Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 115 Want to steal your father and me? All to die!

"Xiao Yuanshan! Don't deceive people too much!

"Although my senior brother did ambushed you outside Yanmen Pass, you heard it just now. It was because you misbelieved Murong Bo's rumors and fell into his plan!"

"If you want to talk about the first murderer, my senior brother is definitely not!"

Xuan Bei couldn't bear to see his senior brother being embarrassed by Qiao Feng and his son, and was still defending Xuan Ci non-stop.

"Then, as a monk, he had an affair with a woman and gave birth to a son, how do you say this?

At this time, A Zi, who was on the side, stood up again, and made a naughty face at Xuan Bei.

"This, this is also the woman..."

Xuan Bei's tongue instantly knotted, and when he wanted to speak again, he was stopped by Xuan Ci on the side.

"Junior Brother! That's all!"

"My Shaolin precepts cannot be easily broken, and even if I am an abbot, I cannot be treated specially for this!"

"Xuanbei, tell me, according to the precepts, what kind of punishment should I suffer.-"

What! Brother you!

When Xuan Bei heard the words, he first showed grief and anger on his face, after hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth, and then he spoke slowly.

"According to the Shaolin Precepts, if a disciple kills innocent people indiscriminately, he will be punished for two hundred!

When Xuan Ci heard the words, when his brows were lowered, he nodded,

"In that case, let's do it! 35

After all, Xuanci lay down on the high platform beside him, folded his hands together, and whispered the Buddha's name to himself.


Xuan Bei's eyes were mournful, and he cried out mournfully.

With three hundred sticks, the average master will die immediately.

Although Xuanci is one of the top Great Masters, but he is already very old, if he takes these three hundred sticks for punishment, I am afraid...



Xuan Ci, who was already lying down, didn't care about so much, and when he shouted, his eyes were already closed.

At the same time, Qiao Feng's father and son, the heads of various factions, all present turned their attention to Master Xuanci.

"Disciple of the Discipline Hall! Punishment!

Xuanbei felt bitter in her heart, but she could only be ruthless, causing the disciples behind her to start punishing!


The monk of the Precept Hall had to obey his orders, raised the cooked copper stick in his hand, and attacked Xuanci!

"Wait a minute!

However, at this moment, Ye Ling suddenly spoke up and stopped the monks.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ling turned her head and looked at Xuan Ci with her eyes closed.

"Want to commit suicide with a stick? No way!"

After all, Ye Ling actually clasped Xuanci's head with one claw under the watchful eyes of everyone!

"Ye Ling! What are you doing!

Seeing this scene, Xuan Bei was instantly furious, shouted loudly, and was already attacking Ye Ling.

"Not good! Master Xuanci is in danger!"

And behind Xuan Bei, a group of Shaolin monks changed their expressions one after another, and they also followed closely, killing Ye Ling together!


Seeing all the Shaolin masters coming towards him in unison, Ye Ling snorted coldly, volleyed a little, and with one hand "Shrouding the Heavens" sent all the Shaolin masters flying out.

Afterwards, Ye Ling did not hesitate, and immediately started the Beiming Divine Art, and began to frantically absorb the Internal Energy of Xuanci's whole body!

In the blink of an eye, Xuan Ci, who was originally full of energy, was dying in an instant!

After plundering the Internal Energy all over Xuan Ci's body, Ye Ling's eyes flashed, and then he raised his head to look at Qiao Feng on the opposite side.

"Brother Joe! Aren't you taking revenge?! 35

Ye Ling said a word, and Qiao Feng, who was still very surprised, reacted instantly!

"Okay! This revenge! It's settled today!"

Qiao Feng's eyes widened angrily, and when he shouted loudly, he flew out!

When he saw his hands surging, a few dragon whistles could be heard in the air, and it was the Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms of Beggar Sect!


Only a loud bang was heard.

When everyone on the field looked up, Xuanci was already smashed to pieces by Qiao Feng's palm!

Seeing Xuanci's death, Xiao Yuanshan finally showed a long-lost smile.

Thirty years later, the great revenge has finally been avenged!

"Brother Ye, now Murong Bo and Xuanci are all dead! My great revenge has already been avenged!

"Just now, I discussed it with my father, and I plan to return to the homeland of Khitan, Muma Tianshan, and never bother about Rivers and Lakes!

"Qiao Feng is so grateful for everything today, he can't repay it!"

After killing Xuanci, Qiao Feng got his revenge, and suddenly he felt very happy, cupped fist with both hands, and bowed to Ye Ling.

"Brother Joe is serious!

"The Rivers and Lakes will meet again someday, let's have a glass of wine and say goodbye!

Ye Ling simply nodded, and also returned a salute to Qiao Feng's cupped fist.

"Okay! Then let's stop here!

After all, Qiao Feng and Xiao Yuanshan walked straight out in the direction down the mountain.

...for flowers....

Although the Shaolin and Beggar Sect people were full of resentment, the two masters were already under the joint efforts of Qiao Feng and Ye Ling, and most of the casualties were lost.

Seeing that Qiao Feng was about to leave at this time, no one dared to come out to stop him.

He could only watch helplessly as the figures of Qiao Feng and his son gradually disappeared into the mist.

However, with the departure of Qiao Feng and his son.

The eyes of the remaining masters of various factions on the field were immediately placed on Ye Ling and the girls behind him.

At this time, many people already knew that Ye Ling had robbed the Shaolin Sutra Pavilion, and in addition to the 72 Shaolin stunts, he also had many other top martial arts Cultivation Techniques.

In this way, if you can successfully capture Ye Ling, it will undoubtedly be equivalent to getting rich overnight!

In addition, due to the influence of the title of [Living Demon Lord], these righteous sects were already hostile to Ye Ling.


Coupled with Ye Ling's unscrupulous behavior, it has already made many masters unhappy.

A variety of factors add up.

At this time, seeing Ye Ling hadn't left, the eyes of the masters of each faction instantly turned bad.

"Look! Our head's wink doesn't seem right, does he want to do something to Ye Ling?"

"Not only your head, but the eyes of the masters who seem to be able to move are a little abnormal!

"Nonsense, Ye Ling is the number one devil in the world, as the righteous path, how could we not kill him!

Although the disciples of all sects were unable to move due to the sad and crisp breeze, they were sensitively aware of the wrong atmosphere, and they all whispered in secret.

At the same time, in the player's communication channel, it was natural that something was wrong, and various barrages flew all over the sky instantly.

"My dear, what do these people want to do? Do they want to kill Ye Ling?

"You don't need to ask, these people are almost written on their faces!"

"It's over, it's over, so many Great Masters haven't shot before, Ye Ling is estimated to have sent it now! 35

"Tell this guy to pretend? Don't go with Qiao Feng, it's alright? You're dead!

"Hey! Although I'm usually a fan of Ye Shen, but this lineup, Ye Shen, I will collect your corpse later!"

There was a lot of discussion in the communication channel, but most of the players were not optimistic about Ye Ling at all.

You must know that on the square, there are seven or eight Great Masters who have never been shot, not to mention top Great Masters like Hong Qigong.

Everyone thought that Ye Ling would definitely die! Do it.

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