, Azi and Aju, looked at each other and smiled, and then unbuttoned Ye Ling's clothes...

In a blink of an eye, it was the second day.

Early in the morning, Ye Ling had just finished tutoring Ruan Xingzhu.

When Ye Ling was closing his eyes, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Who?! 35

When Ruan Xingzhu was puzzled, he got out of bed and walked to the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Ruan Xingzhu looked up and saw two six-doored black-clothed Chakuai standing in front of the door.

In front of the two, it was none other than the ruthless man in a wheelchair!

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