Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 112 Shaolin monks? Righteous knights? All climb for the Lord!

I saw that Ye Ling was like a stroll in the courtyard, with a spring breeze on her face.

Every time he took a step, there was a stunning beauty half-kneeling to greet her with a respectful attitude.

Soon, Ye Ling was walking down the steps.

Stand at the front of the square!

In an instant!

Above the square, thousands of people from all over the world, all turned their attention to Ye Ling's head!

Ye Ling! Much attention!

"Hey! Who is this person! He is not a monk, so why did he come out of the Shaolin Temple?"

"That's right, just walk out of the Shaolin Temple, why are you still bringing so many women, and each of them is a beautiful woman. 55

"Can you describe it with the word "beautiful"? There is no one worse than the oiran in the city!"

"Walking the Rivers and Lakes with so many women? Could it be, who?!

Seeing Ye Ling slowly coming out in the attire of the girls, all the decent disciples present were shocked and talked a lot.

"My dear, the big guy is the big guy. After robbing the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, he didn't slip away, and walked straight out of the main door of the house!"

"Tauren! 14 Proper tauren behavior!

"Take your scriptures, punch you in the face, and walk through your door, Ye Shen's playing this wave is really cool! 35

"I'm crying, the beauty Cultivation Technique is such a force, this guy has it all, only my father wasted time!"

"The Book of Ten Thousand Blood jointly denounced Ye Mo! This guy is off the hook!"

Although the players have already foreseen.

But at the moment when Ye Ling appeared, almost all the players present still shed unsatisfactory tears.

at the same time.

Seeing that Ye Ling actually walked out of the Shaolin Temple, the Great Masters from all sides also had different expressions and different reactions.

"Eh? Isn't that Brother Ye? How did he appear in the Shaolin Temple?!"

Qiao Feng was fighting against Xuanci and Du Lingzi.

However, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure leisurely emerging from the temple gate, and immediately recognized Ye Ling.

In addition to being surprised, Qiao Feng also did not care to fight against Xuanci and Xuanci again.

When he shouted loudly, Qiao Feng slapped his palm hard, which directly opened the distance between himself and Xuanci!

"As expected, it is absolutely impossible for this guy not to come!"

"It's just that he walked out of Shaolin at this time, and it seems that he must have done some ulterior motives! 35

The ruthless eyes were cold, and the fingers kept rubbing the head of the chief catcher token in the palm of his hand.

As long as he gave an order, dozens of six-door masters behind him would all rush towards Ye Ling!

"Huh? How could it be Ye Ling? Everyone is here, when did he enter the Shaolin Temple?"

Hong Qigong stood on the high platform, and the moment he saw Ye Ling, his expression was also condensed, and his eyes revealed a three-pointed puzzlement.

"What! Why is this guy here!"

Seeing Ye Ling appearing from a distance, her own Rong'er actually bowed and greeted her.

Guo Jing suddenly felt that there was more than one piece of grassland above his head.

The originally hopeful eyes gradually disappeared, and the eyes instantly became empty.

All the heroes present saw Ye Ling walking out of the Shaolin Temple in an open and fair manner.

And the high-level officials of Shaolin Temple headed by Xuanci are naturally impossible to turn a blind eye.

Seeing that Qiao Feng was the first to withdraw, Xuan Ci did not pursue, and quickly jumped back to the Shaolin team, looking at Ye Ling with the eminent monks.

"Bold! Who are you, you dare to sneak into my Shaolin! What is your intention!"

Before Xuanci spoke, beside him, Xuanbei, the first seat of the Precepts Hall of the Southern Shaolin Temple, was already shouting at Ye Ling and asking!

"Yes! Who are you? Why did you walk out of my Shaolin Temple?

"Speak quickly! Otherwise, Lao Na will never forgive anyone with the Zen stick in his hand!"

"What exactly did you do inside, why is there no one in the temple reporting it!"

Behind Xuan Bei, a group of monks from the Discipline Hall also questioned Ye Ling in unison.

In the face of the shouting questions from the crowd in Shaolin Temple, Ye Ling did not panic at all.

He walked slowly to the center of the square with the girls, and looked up at Xuan Ci, who was compassionate to everyone.

Ye Ling chuckled lightly, and this was the only way to speak slowly.

"Seventy-two stunts of Shaolin Temple are really good!"


Shaolin seventy-two stunts?!

Ye Ling just finished speaking, not only the people from Shaolin, but thousands of people in the entire square were in uproar!

"What? Seventy-two stunts? Could it be that you entered the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion?!

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Xuanci still didn't understand.

Immediately, Xuanci's complexion changed dramatically, and the original image of a sage monk with kind-hearted eyes disappeared completely.

Instead, it was a terrifying face that was infinitely distorted by anger!

"Everyone in the Precepts Hall! Form up! Take this scorpion with me! 35

Xuanci was furious, shouted loudly, and ordered the dozens of monks in the precepts hall beside him!

"Here! 35

A group of monks from the Discipline Hall listened in unison.

Immediately afterwards, they were holding cooked copper sticks and surrounded Ye Ling and the girls behind him!

Xuanci even brought a group of Great Master monks into the venue, obviously he had already had the intention to kill Ye Ling!

Seeing that the Shaolin people were about to kill, Ye Ling's face was still very calm and calm.

"Fall down.

Only to see Ye Ling raised his head and whispered, the folding fan in his hand tapped three or four times in the void.

After all, when Xuanci and the others were still wondering, the team behind them had already changed.

Sad Crisp Breeze Enhanced Edition! Attack!

Suddenly hearing countless screams from above the square, Xuan Ci, Xuan Bei and the others were startled, and they turned around quickly.

The originally normal disciples of various sects were all slumped to the ground at this time, tears streaming down 610's face, and his expression was unbearably painful!

"I'm going! Here again! What a damn feeling!

Several Beggar Sect players had bitter expressions, but they could only slumped on the ground weakly.

"Why is it poisonous! My blood is spitting out! Does anyone have more medicine, please fill me a bottle!"

A casual player with a pale face, kept sending out distress signals on the communication channel.

"Humph! Xin Hao, I had expected it, and I didn't have anything else in my hand, that is, there was no shortage of medicine!

Although Gao Wan from the Qingcheng faction was also slumped on the ground, there was no panic in his eyes.

Faced with Ye Ling's enhanced version of Sad Crisp Breeze, the players reacted differently.

At the same time, the masters also realized the discomfort in their Dantian, and they all turned pale in shock and exclaimed again and again!

"Ye Ling! You are Ye Ling, right!

"The great half of the Song Dynasty is here, you dare to poison everyone, you are truly a great devil!

"That's right! You, Ye Ling, are the scum of Rivers and Lakes. Rivers and Lakes are righteous, and everyone will be punished!

Although Xuanci and other Shaolin Great Masters were also hit with the enhanced version of Sad Crisp Breeze, they had already managed to keep their bodies stable, and they all shouted at Ye Ling with anger and insults.

When I heard that these monks insulted Ye Ling so casually.

A Zi, who was standing beside Ye Ling, couldn't bear it, she immediately stood up, with her hands on her hips, her almond eyes glared at the group of Shaolin monks on the opposite side.

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