Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 105 Ruthless adults! You are so fragrant!

Ruan Xingzhu's face flashed a hint of surprise when he saw that the person who knocked on the door was actually the famous arrester Ye Ling mentioned yesterday.

at the same time.

Seeing that the person opening the door was Ruan Xingzhu, a trace of doubt arose in his heartless heart, and his brows slightly wrinkled.

When I passed by yesterday, I clearly saw the room where two young girls accompanied Ye Ling into the room.

How did the pretty girl turn into a beautiful young woman overnight?

"Huh? Is there something wrong?"

Just when Ruthless was suspicious, Ye Ling appeared by the door, interrupting Ruthless's thoughts.

Seeing Ye Ling's appearance, his ruthless face turned cold and he didn't hide it. He took out the six-door official badge from his waist and showed it in front of Ye Ling.

"Ye Ling! Six doors are welcome!


Hearing these relentless words, and then looking at the genuine six-door token in her hand, Ye Ling's eyes couldn't help but flash with surprise.

I have never had contact with the official organization of the Great Song Dynasty, why did the people from the Six Doors suddenly find me-?

Could it be because of what happened to the constellation yesterday?

A little doubt passed through Ye Ling's heart.

However, although Ye Ling still didn't know the purpose of Ruthless's trip, Ye Ling was still very calm.

"Well said, well said!

Ye Ling chuckled lightly, and after instructing Ruan Xingzhu who was behind him, he followed Wuqing and the others.

Soon, Ye Ling was ruthlessly brought into the suite where the six-door group lived.

As soon as he entered the door, Ye Ling smelled an elegant fragrance that reached his nose.

Looking around and seeing the clean and tidy arrangement in the room, Ye Ling understood.

This suite should be a room that is ruthless and exclusive.

"Heh, the smell in here is quite fragrant. She must be a girl who loves cleanliness very much."

"I just don't know if there is a chance to meet such a girl! 99

Ye Ling nodded, and when the folding fan in his hand was spinning, he sighed in self-care.

"You guy!

Hearing Ye Ling's words, the expressions of the two arresters behind Wuqing changed, and they immediately wanted to scold Ye Ling.

However, the ruthless man in the wheelchair stopped the two subordinates.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his head ruthlessly, still wearing a beautiful but indifferent face, without saying a word, only looked at Ye Ling quietly.

If it were someone else, the pressure might be multiplied under such a suppressed gaze.

But Ye Ling didn't care at all, and instead walked firmly to the center of the suite.

Afterwards, he sat upright, very frank and fearless, and sat opposite the ruthless.

Seeing Ye Ling sitting down, Ru Qing spoke slowly, and his tone was still extremely cold.

"Ye Ling, this time I invited you to come here in the name of Six Doors, mainly to make an appointment with you for Chapter Three!"

Chapter three of the covenant?

When Ye Ling heard this, she didn't immediately ask what the "Three Chapters of the Covenant" was.

On the contrary, Ye Ling chuckled lightly and threw another question at Ruthless.

"Let's not talk about this."

"I ask you, do you want to return to normal and completely heal the physical disability you left behind as a child?"


Completely heal my disability?

Hearing this, Wuqing was a little surprised at first, but then became indifferent.

It turns out that ruthless disabilities are not born.

But when she was seven years old, she was severely injured by thirteen murderers, and her legs were broken by Meridians.

For more than ten years, even the Marquis of Zhuge was helpless against the ruthless injury.

Over time, Ruthless has long since lost hope of getting back on its feet.

Therefore, when he heard that Ye Ling was able to heal his own disability, Ruthless's initial reaction was a little surprised.

However, it was precisely because even the Marquis Zhuge was powerless that Wuqing quickly regained his calm.

"Thank you for your kindness, you don't need to bet!"

With a ruthless tone and a normal face, it was obvious that he did not believe in the healing that Ye Ling had just said.

"Haha! 39

Seeing Wuqing's completely disbelieving expression, Ye Ling couldn't help laughing, then looked at Wuqing with a leisurely expression and said.

"If you don't believe it, why don't we make a bet."

"If I cure your disability, you'll just grant me a simple request, how about that?"

In the face of Ye Ling's invitation to bet, Ru Qing was noncommittal, and then he mentioned the "three chapters of the contract" mentioned at the beginning again.

"The three chapters of the law are this time no matter what happens to Shaolin.

"I hope you don't kill people indiscriminately, don't start killing people, and don't do things deliberately, can you?"

・・・ Flowers・

After listening, Ye Ling couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

"This matter, you should go to Qiao Feng!

Seeing Ye Ling's relaxed expression, he frowned mercilessly.

Afterwards, he asked one of his subordinates to take out a suit of a Constellation Sect disciple and put it in front of Ye Ling.

"Yesterday, more than 100 people from the Constellation Sect all died in the valley. Did you do it?"

There was a hint of coldness in the ruthless eyes, and then he asked Ye Ling.

"Just a bunch of rubbish!

Ye Ling's tone was flat, and the expression on her face was still extremely calm.

Seeing Ye Ling finally admit it, Ru Qing immediately raised his head, a trace of anger flashed in his icy beautiful eyes, and stared directly at Ye Ling.


"What you do, Six Doors is not ignorant. 35

"If you still don't know how to restrain yourself, then the six doors will not sit idly by!


Facing the ruthless threat, Ye Ling still didn't care.

"It's useless to talk too much."

"Regardless of other things, the bet I said just now will still work.

After saying that, Ye Ling put down the teacup in his hand, completely ignoring the ruthless people.

With a very calm expression on his face, he walked straight out of the door.

"give me……"

The two arresters wanted to stop them, but they were afraid of Ye Ling's strength, so they could only watch Ye Ling's figure disappear into the aisle.

"Sir, what should I do now!

Seeing Ye Ling walking away, one of the arresters walked up to Ru Qing and asked.


"With this variable, now we can only make sure that everything is complete!"

He let out a ruthless sigh, his eyes full of deep colors.

At the same time, Ye Ling also walked lightly and returned to the room.

As soon as Ye Ling came back, A Zi, A Zhu, Ruan Xingzhu and other women all gathered around.

The big ball and the small ball dribbled and collided with each other, and Ye Ling was instantly refreshed.

"Isn't that ruthless a man from Six Doors? What is it that he came looking for you early in the morning?"

Zhong Ling sat on Ye Ling's lap very consciously, and asked Ye Ling very curiously.

Not only Zhong Ling, Dao Baifeng, Ruan Xingzhu, Azhu Azi and all the girls also looked at Ye Ling, they were also a little curious.

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