Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 113 Get out! What kind of monk are you pretending to be, Xuanci!

"Why do you bald donkey say that my brother Ling is a big devil?"

"When it comes to indecent shamelessness, you are the uncompromising scum in the Martial Forest! The big devil!

A Zi stood up from the girls without any regard for her feelings, staring at Xuanci and the others in front of them, they were mad.

Xuanci and the others are all Buddhists, how can their tongues compare to such an eccentric A Zi?

Before they could say a few more words, all the Shaolin monks were utterly speechless by A Zi, their faces flushed red.

It took a long time before a Xuanbei stood up and confronted Azi.

“My brother, Master Xuanci, has always been an eminent monk who is admired by the various schools of Rivers and Lakes!35

"You little girl babbles nonsense, you are so careful that you will be punished by God!"

Xuan Bei was angry and shouted at A Zi, but he didn't notice the subtlety in Xuan Ci's eyes.

"Humph! Have your abbots done less bad things?"

"Do you know that one eminent monk has attained Taoism? He has already broken his lust precepts, and his own wife, Ye Erniang, is still indiscriminately killing innocent people on the Rivers and Lakes!"

"Besides that, what happened today? It wasn't because he listened to rumors and indiscriminately led to the tragic death of Qiao Feng and Dage's family outside Yanmen Pass! 35

"Iron evidence is like a mountain! Shaolin Abbot Xuanci is the bastard who is unfaithful and unrighteous, killing civilians in vain but dare not admit it! Big scum!


A Zi's words were like a barrage of cannons, and the explosions sounded in the ears of everyone in the field.

In an instant, everyone was horrified, dumbfounded, and couldn't believe it at all!

"You! You little girl is still talking nonsense! My brother has always been compassionate, when did he break his lust? When did he get involved with that wicked Ye Erniang?!"5

"No matter how much you talk nonsense, even if you are a woman, don't blame the old man for being rude!

Xuan Bei heard the words, but he still didn't believe it when he was surprised, the anger in his eyes became more and more vigorous, and he pointed at A Zi and scolded loudly.


But beside Xuan Bei, Xuan Ci did not say a word.

He neither admitted nor refuted, he just kept on chanting the Buddha's name, with a gloomy and solemn expression on his face.

On one side was A Zi, who had reason and evidence, and on the other side bowed his head and said nothing, refuting the powerless Shaolin people.

Seeing such a scene, the disciples of all sects and countless players on the field were completely dizzy and couldn't figure it out at all.

"I'm going? Shocking melon?! Did Shaolin Abbot play with women? I desperately want to know the answer right now!"

"Ye Sanniang? That name sounds so familiar!

"I still can't remember? The devil, one of the four evil men! She specializes in killing other people's children! Extremely brutal!"

"Hey! If this is true, then Xuanci is still an eminent monk, an executioner!"

"It is still necessary to find out why this little girl said that Master Xuanci and Ye Sanniang were involved, and what the situation is, we still need to confirm!

"Sure! This must be true! Don't you dare to speak without seeing Xuanci? My dear, are the monks playing so much now?"

At the same time, other high-level figures from various parties also reacted differently.

"I didn't expect that this guy Xuanci killed my parents first, and he has done so many bad things over the years, I will definitely kill this scum for the world today!

In the center of the square, Qiao Feng heard A Zi's words.

At the moment of shock, the fists in his hands were already clenched again, and a pair of tiger eyes glared at Xuanci in front of him.

"How could Ye Ling's women know so many secrets from the past?"

"Could it be! 39

On the wheelchair, Wuqing was startled, and there was a sudden realization in his eyes.

"It turns out that this guy was so confident yesterday because he had already grasped Xuanci's handle.

"As soon as such a deadly handle comes out, Xuanci's reputation and the prestige of Southern Shaolin for a hundred years will collapse in an instant!"9

Looking up at Ye Ling behind A Zi, there was a bit more complexity in the ruthless and always cold expression.

"It seems that this kid has been plotting this for a long time, and he actually knows so many Shaolin secrets!"

Looking at Ye Ling from a distance, Hong Qigong's eyes were equally complicated.

Reminds the scene of Ye Ling's confident invitation when he was on Peach Blossom Island.

Hong Qigong couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"How can my Shaolin's century-old reputation allow you, a little girl, to slander me indiscriminately here?

"Tell you, rumors are rumors, you said so much, can you ever get even a single piece of evidence?

Everyone present had mixed reactions.

Only Xuan Bei, who was brother-in-law with Xuan Ci, still kept refuting A Zi.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the field had reached its peak, Ye Ling walked straight to A Zi without saying a word.

Then, in front of the eyes of everyone present, he took out a letter from his arms, and then placed it in front of everyone in Shaolin and the heads of various factions.


When everyone saw what was written on the letter, their expressions changed immediately, and their eyes were full of astonishment.

This letter was the blood letter Ye Ling forced to write before Ye Ling killed Ye Sanniang some time ago.

The above content, terms and conditions, clearly describe how Xuanci met Ye Sanniang, the whole process of breaking the precept and giving birth to a child.

The evidence is like a mountain! It cannot be refuted!

".~ This? This is impossible! This is impossible!"

Seeing the contents of the letter, Xuan Bei instantly froze in place, extremely shocked in his heart, and quickly turned his head to look at his senior brother Xuan Ci.

At this time, Xuanci was silent, not even reciting the Buddha's name, and only counted the rosary in his hand one by one.

Apparently by default!

At this time, Ye Ling did not go to see the Shaolin people.

Instead, holding the blood book, he walked directly to the center of the square. After looking around for a few laps, he started drinking.

"Xiao Yuanshan! Don't you come out and meet?

Ye Ling's voice just fell.

(Wang De's) only heard a burst of equally heroic laughter from the top of the distant mountain.

"Ha ha ha ha!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The laughter came one after another, echoing wave after wave among the mountains.

Just when everyone was surprised, a slightly old figure leaped out and landed firmly on the square.

Everyone present looked up at the figure.

I saw that the figure was an old man.

However, although this old man looks like he is in his forties or fifty years old, his stature is extremely burly, and he must have been tall and straight when he was young.

Wait until the old man turns his head.

A long-bearded Khitan face suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Khitan people?

Come when people are surprised.

However, someone discovered that the face of this old man was seven or eight points similar to that of Qiao Feng not far away!

Immediately, he exclaimed again and again!

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