Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 116 Don't move! Otherwise, you will be wiped out!

As time progresses.

The eyes of the masters became more and more unfriendly, and the discussions between the disciples and players of various factions became more and more intense, and the momentum became more and more massive.

Just when the atmosphere on the court was about to reach its climax.

A voice emanated from the crowd, directly breaking the long-stagnant air above the square.

"Ye Ling! You devil!

"The heroes of all sects are here today, if you don't hurry up, you will be captured!"


Hearing this, Ye Ling and everyone on the court all followed the sound.

I saw the crowd on the left side of the square, and suddenly there were several Daoist shadows.

The leader has curly hair and long beards, and an aquiline nose is very eye-catching.

The big snake flag fluttered in the wind behind him.

It is none other than Ouyang Feng, Ouyang Ke and his son!

"Heroes! This Ye Ling has killed my Daoist soldiers without "sixty-one zeros" since the first battle of Guangmingding! With his tyrannical nature and unscrupulous behavior, he is a first-class demon among Rivers and Lakes. head!"

"Now this guy has robbed the Shaolin Temple again, and killed Master Xuanci indirectly! Everyone said, can we let go of such a demon?!"9

Ouyang Feng walked out of the crowd, put his hands on his back, and spoke to the crowd in a loud voice.

The atmosphere on the field was already very wrong.

When Ouyang Feng said these words, he undoubtedly ignited the fuse directly.

In an instant, countless voices of sympathy and affiliation flooded the sky!

"Yes! You must not let go of the devil Ye Ling! Otherwise, you will definitely raise tigers and bring disaster to the Martial Forest!

"Not bad! Shaolin Baosha was made like this by him, how could he let him go so easily!"

"Everyone, let's join hands, this Ye Ling is powerful, but with so many of us, we can definitely take him down together!"5

"Exorcism Guard! It's today! All of you are ready to join me in slaughtering this beast!

The disciples of all sects were all scolding Ye Ling, and the crowd was agitated.

The major players present also reacted differently.

"My lord, are we Six Doors going to intervene now?

Beside the ruthless, his men in black robed Kuai and asked for instructions.

"No! Look at it first!

"I'm curious, how will this Ye Ling handle this situation!

Shaking his hand ruthlessly, his icy eyes focused on Ye Ling again, and a hint of curiosity flashed across his icy face.

"Master! When did this guy Ouyang Feng become so eager for justice? Wasn't he always selfish before?

Seeing that Ouyang Feng was the first to stand up, Guo Jing was a little puzzled, and hurriedly asked Hong Qigong who was beside him.


Hong Qigong sneered, looking at Ouyang Feng with a bit of disdain in his eyes.

After opening his waist Calabash and taking a sip, Hong Qigong spoke slowly.

"How can an old poison change sex so easily?"

"It's just that I want to contain the power of various factions, to suppress people with power, and I want to get some benefits from that Ye Ling! 35


Hearing this, Guo Jing was shocked and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"If that's the case, what about Rong'er?"


When Hong Qigong next to him heard this, his brows were also slightly wrinkled, and his expression became strange.

"Everyone will see my orders later. Once someone strikes first, they will strike with me! Be sure to avenge the abbot!"

Although Xuan Bei was injured by Ye Ling's pointer, he still stood up and gave orders to the Shaolin monks.

"Disciples obey!

A group of Shaolin monks bowed their heads and took orders, and then they all looked at Ye Ling, who was directly opposite the square!

And at the same time.

On the field, Ye Ling's verbal criticism became more and more enthusiastic, and the momentum became more and more powerful.

Seeing this scene, Ye Ling hadn't spoken yet, but the girls behind him had different reactions.

"A Ling, as the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and everyone on the court is targeting us, why don't we stay away from the edge for a while!"

Dao Baifeng's eyes were a little anxious, he pulled the corner of Ye Ling's clothes, and quickly suggested.

"Yes! Brother Ling! These people are obviously going to take advantage of the fire! Let's go first, and it's not too late to take revenge after a while.

Like a sword and a white phoenix, A Zi, who had long been fascinated by Ye Ling, also had a worried look on her face at this time.

However, among the girls, not everyone was worried about Ye Ling's situation.

For example, Wang Yuyan, Shangguan Haitang, Zhao Min, Huang Rong's children.

Seeing Ye Ling in a dangerous situation, not only did the girls not worry, but there was even a hint of hope in their eyes, as if they saw the possibility of escape...

However, Ye Ling did not panic at all in the face of verbal criticism from the crowd.

Instead, he took a few steps forward very calmly and walked directly across from the crowd.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

With a loud laugh, Ye Ling raised his head, looked at the excited crowd, and then spoke slowly.

"It's no use talking!

"Let's get out of the way now! Or I'll send the poisoned disciples from all sects on the way!


Hearing Ye Ling's words, there was an uproar in the entire square.


"What's the use of killing these ordinary disciples? Do you think this will save you? 35

Facing Ye Ling's threat, Ouyang Feng was not afraid at all.

He brought a few servants with him during this trip. Even if all of them died, he would have nothing to worry about. The big deal would be to buy a few more.

But Ouyang Feng doesn't care about it, it doesn't mean that other high-level officials don't care about it.

When he saw Ye Ling, he actually wanted to use the ordinary disciple as his own force as a threat.

Even if there is a leader, he would not dare to take the life of his disciples as a bet.

After all, the high-end combat power of a sect is very important, and the underlying foundation is also very important.

If ordinary disciples suffered heavy casualties, what difference would that be with exterminating the sect?

Moreover, the example of Ye Ling's extermination star faction is still in sight.

Under the superposition of various circumstances, at this moment, no one dared not believe Ye Ling's threat.

Just a few words from Jane 2.5, the atmosphere on the square that was still full of excitement instantly cooled down.

And in the communication channel at this time, various barrages are flying all over the sky.

"I'm going? Ye Mo is so scary, if we disagree, he wants to use us as a bargaining chip!

"Cry, wow, those masters must not go, I'm still a virgin!

"Ye Mo is really ruthless! There is no hesitation in his tone! It's too ruthless!

"Who came up to catch this guy! That old man who played with snakes, I remember you!""

"It's over, the atmosphere is awkward now, I hope Ye Mo will show mercy!

All the players present panicked.

And around Ye Ling, the heads of the various factions were also fighting against rats, so they had to put away their own weapons first.

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