Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 109 Get out of the way quickly! Don't let your entire temple be destroyed!

But oddly enough.

No matter how the women's expressions changed.

In front of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, the elderly sweeping monk seemed to have never seen Ye Ling.

It was still self-sufficient to sweep the fallen leaves on the steps into a pile, as if nothing had happened.

After learning that the sweeping monk is a rare Grand Great Master.

The girls were really surprised.

But when I thought about it, and saw the sweeping monk on the other side who had no reaction at all, the girls couldn't help but doubt again.

"Brother Ling, are you kidding us?"

"This old monk is probably not even a warrior monk, he is just a chorus, how could he be a Grand Great Master!

A Zi pouted her red mouth and looked at Ye Ling rather angrily.

"Yes, yes, I didn't see it clearly just now, it doesn't look like it at all! 35

Shangguan Haitang frowned, and his eyes swept to the sweeping monk in front of him again.

"That's right, no matter how clumsy the Grand Great Master hides, it won't be like this when we come before us, right?

"Brother Ling, are you trying to scare us again!"

Zhong Ling also held Ye Ling's arm with some complaints.

"What? Did this guy play tricks again?"

Huang Rong stood at the end of the team, and the light of hope that flickered in her eyes instantly went out.

"Ha ha!

Facing the questions of the girls behind him, Ye Ling did not rush to answer.

Instead, after a long laugh, he walked directly in front of the floor sweeping monk and said loudly.

"I'm Ye Ling, and I want to borrow the Books Collection Pavilion to read it to complement the seventy-two Shaolin stunts I've collected outside."

"Especially Guisi's town-style Secret Technique - "The Book of Changes".

Ye Ling got straight to the point, and directly put forward conditions that no one else dared to think about.

After all, Southern Shaolin has been in the mountains for a long time, and its status is not only the first among the Rivers and Lakes, but also the top-ranked and decent in the forefront.

When other people come to Shaolin, they will at most eat fast food, pay homage to the group of Buddhas, and donate some incense money in an instant.

But Ye Ling all of a sudden, it's like playing a club in the city gate hole - straight and straight, without any concealment.

Strangely enough, though.

Ye Ling's voice had fallen for a long time.

But the monk who sweeps the floor doesn't seem to be able to carry his ears back.

When he turned his back, he didn't even lift his head, he remained motionless, and continued to slowly clean his feet.

"Ha ha!""

Seeing the sweeping monk's attitude, Ye Ling laughed lightly, and then stopped talking nonsense.

When you raise your hand and cross your fingers, a move "Shrouding the Heavens" is shot out!


I just heard an explosion in the air.

Then, a domineering inner strength visible to the naked eye was like a meteor, illuminating the entire sky in an instant.

Then, the sweeping monk who was heading straight ahead smashed away!

At the same time, the girls behind Ye Ling also held their breaths, not daring to take a breath.

You know, since Ye Ling created "One-Handed Shrouding the Heavens", few masters can last three rounds under his one finger.

It was Ye Ling's other trump card besides Poison Technique and Beiming Divine Art.

If the sweeping monk in front of him is not the "Grand Great Master" in Ye Ling's mouth.

Then, in the blink of an eye, it will be exploded by a finger and turned into powder!

However, just when all the women did not dare to look directly.

He heard a "hum" sound.

Afterwards, there was a "shasha" sweeping sound in the ears of the girls.


The girls were stunned for a moment, and hurriedly raised their eyes and looked forward.

At this time, the sweeping monk in front of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion was not hit by Ye Ling's one-handed "Shrouding the Heavens".

Instead, he was still slowly sweeping his ground there.

The only difference is that.

In front of the sweeping monk, a transparent wall of air that was three feet thick unexpectedly appeared at some point, and it was even constantly fluctuating with pale golden light!

what! this is!

The girls couldn't believe it at all, and they all exclaimed in surprise!

"Internal Energy gasification! This is definitely not something a Grandmaster can do!"

"It's not not (becf) that all Great Master masters can't achieve Internal Energy, but Brother Ling can, but it's rare in the world to be able to achieve such strength!

"This sweeper is really a Grand Great Master, isn't it? Internal Energy is so deep, concubine is unheard of!

"Is this the Grand Great Master? The strength is too strong! 99

All the girls were astonished, looking up at the sweeping monk again, filled with awe and worry.

Also at this time.

I don't know if it was because Ye Ling was forced out of the body protection qi, so he couldn't continue to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

After sweeping the last leaf, the sweeping monk who had not spoken for a long time finally raised his head.

In the deep eye sockets, a bright eye light shot directly at Ye Ling.

"Amitābha! The move the donor just used was so strange."

"In one finger, there are actually dozens of fingerings such as Dali Duan's One Yang Finger, Tianlong Temple's Six Vein Divine Sword, Murong Family's Shenhe Finger, and even my Shaolin's Nianhua Finger, Vajra Finger and so on. shadow.

"This finger has infinite power, I am afraid it is already a rare top martial arts in the world! 99

Facing the praise from the Grand Great Master, Ye Ling didn't take it seriously. When he raised his head, he looked directly at the sweeping monk opposite and asked again.

"In the end let it or not!"

Hearing Ye Ling's question, the floor sweeper shook his head.

"Amitābha! Good, good, good!

"Buddhist martial arts naturally need Dharma as a support, and it is not difficult for the donor to enter the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion to practice the seventy-two stunts.

"Only need to leave home and wait until the donor Dharma is successful, then this library will be free to come and go!""

Seeing that the sweeping monk opened his mouth and closed his mouth, he was a monk, and there was no sign of retreating at all. How could Ye Ling not know his mind?


With a sneer, Ye Ling didn't pay any attention to what the Sweeping Monk said, and just pointed at the two stone statues in front of the Sweeping Sect.

"Don't talk to me about this, now you only have two choices!"

"Either get out of the way for me, and hand over the seventy-two stunts of Shaolin! Otherwise, the whole family of Shaolin Temple will die!"

Ye Ling's icy voice just fell.

The girls behind them were shocked.

Huang Rong's reaction was even more violent, and Ye Ling was so frightened that her whole body trembled a few times.

At the same time, the sweeper finally picked up the broom in his hand and looked at Ye Ling with a very serious expression.

In an instant, the atmosphere before the Sutra Collection Pavilion suddenly became extremely tense.

Immediately afterwards, the floor sweeping monk frowned, looked at Ye Ling with a stern expression, and said after silently chanting the Buddha's name.

"The rumors from the outside world are true, and the donor is really a big devil who has not been seen in the Rivers and Lakes for thousands of years.

"Today, whether it is for my Shaolin, or for the peace of the entire Rivers and Lakes, Lao Na must never let go of the benefactor so easily!"

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