Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 106 Under the Shaoshi Mountain! The wind and rain are coming!

Facing the curious inquiries of the girls, Ye Ling smiled without saying a word.

His eyes turned, and he turned to look at Huang Rong, who was sitting alone in the corner.

"I heard that you have always been known for your wit, Rong'er. 35

"You must have guessed it!"

After listening to Ye Ling's question, Huang Rong had an answer in her heart, but she was unwilling to answer.

I saw that she didn't say a word, and then she turned her head away, completely ignoring it.

Seeing Huang Rong still being so rude to Ye Ling.

A Zi, who had long regarded Ye Ling as the closest person, was a little unhappy, and when his eyes rolled, the quirky A Zi had a plan.

"Oops! It seems that Sister Rong still has something to do with us all."

"Why don't we keep getting closer today! 35

After saying that, A Zi waved her two small claws and was about to tear off the clothes on Huang Rong with a giggle.

"Don't, don't! I said "six one zero", I said!

When Huang Rong heard this, her face was horrified, she was already terrified of this little witch, A Zi, so she hurriedly opened her mouth to answer.

"What else could be the reason? Ye Ling has been rumored to have been in the Rivers and Lakes for a long time."

"Yesterday, they slaughtered the entire Constellation Party with more than 100 people up and down. The six doors are not decorations, so naturally it is impossible to ignore them."

I see!

After listening to Huang Rong's answer, all the girls nodded and suddenly realized.

"Ha ha!

"As expected of a female Zhuge!"

Ye Ling, who was sitting in the arms of the girls, laughed and gave Huang Rong a thumbs up.

"Now that the people from Six Doors have set their sights on us, what should we do next?

At the same time, Dao Baifeng asked Ye Ling with a concerned tone.

As a former Dali princess, Dao Baifeng knows the strength of the country.

Although these people with six doors can't help Ye Ling.

But as a member of the Rivers and Lakes, if the country is ranked as an important target, all aspects will eventually be affected to some extent.

Ye Ling was of course well aware of Dao Baifeng's concerns.

"Don't worry ma'am.

Taking Dao Baifeng into his arms and "loving", Ye Ling continued to speak very calmly.

"That's what we're going to do!

When the women heard the words, they all nodded.

Only Huang Rong in the corner changed her expression and looked at Ye Ling in astonishment.

She never imagined that in the face of the Six Gates and the possible threats from the Great Song Kingdom, this man could be so reckless and confident.

His eyes were full of shock, and Ye Ling's image in Huang Rong's heart gradually changed slightly.

Just when Ye Ling and Ruyi first faced each other head-to-head.

Around Shaoshi Mountain, various forces are constantly coming.

At the foot of Shaoshi Mountain, the forest trail.

"Father, mother! This time, the child must kill the enemy with his hands, and comfort your second elder's spirit in heaven! 99

Looking up at the Shaolin Temple, Qiao Feng's eyes were already flushed, full of grief and indignation.

Afterwards, Qiao Feng took firm steps and continued to head towards Shaoshi Mountain.

Outside the jungle, the ruined village.

Hong Qigong and Guo Jing had just been repairing all night, and at this time they couldn't wait to bring a group of Beggar Sect disciples to head towards Shaoshi Mountain.

"Apprentice, no matter what happens later, it's best to hide away."

"There are probably a lot of masters present today, and I'll probably not be able to despise you when I fight!"

Hong Qigong walked at the front of the team, admonishing Guo Jing beside him.

"Disciple understands!"

Guo Jing bowed his head and took orders.

But another idea had already emerged in his mind.

In the valley, snakes and insects are rampant.

"Father, you said that this Shaolin Temple chaos, do we really have a chance to snatch the martial arts in the temple?

Ouyang Ke looked puzzled and looked back at Ouyang Feng with some doubts.

"Not necessarily, but it must be the most likely one!"

Ouyang Feng sat on the shoulders, his eyes were calm, but he seemed to have a plan.

The back mountain of Shaolin, the secret cave in the cave.

An old man who looked exactly like Qiao Feng came out slowly.

Then put on the mask, and when he jumped, he flew towards the south gate of Shaolin.

In no time, the storm is coming!

Two days later.

On Shaoshi Mountain.

At this time, the square in front of the mountain gate of the Southern Shaolin Temple was already crowded with disciples from all over the world.

On the far left is the Beggar Sect group led by Hong Qigong.

At this time, Hong Qigong did not appear, and Guo Jing was in charge of leading the crowd.

At this time, Guo Jing was absent-minded, and just kept looking around, as if he was constantly looking for a familiar figure...

Next to Beggar Sect, is the six-door crowd led by Ruthless, one of the four famous arresters.

All six doors were dressed in black and wore waist knives. The purpose of this trip was naturally to prevent possible large-scale riots.

In addition to Beggar Sect, the six-door crowd, as well as Hengshan, Kunlun and other orthodox sects, there are also a lot of people.

When the crowd was crowded, it was very lively from a distance.

Of course, in such a lively scene, the player hidden in the NPC is naturally indispensable.

"My dear, there are so many people, it seems that something big is going to happen!

"There should be some big story, but it's weird, it's so lively, why didn't I see Ye Shen and his beauty group?"

"Yeah, Ye Shen is rarely absent from such a big story, and it still hasn't appeared yet!"

"This is Southern Shaolin, there are countless Great Masters, I guess this guy Ye Mo should be afraid! 99

"Put your mother's stinky farts, the Northern Shaolin Yeshen has been wiped out, are you still afraid of your Southern Shaolin?

While the players are discussing and arguing in the communication channel.

I haven't seen Ye Ling for a long time. Among the NPCs, a few important people's expressions also changed slightly.

"It's weird, I saw them going out very early today, why are they no one now? 35

Sitting in a wheelchair ruthlessly, although the expression on his face was still cold, there was a trace of doubt in his heart.

"Damn it, where did that 2.5 guy take Rong'er! Why doesn't he show up now!

Guo Jing frowned, and his heart was already restless.

"Huh? Ye Ling isn't coming?"

Ouyang Feng hid in the crowd and looked at the mountain gate of Shaolin Temple, a little puzzled.

Just as everyone kept guessing, only three bells could be heard from the Southern Shaolin Temple.

Then, under the escort of dozens of Shaolin monks, the Shaolin abbot Xuanci, dressed in brocade Kasaya, walked slowly.

At the same time, beside Xuanci, there were also the heads of the Rivers and Lakes sects or families.

For example, Hong Qigong, the leader of the Beggar Sect, Do Lingzi, the leader of the Penglai faction, and Sima Wei, the leader of the Qingcheng faction, are all famous Martial Forest legends who have long been on the big side.

Seeing Southern Shaolin Abbot Xuanci and a group of Great Masters appearing, on the square, both players and NPCs were all boiling!

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