Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 111 Little Blacks! You Ye Shen is here!

Just when Ye Ling brought the girls into the Shaolin Sutra Pavilion.

On the mountain gate square.

Qiao Feng is already in the hands of the same decent leaders.

Previously, Qiao Feng simply and neatly defeated the two Great Master monks of Shaolin, shaking the audience.

And Qingcheng, Hengshan, these decent leaders who have only a false reputation, how can they be able to compete with Qiao Feng?

Only half a column of incense has passed, and Qiao Feng has already defeated five Great Masters including Sima Wei, the head of the Qingcheng faction!

The atmosphere in the square was also suddenly gloomy.

"Master Xuanci! This Qiao Feng is making a fuss about Shaolin, it's really deceiving people! 35

"He is so powerful, it's better that you and I join forces and take him down together!"

Seeing that Qiao Feng on the field was actually getting more and more brave, the head of the Penglai Sword Sect, Du Lingzi, froze, and then he suggested to Xuanci next to him.

"Good, good! If you can take down this person's "610", and Lao Na breaks the precepts, why not?"

Xuanci had already planned his end.

It's just that because of Face, it has never been shot.

At this time, Du Lingzi made the first invitation, so how could Xuanci miss such an opportunity.

Although he pretended to be pitiful on the surface, in fact, he suddenly exerted strength under his feet, and in an instant, together with Du Lingzi, he attacked Qiao Feng!

"Xuanci! You came just in time!"

Seeing that Xuanci finally came to an end, Qiao Feng was not at all afraid that he would join forces with Du Lingzi.

When he shouted loudly, Qiao Feng also jumped up and rushed towards the two of Xuanci!


In the blink of an eye, everyone on the field only heard a piercing explosion.

When he looked up again, Qiao Feng had already fought with Du Lingzi and Xuan Ci!

Although Qiao Feng's strength is far superior to that of an ordinary Great Master, he can outwit the crowd.

However, Du Lingzi and Xuanci are not ordinary Great Masters.

The three people fighting this time is completely different from the one-sided situation just now. For a while, the two sides are actually inseparable!

As a result, in an instant, everyone on the square boiled again!

"I'm going! Turingzi's Sword Technique is so profound, he deserves to be Penglai Sword Fairy!

"Indeed, but Master Xuanci also played a very important role, how could Shaolin Abbot just get a false reputation?

"Master Xuanci plus Turin, I feel that this is a drama!

While all the players were excited, some players were still speculating about Ye Ling's movements.

"That's not right, it's already in the white-hot stage, will it end if Ye Shen doesn't come? 39

"Waiting for Ye Mo? Just this scene, can he fight? It's me and I won't come!

"Indeed, Ye Mo has no poison, and his strength is the same. I guess he should be afraid!"

There was a lot of discussion in the communication channel, and all kinds of speculations were flying around.

Among them, those who occupy the mainstream are obviously the little blacks who sing Ye Ling badly.

However, at this moment, the voice of the world announcement sounded in the ears of all the players present!

【World Announcement: Player Ye Ling successfully sacked the Shaolin Sutras Pavilion and obtained the complete book of Shaolin’s 72 stunts! Successfully completed the achievement - [Shaolin Tribulation]! Gained 100 Rivers and Lakes Prestige Points! 】

World announcement, repeated three times!



In an instant, all the players on the square were shocked.

Those little blackheads who were still chattering and sighing "Ye Mo can't do it", after listening to it, they were dumbfounded and froze in place!

After a long while, a new chat record appeared in the communication channel.

"Heroes, did I hear it wrong? The announcement just said Shaolin? Is it the Southern Shaolin in front of me now?"

As soon as this chat record came out, there were a few more replies immediately below.

"Nonsense! Among the rivers and lakes, although the Shaolin Temple is divided into four parts: east, west, north and south, only the southern Shaolin can have seventy-two stunts!"

"That's right, players who know a little bit know that Southern Shaolin is the strongest among the four Shaolin Temples, and it is Mount Tai Northern Dipper of the Martial Forest of the Song Dynasty and even the Martial Forest of the Central Plains...

The two replies only said here, but they stopped abruptly, and the communication channel fell into a dead silence again!


Just when the questioner was in doubt.


Countless beeps suddenly sounded!

When the players present were surprised, they found that at this moment, whether it is a region, a country or a world channel, countless diving players are all bubbling out, directly crowding out the entire communication channel system!

"I'm going! It's really Shaolin? Shaolin was robbed by Ye Shen? Did you make a mistake!

"RNM! Refund! How could Ye Ling rob Southern Shaolin! I cried wow!"

"No! Ye Mo, you are not a human being! Steal crystals while other masters are not around!"

"Isn't there a mistake in the system? Nan Shaolin? So many Great Masters just watched Ye Ling steal seventy-two stunts?""


Players from all over the world are going crazy, or they are surprised that Ye Ling's way of doing things is different, or they regret that they have not kept up with Ye Ling's pace...

And just when a group of players beat their chests and feet...

However, the disciples of various factions on the field heard a "crunch" sound of pushing the door from not far away.

When they all looked up and looked forward.

Suddenly, it was discovered that the gate of Southern Shaolin had already been pushed open by someone.

Immediately afterward, a dozen or so women of national beauty and beauty walked out one by one.

There are charming and beautiful women, charming girls, heroic women, and more Eastern style!

In an instant, the eyes of the disciples NPCs and players of various factions were directly attracted by these dozen or so stunning women.

Of course, many people couldn't help but laugh.

"Yo! Isn't this Shaolin Temple the place known as the Buddhist temple? How can there be so many female relatives?

"Uh, you don't know anything about this, Master, it's okay to have the six senses dirty occasionally!"

"Hahaha! Interesting, I knew that monks could play with women, and I became a monk too!"

However, in addition to the ridicule, among the people present, there are naturally people who know these women.

"Huh? Aren't these Ye Ling's women? How could they appear in the Shaolin Temple?" 2.5

"It seems... not right!"

Sitting on the wheelchair ruthlessly, he was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly reacted!

"Ah?! Rong'er! Rong'er is there!

As soon as Guo Jing saw Huang Rong among the girls, he was instantly refreshed.

When the figure jumped, he wanted to run towards the gate of Southern Shaolin!

"Don't you think that these dozen beauties meet a certain condition?"

In the communication channel, a player also recognized it!

Just when everyone was in doubt.

The girls who walked out of the Shaolin Temple spread out side by side, leaving an exclusive passage.


A handsome and handsome young man came out of it leisurely and contentedly.

It's none other than Ye Ling!.

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