Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 108 Ye Ling: The opponent is the Grand Great Master, I can't beat it

Seeing that Qiao Feng actually had the upper hand, when the two Shaolin monks were surprised, they had to speed up the attacking rhythm at the same time!

However, as the saying goes, haste is not enough.

When the rhythm accelerated, it also allowed Qiao Feng to find the flaws between the two.

Seizing the flaw, Qiao Feng shouted angrily.

The two palms were mixed with a strong Internal Energy, and the two Shaolin monks were directly shot and flew out!


Seeing that the two Great Master monks were easily defeated by Qiao Feng, the two Great Master monks were easily defeated, and everyone present was shocked and shocked!

At the same time, while the decent players were shocked, they also started to discuss.

"Damn it! No matter what you said just now, the two were great masters of the Great Master. Qiao Feng solved it so neatly?"

"Tsk tsk, with one enemy against two, without much effort, this Qiao Feng is indeed a man who dares to come alone!"

"Just now Qiao Feng showed this move, I estimate that if Ye Shen comes again, he will not be Qiao Feng's opponent!"

"That's right, with this aura, this aura, I guess that the Grand Great Master is almost invincible!

Some people support Qiao Feng, and naturally some people hold different opinions.

"I don't think so. Judging from the results of Ye Shen's battle at Bright Summit, maybe he can really fight Qiao Feng!"

"That's right! I've heard that there were five or six Great Masters in the first battle of Guangmingding, so there's no need for that! 35

"It's true, there are many enemies with one enemy, maybe the two of them will have a strong collision.

But as soon as such remarks came out, there were other people who refuted it.

"That guy Ye Mo is playing with poison, if he doesn't poison his opponent first, he won't be able to fight at all, and he might be comparable to Qiao Feng in a head-to-head battle!

"Indeed, I also heard that he fought against an unknown Great Master in the first battle of Guangmingding, and they fought for hundreds of rounds. Obviously, it is not good at head-to-head!"

"Why is it not good to be positive! You are definitely a sailor hired by Kuroko! Insult my Ye Shen!"

"Bah! A big devil returns your Ye Shen? He's just an ordinary player if he doesn't play drugs.""!""

The more and more players from several parties became more and more noisy, the entire communication channel was instantly in flames of war.

At this moment, a different barrage appeared at the top of the communication channel.

"Don't worry about these issues! Didn't you realize that the fight has already started here, and that guy Ye Ling hasn't come yet? Could it be that he won't come?

As soon as this barrage came out, it instantly aroused the doubts in the hearts of all the players present.

Ye Ling, who is bound to appear in every big drama, where is he at this moment?

Just when all players kept guessing.

in the Shaolin Temple.

Ye Ling, on the other hand, took all the girls to stroll around the aisles between the temples early.

Wherever he went, whether it was an ordinary novice or a martial monk, they were all thrown to the ground by the poison of sadness and refreshing wind.

As for those who are disobedient, they are killed on the spot.

In this way, Ye Ling's people were unimpeded, and they walked all the way as if they were no one.

"Brother Ling, why did you sneak us into the Shaolin Temple today?"

As they were walking, A Zi next to Ye Ling asked curiously.

At the same time, the rest of the girls also looked over, and although their expressions were different, they were all somewhat puzzled.

You know, today's highlight is obviously on the side of the mountain gate.

The girls couldn't understand why Ye Ling chose to invade the Shaolin Temple at this time.

Ye Ling heard the words, chuckled lightly, touched A Zi's little head, and then explained it to everyone.

"Although the interior of Southern Shaolin is smoky and filthy, it has done a lot of bad things under the guise of compassion over the past few decades.

"However, after all, it is Sacred Land, a martial art that has been passed down for many years. There are still many good things in it!"

Having said that, Ye Ling turned around and glanced at Wang Yuyan and Mrs. Wang's mother and daughter, and then continued.

"The seventy-two Shaolin stunts I got from Murong Boli before were not complete.

"So the main goal of invading Shaolin this time is to collect all the seventy-two Shaolin stunts in the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion!"

I see!

After listening to Ye Ling's explanation, A Zi nodded thoughtfully, and the rest of the girls also understood.

But only Huang Rong, who was at the back of the team, heard this, her complexion suddenly changed, and she was terrified.

All of a sudden, Huang Rong felt that Ye Ling was too bold.

He actually dared to openly invade the Shaolin Temple by licking blood with the tip of the knife when the top Shaolin masters were not paying attention.

Could it be that this guy is really not afraid of any serious consequences?

Huang Rong was amazed in her heart, but she could only continue to follow Ye Ling's back, and followed the crowd towards the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion.

Although Southern Shaolin occupies a very large area, the core area is not large.

Soon, Ye Ling brought the girls to the front of the Tibetan Scriptures Pavilion.

At this time, all the Shaolin disciples along the way were poisoned.

Only in front of the Sutra Collection Pavilion, there is still an old monk who looks very old. He has no influence. He is holding a broom and is slowly cleaning the fallen leaves on the stone steps!

".~ That's not right, Brother Ling, Sadness and Breeze have failed? How come this old monk wasn't poisoned!""

The old monk in front of him looked very normal, while A Zi was surprised, he asked Ye Ling curiously.

Hearing A Zi's question, Ye Ling first smiled slightly, then raised her head and looked at the old monk opposite, and then said.

"This is the Grand Great Master, of course he will not be affected by the sad breeze!"


Grand Great Master?!

Ye Ling's voice fell, and all the girls, including A Zi, suddenly had different expressions, and they were all shocked.

"Grand Great Master? But this old monk looks ordinary and feels weak, how could he be a Grand Great Master?"

While Dao Baifeng was shocked, three points of doubt flashed in his eyes.

You must know that in (Wang De's) her home country, Dali, for decades, there has never been a Grand Great Master.

At this time, Ye Ling told her that the sweeping monk in front of her was the Grand Great Master.

Although Dao Baifeng trusted Ye Ling immensely, he couldn't believe it.

"Grand Great Master? Legendary Grand Great Master?"

Shangguan Haitang's eyes reveal horror.

Although the Ming Dynasty has also heard that there is a Grand Great Master sitting in town.

However, Shangguan Haitang had never been in contact with him at all.

Hearing Ye Ling say this at this time, he was extremely surprised.

"Martial Dao Grand Great Master? A powerhouse to the top?"

Wang Yuyan's mother and daughter, Ruan Xingzhu's mother and daughter were dumbfounded and stood there dumbfounded.

"Really Grand Great Master?"

"In that case, wouldn't I have a chance to escape?"

"However, why do I feel that this guy Ye Ling seems to be confident?"

Huang Rong was overjoyed at first, but then she frowned deeply.

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